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As projects become more and more complicated, owners often look to simplify the building process by hiring  a single firm to handle both design and construction. This is perfectly legal and commonly known as the “design-build” delivery method.  A design-build project has many advantages. There is only one point of contact for the owner to manage ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2021

Housing Highlights Throughout California, most single-family zoned parcels may now be split into two lots, with up to four primary residences. Density bonus applications may no longer be rejected if a proposed waiver of development standards will cause specific adverse impacts on the physical environment. Developers’ ability to lock in development standards under SB 330 and the Housing Accountability Act has been extended from 2025 to 2030 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

Our homes have evolved in the last 18 months. They have become a bit more “mixed use” - school, office, gym, doctors’ surgery and even kitchen disco. The enforced focus on the use of our homes during the pandemic - particularly their inadequacies, together with the flexibility that working from anywhere has brought - has created unprecedented demand to move house and / or relocate ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2021

The Fit for 55-package To achieve EU’s Paris climate goals, the EU Commission presented in December 2019 the European Green Deal, including a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels) and become carbon neutral by 2050 ...

Toppan Holdings Limited and Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Limited v Simply Construct (UK) LLP In the case of Toppan Holdings Limited (“Toppan”) and Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Limited (“Abbey”) v Simply Construct (UK) LLP (“Simply”) the TCC held that a collateral warranty between Abbey and Simply was not a construction contract and therefore Abbey could not enforce an adjudication between the parties ...

Kudun and Partners | October 2021

It is apparent that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on every business sector. Above all, the hospitality industry has taken the hardest hit, as tourism is its primary source of revenue.  Due to a lack of financial liquidity and growing expenditure, it is not an overstatement to predict that real estate owners in the hospitality sector would be compelled to sell their operating assets potentially at an unfavorable price in order to survive during this challenging time ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

Ships, Spitfires and Shoosmiths’ Solent planning team, Southampton is home to them all. Previously known as ‘The Gateway to the World’, for years people have visited Southampton to reach distant and exotic locations. As one of England’s foremost commercial ports, Southampton has a unique cultural heritage, a thriving commercial centre, and a bright future ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | October 2021

In late September, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance continued signaling the increased importance of ESG initiatives in its mission by publishing a sample comment letter similar to what it may provide to issuers when reviewing their filings ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

“... an adjudicator should think very carefully before ruling out a defence merely because there was no mention of it in the claiming party’s notice of adjudication. That is only common sense: it would be absurd if the claiming party could, through some devious bit of drafting, put beyond the scope of the adjudication the defending party’s otherwise legitimate defence to the claim ...

  The Technology and Construction Court in Downs Road Development LLP v Laxmanbhai Construction (UK) Ltd [2021] EWHC 2441 (TCC) held that an Adjudicator’s decision not to consider a line of defence was a breach of natural justice and was not enforceable, nor could part of the decision be severed. The case also contained interesting commentary as to the ‘intent’ behind the issuing of a payment notice, and how this may affect the validity of the notice ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2021

Particular issues may beset a sale of land between developer and Registered Provider but, by forecasting ahead, costs and delays can be avoided. As the demand for housing increases, so too will expected proportions of affordable housing provided as part of any development. Often the easiest way to provide on-site affordable housing is by bringing a Registered Provider (RP) on board. The RP might buy ready built plots or the land itself on which it will build ...

DFDL | September 2021

Following our recent update on the due date of 30 September 2021 for the declaration and payment of the 2021 Immovable Property Tax (“TOIP“) and Unused Land Tax we would like to inform our readers that on the 28th of September 2021 the General Department of Taxation (“GDT“) issued Notification 16160 which has provided an extension on the deadline of the declaration and payment tax of TOIP for 2021 until 31 October 2021 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2021

Developments on hold, trips to the High Court, nutrient credit schemes... Ever since a European Court of Justice ruling in November 2018, being nitrate neutral has caused headaches and blockages for developers and planners. Shoosmiths partnered with Planning magazine on a virtual roundtable discussion which examined nitrate / nutrient neutrality, the rules and how developers and authorities can work within them to deliver the right kind of development ...

DFDL | September 2021

Another wave of COVID-19 has spread across Thailand and is raising understandable concerns and generating uncertainty among the business community. This series of infographics will guide you on the key measures and best practices to help you mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on your business ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2021

This week the government has published the draft legislation for the residential property developer tax (“RPDT”) for technical consultation.    RPDT is a new tax, intended to be imposed on companies carrying out residential property development from 1 April 2022, and described by the government as being introduced “to ensure that the largest developers make a fair contribution to help fund the government’s cladding remediation costs” ...

Deacons | September 2021

The recent judgment in Kinli Civil Engineering Ltd v Geotech Engineering Ltd, HCA 2141/2020, is a reminder of the importance of choosing words carefully when drafting an arbitration clause, to ensure that it reflects the parties’ intentions as to how any disputes that may arise are to be resolved.      Background The proceedings were instituted by the Plaintiff (K) against the Defendant (G) for sums, said to be due under a contract between them (Contract) ...

Deacons | September 2021

In Perpetual Wealth (Hong Kong) Ltd v Be Solutions Company Ltd, HCA 1905/2018, the Court emphasised that for construction cases, the starting point for expert directions is that single joint expert (SJE) evidence is preferred, as it assists to narrow the scope of the issues in dispute, shortens the trial, facilitates settlement of issues and often leads to global settlement of the action ...

By Board Resolution Nº 368-2021-MINEM/DGH and Board Resolution Nº 369-2021-MINEM/DGH, published on September 21, 2021 in the Official Gazette “El Peruano”, the drafts of the “Operating Procedure for the electronic market of the auctions for the transfer of natural gas supply volume and/or transport capacity (MECAP)” (“MECAP Operating Procedure“) and of the “Operating Procedure for the Transfer of Information in the Natural Gas Market&rd

Hanson Bridgett LLP | September 2021

Water and wastewater agencies gained an important new protection from lawsuits challenging their rates on Wednesday, when Governor Newsom signed SB 323 (Caballero). For water or sewer service fees or charges adopted after January 1, 2022, this new law requires any lawsuits challenging those fees or charges to be commenced within 120 days of the effective date ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2021

Commercial real estate professionals live in a world where single-asset entities (SAEs) are ubiquitous. In this respect, the niche market of HUD-affiliated health care facilities follows suit. Skilled nursing or assisted living facility owners seeking HUD-insured financing and the operators overseeing day-to-day functions at those facilities generally need to be SAEs to participate in the HUD programs ...

Carey | September 2021

Decree No 131 of the Ministry of Public Works, published in the Official Gazette on September 15, 2021 (the "Decree No 131"), comes to amend DS No 50 / 2015 (the "Decree No 50"), Regulation of Article 295 paragraph 2° of the Water Code, which establishes technical conditions to be met in the design, construction and operation of hydraulic works of Article 294, consisting, among others, in dams or reservoirs with a capacity greater than 50 thousand m3 or whose wall is more than 5 mete

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2021

The UK government’s Hydrogen Strategy, published in August 2021, confirms that developing a thriving low carbon hydrogen sector in the UK is a key plank of the government’s plan to build back better with a cleaner, greener energy system ...
