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INTRODUCTION In a previous issue of Decoded, we discussed the alarming fact that many medical devices, including those implanted in patients' bodies, are leaving the manufacturers with known cybersecurity flaws. Due to these known flaws, these devices are vulnerable to being hacked, and patients’ personal/protected health information ("PHI") stolen; or worse, the device being held hostage in a ransomware attack ...

Afridi & Angell | December 2023

Ownership of shares by companies usually results in tax being payable for dividends received or capital gains realised upon sale. However, in the UAE, the Corporate Tax law (Federal Decree No. 47 of 2022) ("CT Law") provides an exemption to Corporate Tax in a certain scenario referred to as the Participation Exemption.   Article 23 of the CT Law states:   "Participation Exemption"   1 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2016

On April 18, the Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued revised guidance regarding exclusions imposed under section 1128(b)(7) of the Social Security Act ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2017

Few medical issues are as significant to an employee and an employer as major back surgery. The procedure incapacitates the injured worker for months and leaves the employer short staffed while the employee recovers. Additionally, these surgeries often do not result in the expected outcome, which leads to further impairment and expense ...

ENSafrica | July 2018

In addition to providing guidance on a number of transfer pricing related issues relating to aligning transfer pricing outcomes with value creation, the 2015 final report on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting - Actions 8 to 10 mandated follow-up work on the transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (“OECD’s”) Committee on Fiscal Affairs Working Party No ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | June 2018

In 2016, West Virginia had the highest death rate in the country from drug overdoses—primarily caused by opioids—at 52.0 for every 100,000 people.[1] The state was on track to exceed that number in 2017.[2] Seeking to enact policies that not only curb but reverse this upward trend, the West Virginia Legislature introduced a number of bills during the 2018 Regular Legislative Session that sought to address this disturbing epidemic. One of these, S.B ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | January 2023

The rules on exit tax on shares and certain other securities mean that private individuals who move from Norway and becomes resident for tax purposes in another country must pay tax for latent profits on shares etc., as if the shares had been sold the day before emigration. Change in law is now in force As the rules have been until 28 November 2022, the exit tax ceased to apply if the shares were not realized five years after emigration ...

PLMJ | January 2012

As with the 2005 “Rectification Budget” (RERT I) and the 2010 State Budget Law (RERT II), the 2012 State Budget Law provides for a new Special Regime for Tax Regularisation (RERT III) covering assets held outside Portugal. RERT III applies a new special rate of 7 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | November 2022

The Indonesian Minister of Health has issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records (“MOH 24/2022”), under which the MOH requires all healthcare facilities to keep electronic medical records. MOH 24/2022 allows, among other things, cooperation between a healthcare facility and a third-party electronic organizer and covers who may have access to electronic medical records ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2009

Introduced in 1979, the Quebec Stock Savings Plan (QSSP) was enormously success ful in the 1980s, encouraging the emergence of numerous Quebec SMEs which later became some of the most noteworthy success stories in Quebec business . On the other hand, the SME Growth Stock Plan, which replaced the QSSP in 2005, achieved a more mixed success . The 2009-2010 provincial budget, presented last March 19, attempts to remedy this situation ...

PLMJ | May 2011

The General Framework for Taxation in Angola was approved in the National Assembly by Law 7/11 and published in the official gazette for Angola on 16 February. This piece of legislation is one of the steps in Angolan tax reform, the objectives of which are well-known ...

Gianni & Origoni | March 2020

Following the publication of the proposal a few days ago, on 19 March the European Commission adopted the communication introducing a new temporary legal framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak1. The last time the Commission had adopted a similar temporary framework was during the global financial crisis in 2008 ...

ALRUD Law Firm | September 2020

To create the most favorable environment for the intensive development of the IT industry and pooling resources for the new projects, the Russian Government has adopted a Law introducing a number of changes and tax incentives for the IT and Technology Companies. It will be effective starting from January 1st, 2021. Below, we provide our consolidated analysis of the new rules and recommendations on steps to be taken to prepare for the forthcoming changes ...

PLMJ | July 2009

In January 2010, the decree-law that enacts the Accounting Standardisation System and repeals the Official Chart of Accounts (POC) will enter into force. This legislation was passed as part of a reform that is intended to be structural in nature and apply horizontally across the national accounting system ...

Dykema | March 2020

On March 3, 2020, Attorney General William Barr announced the National Nursing Home Initiative—a new U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) taskforce organized to push criminal and civil enforcement action against nursing homes across the country. The initiative will help coordinate DOJ enforcement actions against nursing homes that provide “grossly substandard care ...

ENSafrica | July 2013

Myriad Genetics is known as a leader in the market for diagnostic testing of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations that have been linked to breast and ovarian cancer.  These same diagnostic tests were recently in the celebrity press, as Angelina Jolie announced she had been tested positive for the mutations, resulting in her electing to have a preventative double mastectomy ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | June 2021

Dinsmore partner Kelvin Lawrence was published in Bloomberg Tax with co-author Bruce P. Ely from Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP. Their article, "The MTC Undertakes an Ambitious Study of Partnership Taxation," discusses the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) Uniformity Committee's work group they created to study issues related to multistate taxation of pass-through entities ...

Social determinants (or drivers) of health (SDOH) can create substantial barriers to an individual’s overall health and wellbeing. For example, several factors associated with economic hardship—lack of transportation, safe housing, or access to nutritious food, etc.—are highly correlated with poor health outcomes ...

Afridi & Angell | May 2023

Last Friday, on 12 May 2023, the UAE Ministry of Finance (Ministry) published an Explanatory Guide which provides an explanation of the meaning and intended effect of each article of the Corporate Tax (CT) Law. The Explanatory Guide may be accessedHere ...

Deacons | August 2020

Did you know? The new Trade Marks (Amendment) Ordinance 2020 which came into effect on 19 June 2020 empowers the Registrar of Trade Marks to make the rules for implementing the long-awaited Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (the “Madrid Protocol”) in Hong Kong ...

Morgan & Morgan | May 2013

The Panamanian Limited Liability Partnership has been a part of Panama’s trade laws since 1916, when the Panamanian Commercial Code was issued. However, during 2009 it was subject to a profound reform in order to adapt it to an always demanding and changing market. As its “younger sister”, the worldwide famous “Sociedad Anonima” (1927), the limited liability partnership shall be filed at the Public Registry ...

I. The Liechtenstein Tax ReformThe former Liechtenstein Tax Act dated back to 1961. It was completely revised and the new Tax Act entered into force on 1 January 2011 (hereafter referred to as "Tax Reform"). The ratio for the year 2008 between the overall tax revenues in Liechtenstein and its GDP was 16.9%. In comparison, the equivalent figure in the USA was 20.3% and 23.1% in Germany.Liechtenstein has AAA rating and is totally debt free ...

ENSafrica | May 2014

It has a long been a principle of company law that the debts of a company are not the debts of its shareholders.  It may be a surprise to some that this principle does not apply to certain tax debts thanks to section 181 of the Tax Administration Act No.28 of 2011 (“section 181”). This section allows shareholders to be held jointly or individually liable for the tax debts of their company. At first glance it seems unfair to punish those who do not manage the day-to-day running of a company ...

Speaking of compliance with tax obligations comes to our mind the duty to pay taxes (noun) as the Tax on the Transfer of Goods and Provision of Services (VAT) or Income Tax (ISR), which undoubtedly It is true; but equally certain it is that with the payment obligation exists another set of obligations formal or adjective. In this dual context of formal and substantive tax obligations, is of great relevance filing tax returns ...

ENSafrica | July 2017

On 29 May 2017, Judge Fabricius delivered judgment in the Gauteng High Court in the case of Pienaar Brothers (Pty) Ltd vs Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service and the Minister of Finance, in a case dealing with the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2007 (the “Amending Act”) which inserted section 44(9A) into the Income Tax Act, 1962 (the “Act”) ...
