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ENSafrica | October 2012

Newbuilding contracts: When does title in the ship pass from the shipbuilder to the shipowner? Can the parties agree to change when title will pass? Usually shipbuilding contracts are negotiated on standard forms such as the SAJ form produced by the Shipbuilders’ Association of Japan and the AWES form produced by the Association of European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2012

The State of North Carolina recently put into place policies to help encourage brownfields redevelopment. These policies respond to cuts in federal funding to states for brownfields programs while encouraging brownfield redevelopment projects. Though fees for the development of brownfield agreements have increased, programs have been developed to aid the marketing of brownfield properties in an effort to help fast track brownfield projects ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

DUE DILIGENCE IN LEASING: It is fairly common and in fact recommended, to proceed with a due diligence review of a property before its acquisition. At a minimum, title to the property is confirmed through a title search review. Often times, a much more thorough review is completed. Matters such as zoning and other legal compliance are reviewed together with the status of realty taxes owing as well as a physical and environmental inspection ...

ENSafrica | September 2012

Readers familiar with South Africa’s associated ship arrest provisions will recall that in terms of sections 3(6) and (7) of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act No. 105 of 1983, a ship, other than the one in respect of which the relevant maritime claim arose, may be arrested to enforce the claim or to obtain security for it ...

PLMJ | July 2012

The real estate sector is among the most important in Mozambique and enjoys incentives from the State. Access to land is crucial to investment in this sector.As land in Mozambique is the property of the State and, for this reason, cannot be sold, mortgaged or charged, besides occupation, the only vehicles the law provides for access to land are the right to use and benefit from land - Direito de Uso and Aproveitamento da Terra  “DUAT”) or Special Licences ...

Delphi | June 2012

When a company acquires a minority share in a competing company, legal issues concerning price-fixing, market sharing, exchange of information etc. may arise if the companies in question do not continue to regard each other as competitors. This situation has recently been tried in a judgment from the Stockholm District Court where the coach tour operators, Scandorama and Ölvemarks were ordered to pay fines of SEK 6.8 million and SEK 4.6 million respectively ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2012

A commercial lease does not end on the sole basis that the lessee declares bankruptcy; to the contrary, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”) provides that the property of the bankrupt, including the lease, is vested in the trustee. In fact, the terms of the lease are what make it possible for the lessor to terminate the lease should the lessee declare bankruptcy ...

Florida transportation officials and the private sector have fine-tuned a financing structure that allows the state to use private-sector financing to advance projects to build roads and bridges and fulfill other essential infrastructure needs.  The timing is right. The infrastructure of Florida, like the rest of America, is in critical need of maintenance and overhaul ...

The Czech Customs Authority announced that Croatia and Turkey will accede to the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure between EU Member States and EFTA countries (the “Convention”) as of 1 July 2012. As a result, the forms listed in the supplements to the Convention are to change. The Czech Customs Authority adds, however, that the currently applicable forms shall continue to be in force and effect at least until 30 June 2013 ...

In January, the Secretary of State for Transport announced the project for the construction of HS2, a second high speed rail network.  It is to be constructed in two phases forming a “Y” shape: the first phase between London and Birmingham and the second from Birmingham, to Manchester and to Leeds.  Phase 1 will link to Europe via the high speed rail line in London, HS1 and the Channel Tunnel ...

Morgan & Morgan | March 2012

The Maritime Labor Convention of 2006 is an instrument that contains an approximate of 70 different provisions on labor-related matters in the maritime industry, which was approved by the International Labor Organization (ILO), in view of the absence of minimum standards that offered labor security and decent living conditions to the seafarers.  The Maritime Labor Convention is expected to take effect before the end of 2013 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | March 2012

The Government issued Law No. 2 of 2012 on Land Procurement for The Public Interest (“Law”) on 14 January 2012. The Law does not revoke Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2005 (as amended). Accordingly, the former Presidential Regulation remains valid as long as they do not contradict the Law. The Law sets out clear procedures for acquiring plots of land for public purposes and therefore is intended to provide legal certainty and expedite the acquisition process ...

Karanovic & Partners | February 2012

Serbia - Delays in Issuance of Regulations Necessary for Implementation of the New Energy Law As we reported back in August 2011[1], the Serbian Parliament adopted the new Energy Law in July 2011 introducing very important changes in the area of renewable energy sources (RES) ...

Article 41 of the Queretaro Treasury Law for Municipalities regulates the procedure to calculate the real estate tax and providesan annual rate based on the following criteria: Under such Article, the municipalities will determine which of the two rates may apply each year, incorporating the relevant rateto their respective Revenue Law ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2012

<table border="0" width="780" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>To date, under Panama law (and ever since 1917<a name="_ftnref1"></a><a href="wsg_admin14 ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2011

The Breach of a Promise to Purchase – Liability of the Third Party Purchaser - The sale of real estate assets usually starts with a preliminary contract, more specifically, a promise to purchase signed by the seller and the purchaser, which sets out most of the terms and conditions of the deed of sale to be entered into. However, it may happen that an owner will go back on his word and choose to sell to a third party whose offer for the assets is more favourable ...

Szecskay Attorneys at Law | November 2011

Under the Hungarian Civil Code, neighbours are required to refrain from any conduct that would needlessly disturb others, especially their neighbours, or jeopardize the exercise of their rights. Well-established judicial practice lies behind the above-cited provision of the Civil Code, the most important features of which we briefly summarize in the following ...

Many commercial property owners and occupiers whose businesses have been destroyed or impacted during this summer's riots are just beginning to come to terms with the true cost of the damage caused.  A number of individuals whose homes have been affected also face the severity of the impact ...

AELEX | September 2011

bold">This paper considers the recent developments in Nigerian Ship Arrest Law.  The Admiralty Jurisdiction Procedure Rules (AJPR) 2011 for the Federal High Court of Nigeria (FHC), and its effect on ship arrest practice. bold">The new AJPR 2011 (the New Rules) was made by the Chief Judge of the FHC(CJF) 1 on 1st March 2011 and came into force on 14th March 2011 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2011

On 1 October 2011 changes to the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 will come into force. The changes will apply to any construction contract entered into on or after that date. Construction contracts entered into before this date will continue to be governed by the old rules ...

MinterEllison | July 2011

When things go wrong in a construction project, multiparty contractual relationships almost inevitably increase the difficulty of achieving a negotiated settlement. On the other hand, the motivations for settlement may remain strong, often in the hope of avoiding significant legal costs, saving time and preserving existing business relationships ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2011

These Regulations transpose the EU Directive 2008/101/EC ("the Aviation Directive") which extends the EU Emissions Trading Scheme ("ETS") to aviation activities. The previous 2009 Regulations [S.I. No. 274 of 2009], which partially transposed the Aviation Directive, are revoked. All flights arriving at and departing from EU airports will be included in the ETS from 2012 ...

GrahamThompson | June 2011

Market Overview As the timeshare market continues to recover from the dramatic contraction of the tourism industry and overall decline in consumer discretionary spending, Western Reserve believes a “dose of equity” is needed to aid this recovery and recapitalize this highly leveraged industry Significant consolidation is expected among smaller private operators, which do not possess critical mass to pursue public equity and are too small

Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2011

On May 11, 2011, the Supreme Court of Canada released its reasons for judgment in Sharbern Holding Inc. v. Vancouver Airport Centre Ltd, 2011 SCC 23. While the case was decided under the now repealed Real Estate Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 397, the findings are nonetheless of interest to real estate developers governed by the Real Estate Development Marketing Act, S.B.C. 2004, c. 41 (“REDMA”) ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2011

Latest news on Italian Investment Funds: Italian Government withdraws proposed regulatory changes affecting real estate and private estate equity funds and adopts new taxation scheme for investors in real estate funds ...
