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“Electrification” has become a ubiquitous term these days, although depending on who you ask, it might have different meanings. However defined, a critical component of electrification as a policy choice to reduce reliance on fossil fuels is the need to fully evaluate both its practicality and the transparency of its cost impacts, particularly as that relates to lower income and middle class families, as well as small business ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | February 2020

SVW has, across its offices, been giving guidance to clients both under English and Norwegian law as to the Coronavirus impact on shipping contracts, including on force majeure and similar exceptions clauses, and contract frustration. Read our recent publication, touching upon these issues. The Covid19 Virus Only two months have passed since the novel coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, China ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2023

The government has today confirmed that it will not be proceeding with the northern leg of the HS2 high-speed rail link, with the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, stating: "Our plan will drive far more growth and opportunity here in the North than a faster train to London ever would." HS2 was never just about getting to London faster though ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | January 2014

As was recently announced, the European Commission has yesterday (22 January 2014) published its proposal for the regulation of unconventional fossil fuels and notably shale gas.  Whereas both legislative and non-legislative options were on the table, the European Commission has chosen to adopt a non-legally binding “Recommendation” rather than a Directive ...

The European Commission's January report on the energy sector competition made uncomfortable reading for the European Union's Council of Energy Ministers, who were presented with it in February and considered its proposals at the EU summit in March.The clear message from the Commission is gas and electricity is too expensive ...

Szecskay Attorneys at Law | October 2016

Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("Regulation") will replace Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("Directive"). The Regulation will be enforced after 25 May 2018, thus, entities are required to prepare for compliance by then ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2019

Currently, 33% of Ireland's Greenhouse Gas emissions are produced as a result of agricultural activities. In order to reduce emissions there must be a change in farming methods; opportunities are also present in the areas of forestry, bioenergy and land-use practices. While reducing emissions, policy in this area must also aim to: Maintain the "green" brand image of Irish food exports abroad ("Origin Green" etc.). Maintain good prices for producers ...

On Friday, June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in  West Virginia v. EPA resolving the seven-year debate over the Environmental Protection Agency’s statutory authority to promulgate the President Obama-era Clean Power Plan (“CPP”). In 2015, the Obama administration promulgated the CPP regulations under the Clean Air Act § 111(d), imposing standards of operation that require a reduction of carbon dioxide from existing coal power plants ...

Morgan & Morgan | June 2020

Civil Aviation Authority: All international flightsshall remain suspended untilJuly 22, 2020. National Immigration Authority: All identifications issued by the National Immigration Authoritythat weredue to expirebetween March 13 and July 31, 2020,willremain validuntilOctober 31, 2020,without incurring in fines or surcharges ...

As of August 7th, 2018, the amendments of the Consumer Protection Law (CPL), which includes for the first time, the consumer protection in the field of electronic commerce (e-commerce), taking that as the contracting process or the goods, services and commercial information trading through data communication webs ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2021

The pandemic has, if nothing else, demonstrated how much more needs to be done in the battle against climate change. Despite the worldwide economic slowdown and travel ban resulting from coronavirus, global carbon dioxide emissions reduced by just 6% (approximately 2.3bn tonnes) in 2020. But both governments and industry are responding to the challenge, however, with a renewed sense of urgency and collaborative spirit ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2018

Scotland is currently home to one of the largest life science clusters in Europe, with more than 700 organisations based here employing some 37,000 people. With 15 universities producing highly skilled graduates; the NHS as a massive single source of patient data; and world leading research centres in life sciences, Scotland attracts some of the brightest international scientists and life science businesses ...

Buchalter | August 2022

August 15, 2022 By: Michael Flynn* Continuing a trend it has been pursuing, the CFPB on Thursday used a non-rulemaking circular (Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2022-04) to state that its UDAAP authority extends its enforcement authority to situations where financial institutions have insufficient data protection or information security. The circular may be found here ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2024

Although artificial intelligence (“AI”) improves how businesses interact with customers, process sales, manage inventory and more, it also heralds new and unique cybersecurity risks. These risks can lead to unprecedented legal liabilities. Companies must understand how AI works, consider how AI is deployed throughout their business structure and take proactive steps to minimize security risks ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2006

Captains of private and commercial yachts (and owners) have civil and criminal law duties most of which are concerned with the safe operation of the vessel. As the captain is regarded in law as being the owner’s agent, he is the person unfortunately on the spot. It is the captain who becomes personally liable in the first instance for any fine imposed on the vessel. Owners or charterers have no legal obligation to compensate him even though the offence may have occurred due to their fault ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2019

The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment of 16 November 2001 (the the “CTC”) and its Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment has since its adaption in 2001 grown to be the overruling legal framework in the aviation industry, providing banks, airlines and leasing companies with an international unified regime on acknowledgement and enforcement of security interests in aircraft ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2015

After eight years of operation, the International Registry established pursuant to the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol (in force in Quebec since April 1, 2013) has undergone a significant update. The Registry’s website has undergone a complete overhaul in two phases, the first of which was launched in September 2013 ...

Is the Marcellus shale that underlies a significant part of western and central Pennsylvania itself a “mineral”? Is Marcellus shale gas the type of natural gas contemplated in prior Pennsylvania case law, or something different? Is the Marcellus shale similar to coal, so that whoever owns the shale owns the gas that is embedded in that shale? In reversing and remanding the decision by the Susquehanna County Court of Common Pleas, a three judge panel of the P

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2010

On October 15, 2010, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEMRE”) issued a final rule that makes mandatory and expands API RP 75, a voluntary industry standard initially promulgated in the 1990s, that addresses the management of safety and environmental risks associated with Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”) operations and facilities ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | September 2020

Key Points Governor Newsom signed a new law establishing Brown Act rules for social media communications. Members of a legislative body may communicate on social media without fear of creating a serial meeting in violation of the Brown Act. Members of a legislative body may not respond directly on social media to other members of the same legislative body. On Sept.18, 2020, Governor Newson signed Assembly Bill (AB) 992 into law ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2012

On April 4, 2012 the British COlumbia Supreme Court rendered its decision in the case NESKONLITH INDIAN BAND V. SALMON ARM (CITY)1 and the therein confirmed that municipals have no duty to consult and accommodate aboriginal peoples.   The Court based its decision on the Supreme Court judgments in Haida2 and Rio Tinto3 as well as decisions of the British Columbia courts and established three main principles ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

On June 27, 2012, the British Columbia court of appeal issued its highly anticipated decision in the case WILLIAM V. BRITISH COLUMBIA ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

Given the pace of change over recent months it seems a cliché to say we’ve had an eventful couple of weeks for AI, but just a week on from the UK's AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, which followed hot on the heels of a sweeping executive order on AI from the Biden administration, it is worth reflecting on where the events of the last 10 days or so leave us in terms of prospective regulation of AI ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | January 2021

Background BIMCO has circulated a Consultation Draft of a new Ship Sale Agreement (the «SSA»). For some time now, there has been a predominant standard form of vessel sale. With its origins back to 1925, developed by the Norwegian Shipbrokers’ Association and available through Bimco, it is still referred to as the Norwegian Saleform (or NSF) despite its recent rebranding as «Saleform 2012» ...
