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Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2014

On September 9, 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the inaugural “Purple Book,” a list of approved or “licensed” biological products, including all biosimilar and interchangeable biological products. The Purple Book is more formally known as “Lists of Licensed Biological Products with Reference Product Exclusivity and Biosimilarity or Interchangeability Evaluations.” The Purple Book is meant, at a fundamental level, to be the biological equivalent of the “Orange Book ...

On October 3, 2014 the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (“OIG”), released a proposed rule to add new safe harbors to the Anti-Kickback Statute (“AKS”) and to amend the definition of “remuneration” in the Civil Monetary Penalties (“CMP”) regulations.  The OIG additionally solicited comments on same which must be submitted no later than 5 pm EST on December 2, 2014 ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2014

On October 3, 2014, the Supreme Court of Canada, by a majority decision of 5 to 4,1 confirmed that a disposition ordering the treatment of an accused who is found unfit to stand trial requires the prior consent of the designated hospital to all the terms of the disposition order, inclusive of the date on which the treatment is to begin ...

Wardynski & Partners | September 2014

The Energy Law is to permit industrial users to obtain certificates of origin and present them for redemption for only a portion of the electricity they purchase. But the future of this support mechanism has been called into question. The rule introduced by the 26 July 2013 act amending Poland’s Energy Law limits the obligation imposed on industrial users to support the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) and high-efficiency cogeneration (CHP) ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2014

In an unanimous decision dated September 4, 20141 , the Court of Appeal confirmed that the 45-day time limit under the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services2 (ARHSSS) to allow the medical examiner and the local service quality and complaints commissioner to process a user complaint is not mandatory but rather serves to indicate that the Legislator intends the complaint to be diligently processed ...

Waller | September 2014

 On January 25, 2013, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published its final HIPAA omnibus rule (“Omnibus Rule”) aimed at strengthening the privacy and security protections for health information ...

ENSafrica | August 2014

The draft regulations for OTC derivatives have been released, which means that change is in the air. The government is stepping forward into unchartered territory and is set to regulate an area which has never been regulated before. Following our recent breaking news on the draft regulations, ENSafrica will, over the coming weeks and months, unpack the regulations for you, highlighting all the essentials. What follows is a sneak peak at affected areas and a snapshot of the bigger picture ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2014

On July 16, 2014, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed that a “health care provider can bring the Medicare Secondary Payer Act’s (“MSP’s”) private cause of action against a non-group health plan that denies coverage for a reason besides Medicare eligibility.” In Michigan Spine & Brain Surgeons, PLLC v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., the Court clarified a key holding in its prior decision in Bio-Medical Applications of Tennessee, Inc. v ...

ENSafrica | July 2014

Food labelling in SA was given a much needed overhaul in 2011 with the introduction of new regulations relating to the labelling and advertising of foodstuffs, replacing outdated seventies-era regulations ...

Wardynski & Partners | July 2014

New technology is most often associated with telecommunications, IT or robotics. Food is seen as a group of products in which innovation is little important, because it is believed that consumers are mostly concerned with prices and quality, but not innovations. However, the dynamic growth in market share of functional foods calls for a critical review of myths that have arisen around R&D projects in the food sector ...

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Hatch-Waxman Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).  Considered to be one of the most successful pieces of legislation ever enacted, the Hatch-Waxman Amendments created the modern generic drug industry, which is responsible for dramatically increasing the availabilty of low-cost generic drugs and saving the U.S. healthcare system billions of dollars ...

Delphi | June 2014

The high cost threshold system or public procurement: The Swedish pharmaceutical subsidy system is based on a high cost threshold system for consumer products such as prescription medicines sold to end consumers via pharmacies. The relatively generous system also includes some medical devices; certain consumption articles prescribed for self-care use are included, as these in practice for the patient are considered to fulfill a similar function to prescription medicines ...

For the purpose of reducing the time of creation of new companies and helping medium-sized and small companies in their organization, the Ministry of Economy (Mineco) submitted a proposal to make modifications to the Mercantile Register. Such modifications include changes in tariffs, online inquiries concerning the names of companies, reduction of terms and improvements in procedures ...

LabMD, Inc. renewed its argument that the FTC lacks authority to regulate the data security practices of HIPAA covered entities by appealing the dismissal of its case for lack of jurisdiction (see our coverage here) to the Eleventh Circuit. LabMD also filed an emergency motion seeking expedited briefing and requesting an order enjoining the administrative proceedings until the appellate court rules on the merits of its argument ...

For the second time this year, the Constitutional Tribunal has considered a challenge to the court fees for appeals against rulings by the National Appeals Chamber in public procurement cases. The maximum fee of PLN 5 million was held to be disproportionately high. Earlier this year, in Case No. SK 25/11 (14 January 2014), Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal upheld the constitutionality of one aspect of Art ...

The healthcare industry will have to wait for a court to answer the question of whether the United States Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) has authority to regulate data security practices of entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).  On Monday, a federal district judge dismissed LabMD, Inc.’s case without reaching the merits, declining to disrupt the underlying administrative proceeding ...

Delphi | May 2014

Regional governments in Sweden are increasingly looking to leverage their purchasing power in order to secure discounts and rebates on the list prices of branded drugs.  However, as noted by Elizabeth Eklund, Partner at leading commercial law firm Delphi, such agreements risk running foul of both Swedish and European Union (EU) law ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2014

On April 1, 2014, the Superior Court issued an interesting decision respecting consent to care1. The Quebec City CHU petitioned the Superior Court in order to be authorized to provide care for a 60‑day period to a patient despite the refusal of her parents. On March 14, the 22 years old patient suffered cardiac arrest following an intravenous drug overdose ...

Beccar Varela | March 2014

As you no doubt already know, the Pharmaceutical Industry in Argentina is a strictly controlled industry. Said control is held by the ANMAT Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica) and it spreads from the first authorisation of a laboratory to act as such in the country, moving through the authorisations to commercialise products, up to pharmacovigilance of products that have already been commercialised ...

MinterEllison | March 2014

In one of the few decisions of its kind, the UK High Court recently assessed the damages to be paid to a generic pharmaceutical company under a cross-undertaking in damages. While some aspects of the decision are specific to the UK pharmaceutical reimbursement scheme, the judgment will be a useful reference point for parties involved in similar litigation in Australia ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | March 2014

Horizon 2020 is the new EU Framework Programme offering more than €70bn funding for Research and Innovation initiatives over the period 2014 to 2020 and covering every stage of the innovation process from research to market uptake. Ivan Waide and Kate Keith, IP & Technology lawyers at A&L Goodbody, take a closer look at the programme, including opportunities available to Northern Ireland businesses and research organisations ...

Waller | February 2014

CMS recently announced yet another delay to the full implementation of “two midnight rule,” which revises its longstanding guidance to hospitals and physicians relating to when hospital inpatient admissions are deemed to be reasonable and necessary for payment under Medicare Part A. Specifically, this latest “delay” is the result of CMS’s extension of the “Probe & Educate Period,” a period of partial non-enforcement for the two midnight rule requirements, until September 30, 2014 ...

Waller | February 2014

The Affordable Care Act, in a largely overlooked provision, bestowed broad powers on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to impose a moratorium on the enrollment of new Medicare or Medicaid providers, including whole categories of providers in certain geographic locations ...

Waller | January 2014

St. Luke’s Health System’s 2012 acquisition of Saltzer Medical Group, Idaho’s largest independent multi-specialty physician practice group, violated federal and state antitrust laws according to a U.S. District Court holding issued on Friday, January 24, 2014. The Court ordered divestiture of the practice. The FTC and the Idaho Attorney General filed the Complaint seeking to block the sale on March 12, 2013. In response, St ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | December 2013

As in past years, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology patent cases in 2013 offered a combination of the predictable and the unpredictable. On the predictable end of the spectrum, the US Supreme Court offered no surprises ...
