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Lavery Lawyers | October 2020

  The COVID-19 pandemic has been not only causing major social upheaval but disrupting business development and the economy as well. Nevertheless, since last March, we have seen many developments and new projects involving self-driving vehicles (SDV). Here is an overview ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2024

Last week, Shoosmiths hosted an event with leading industry body,  Regen on REMA, The UK’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements. During this event we heard directly from representatives from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, debating the most important issues for the clean energy sector to consider and discuss the key options for reform with leading developers and investors ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2024

Last month, Shoosmiths hosted a second event with leading industry body,  Regen on REMA, The UK’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements – Second Consultation, which closed [this week ]. The event featured insights from Dan Osgood, the director of energy markets and analysis at Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, as well as a number of expert panel discussions around the key parts of the consultation ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2023

Two months ago, we published an article speculating how the UK government may look to regulate generative AI such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, as part of its broader approach to AI regulation in the UK. On 29 March 2023, the government unveiled its White Paper entitled ‘A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation’ ...

Is Coronavirus the Great Leveller? When the novel coronavirus first started spreading like wildfire, people called it the “great leveller”. No respecter of status or economic background, Covid-19 affected people at all strata, from housemaids to Hollywood royalty; peons to prime ministers. Tom Hanks, Boris Johnson and an aide to US Vice President Mike Pence all contracted it ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2018

Many California courts, politicians and regulators seem intent on attacking trucking and transportation companies. The California Supreme Court‘s, Dynamex Operations West Inc. v. Superior Court (Case No. S222732) decision is the latest example of this assault on the industry ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2020

The Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries has adopted a new regulation exempting the transport sector from the prohibition in Section 10 of the Norwegian Competition Act; cf. FOR-2020-03-18-340. Section 10 is the national equivalent to Article 101 TFEU and 53 EEA. The new rules are set to apply for three months but may be prolonged or shortened, depending on how the ongoing covid-19 pandemic evolves ...

Atsumi & Sakai | July 2020

In Japan, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) is the primary law that regulates data protection issues ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2021

In the 1940s writer and futurologist Isaac Asimov laid down his Three Laws of Robotics. We say it’s time for lawyers to do the same. A flourishing future is ours for the taking, provided we know how to grasp it. At Shoosmiths, we’ve been working on future-facing projects for a good few years now ...

Karanovic & Partners | July 2017

Two and a half years after the expiry of the deadline for the implementation of the Third Energy Package, the Macedonian authorities seem eager to finalise this process in the near future. The new draft legislation has been in the pipeline for quite some time, but until now its adoption was postponed due to different reasons ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2015

In an opinion that should give pause to mineral lessors, the Texas Supreme Court revisited the scope of the duty that an executive rights holder owes a non-executive, holding that a lessor’s negotiation of an above-market bonus (for itself) and below-market royalty (shared with the non-executive) may give rise to liability to the non-executive.KCM Financial LLC v. Bradshaw, No. 13-0199, 2015 Tex. LEXIS 220, --- S.W.3d --- (Tex. Mar. 6, 2015) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2022

As 2022 draws to a close we are provided with an opportunity to reflect on what has been and what is still yet to come. The UK tech sector has grown substantially since Brexit took effect in 2020, the real effects having been masked until now by the ensuing global pandemic. It has only really been in 2022 that the business community has been able to properly see the opportunities, and the challenges, that the sector faces ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2010

On June 28, 2010, the United States Supreme Court announced its decision on Bilski v. Kappos regarding what inventions are eligible for patent protection. The decision affirms that business methods are patentable, although the specific business methods at the center of the case are not. While stating that no single test governs the issue, the Court approved of the use of the “machine-or-transformation test” that the Federal Circuit had distilled from earlier Supreme Court cases ...

Captive power generation in the Indian solar sector is, literally, a hotbed of policy and regulatory contradiction. While the Electricity Act, 2003 (“Act”) incentivises captive power generation, losing lucrative industrial and commercial customers to captive power consumption is a deeply unpopular outcome for our financially beleaguered state power distribution and transmission companies which rely on high industrial tariffs paid by such customers ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2017

In a significant victory for Dinsmore’s attorneys and their clients, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia upheld the continuing viability of subjacent support waivers in coal severance deeds in West Virginia. A copy of the decision, released Nov. 16, 2017, is available here. These were consolidated appeals that required the Court to interpret various provisions of the West Virginia Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act (WVSCMRA) ...

In a unanimous opinion authored by Justice Sotomayor, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to redefine preclusion, reversing the Second Circuit’s decision in trademark dispute Lucky Brand Dungarees Inc. v. Marcel Fashion Group Inc. The Second Circuit’s opinion had attempted to expand res judicata beyond the well-recognized issue preclusion and claim preclusion, creating a new category it called “defense preclusion ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2012

The Supreme Court of Canada confirms that only those modern practices that maintain a reasonable degree of continuity with the practices, customs or traditions that were integral to an Aboriginal group’s pre-contact dist inctive culture will be protected as an Aboriginal right under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.  On November 10, 2011, in the case of Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band v ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2005

In December 2004 and more recently in March 2005, the Superior Court rendered three significant judgments respecting motions for authorization to institute class actions. In the first case, Bouchard v. Laiterie et Boulangerie Parmalat Inc.1, the motion was denied for the absence of interest and of rights of the applicant. In the second case, Citoyens pour une qualité de vie v. Aéroports de Montréal2, the motion was denied for lack of identical, similar or related questions of law or fact ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2011

The Supreme Court ruled last week in Microsoft Corporation v. i4i Limited Partnership that “clear and convincing evidence” is still the standard of proof required to invalidate a patent. Section 282 of the Patent Act states that “a patent shall be presumed valid” and that “[t]he burden of establishing invalidity of a patent or any claim thereof shall rest on the party asserting such invalidity ...

On July 2, 2012, the North Carolina Senate and House of Representatives voted to override Governor Perdue’s veto of Senate Bill 820, known as the Clean Energy and Economic Security Act (the “Act”), legalizing hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling within the State but delaying permitting until the General Assembly takes additional legislative action to allow it ...

Despite being home to the first natural gas well in the United States, the State of New York has prohibited the use of hydraulic fracturing within its borders. Since the election of Governor Andrew Cuomo, the question in the oil and gas industry is whether he will lift the ban. Shortly after his election, Governor Cuomo tasked the Department of Environmental Conservation with drafting rules to allow for hydraulic fracturing ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2019

On 7 August 2019 a new UN convention was signed in Singapore by 46 countries, the "UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation", also known as the Singapore Convention. The Singapore Convention applies to international settlement agreements resulting from mediation and aims to be an instrument for international trade to facilitate and promote mediation as an alternative method of resolving trade disputes ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

Episode 7 of the Journey Through a Contract series highlights the key considerations when a business is entering into a contract with a consumer. Felicity Forward, Ayesha Chandegra and Joel Murphie provide guidance on how to identify a consumer contract, what additional protections consumers have and how the law is set to enhance consumer rights through the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill.    Listen to the podcast and send us your feedback to [email protected] ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | August 2018

I COMMERCIAL OVERVIEW OF THE SHIPPING INDUSTRY With Ireland having the European Union’s third-largest ocean area, the Irish government plans to double the state’s ocean wealth by 2030 and, in the interim, make Ireland an attractive location for international shipping activities. The changes brought about by Brexit may help to enhance Ireland’s position further in the maritime sphere ...
