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Buchalter | July 2020

  The State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”) released a draft of its General Waste Discharge Requirements for Winery Process Water (“Draft WDR”) on July 3, 2020 for public comment. Comments will be accepted by the SWRCB until August 5, 2020. California wineries should review the Draft Order carefully to determine whether they will be subject to its requirements and, if so, how it will impact their operations ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2020

Thousands of denied claims and hundreds of lawsuits pending around the country are testament to the fact that business interruption coverage for losses sustained during the COVID-19 pandemic depends on the existence of “physical loss or damage ...

On July 4, Board of Directors Resolution No. 00010-2020-OEFA/CD adopted the Regulation of the Electronic Box System of the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA), regulating, among other aspects, the following: Mandatory use of the electronic box system to take notice of administrative acts and proceedings issued by the OEFA ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | July 2020

Key Points The Third Appellate District in Stanford Vina Ranch Irrigation Co. v. State found that the State Board could promulgate emergency drought regulations and issue curtailment orders necessary to protect threatened fish ...

To the average person, what constitutes an “accident” is likely clear. If someone trips and falls—in most instances, it would be considered an accident. If someone bumps her head getting out of a car—it’s probably just an accident. And if someone were to drop something heavy onto his foot—it would likely be deemed a careless accident ...

PLMJ | June 2020

Introduction and background The “Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth” was published by the European Commission on 8 March 2018 and it established a financing strategy to redirect capital flows towards sustainable investment ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2020

We are seeing an increase in the use of warranty and indemnity insurance (W&I) on transactions, which is a theme we expect to continue as buyers target companies that are in financial distress in the wake of Covid-19. W&I has become commonplace in the UK M&A market as a way to ‘bridge the gap’ between buyer and seller when allocating risk ...

Buchalter | June 2020

On June 22, 2020, a US District Court for the Eastern District of California issued a permanent injunction against requiring a Proposition 65 warning on the labels of herbicides containing glyphosate, such as Roundup.  In National Association of Wheat Growers, et al. v ...

Carey | June 2020

Due to the reduction to the minimum necessary staff that works in mining operations and, consequently, to the reduction of their capacity to react in the event of incidents or operational accidents,a guide for preparing contingency plans with measures to prevent these risks was approved. (Guide: Exempt Resolution No ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points The third Golden Door iteration resulted in a common refrain: San Diego County has not yet reached the high bar for greenhouse gas mitigation (GHG) measures under CEQA Enforceability is a significant component of a CEQA compliant GHG mitigation measure In a nod to the recently approved Newhall Ranch plan, the Court of Appeal outlined the contours of acceptable carbon offset programs, both within and outside California In Golden Door Properties, LLC, v ...

Carey | June 2020

The National Energy Commission (“NEC”) issued on May 29, 2020 the Exempt Resolution No. 176 (“NEC ER 176”) that determines the scope on the exclusive business purpose and separate accountings of energy distribution companies, for the provision of the energy distribution public service according to what was set in Law No. 21,194. The NEC ER 176 was published in the Official Gazette on June 9, 2020 ...

Carey | June 2020

On June 11, 2020, Resolution No. 29/2020 (“RES 29”) of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (“CORFO”), which approved the regulations that will govern the “Green Credit” program, was published in the Official Gazette. The RES 29 aims to endorse the investment in renewable energy projects during the economic contingency arising post Covid-19. ( ...

Wardynski & Partners | June 2020

The unstable economic situation connected with the COVID-19 pandemic is also impacting the insurance industry. Dependent on global phenomena and trends, the insurance market will soon have to face anew economic reality, develop appropriate solutions for clients, and prepare to defend against claims ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2020

Incorporating climate reporting into new, post-COVID-19, strategies will not only help achieve net zero targets but early adopters will be at the forefront of gaining valuable expertise, market resilience and better returns. There has been much discussion about the economic model for the global effects of COVID-19 and for our transition out the other side ...

Carey | June 2020

On April 6, 2020, Law No. 21,227 entered into effect, authorizing access to the benefits of the unemployment insurance in the context of the sanitary crisis caused by Covid-19 (hereinafter, the “Law on Employment Protection” or “LEP”). In order to improve the practical application and implementation of the aforementioned act, on June 1, 2020, Law No ...

The purpose of this special report (the “Report”) is to inform the legal considerations and initial impacts that may affect the operation of a business as a result of the state of emergency for fourteen (14) days from March 16, 2020 (the “State of Emergency”) declared through Supreme Decree No ...

Carey | June 2020

The Commission for the Financial Market (“ CMF ”), on May 28, 2020, has issued the Official Letter No. 22,260 (the “ Official Letter ”) in response to the pronouncement request sent by the Treasury Minister of the Chilean Government, Mr Ignacio Briones Rojas, to clarify the scope of the enforcement and the effects of the new article 30 of Law No. 21,227, which empowers the access to the unemployment insurance benefits provided in Law No ...

  "Earnings for North American coal miners may plunge by more than half this year as the coronavirus pandemic makes a weak market even worse, according to Moody’s Investors Service."   Why this is important: The COVID-19 outbreak continues to wreak havoc with U.S. coal companies as the outbreak has exacerbated an already weak coal market. Moody’s Investors Service has just announced it expects U.S. coal production to drop 25 percent this year ...

  Do I have a COVID-19 business interruption claim? Particularly if you operate in the leisure, retail or hospitality sectors, your business has likely suffered significant financial losses from the disruption caused by COVID-19. In trying to alleviate the impact of those losses, you might have identified that your business’s insurance policy offered cover for ‘business interruption’ (or ‘BI’) ...

On May 29th, 2020 the Energy Regulatory Commission (“ CRE ”) published in the Federal Official Gazette an administrative resolution declaring the extension of the suspension of all terms and proceedings before such authority from June 01st, 2020 until the sanitary authorities determine that there are no epidemiologic risks related to the gradual, careful and organized opening of the federal public administration activities ...

Veirano Advogados | June 2020

On June 2, 2020, Resolution No. 36 was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which the National Mining Agency ("ANM") has changed Resolution No. 28/2020, which suspended the deadlines of certain procedural and material acts under its competence, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic ...

As corporate policyholders continue to submit claims to their insurers for business interruption and related losses sustained from the COVID-19 pandemic, insurers appear to be denying such claims routinely where the policies at issue contain exclusionary language specific to viruses — whether in stand-alone virus exclusions or other types of exclusions ...

Brigard Urrutia | May 2020

As a complement to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection guide for the reduction of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the Energy and mining industry, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) together with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Joint Memorandum 01 of 2020 (the “Memorandum”) ...

Business interruption insurance claims related to the COVID-19 pandemic have raised numerous questions for practitioners, businesses, and insurers ...
