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Dykema | February 2008

CMS recently released new regulations intended to curb the ability of a physician to earn a profit on either the technical component (TC) or professional component (PC) of tests ordered by the physician, but performed by another party. The regulation is effective January 1, 2008 and applies to all Medicare-covered diagnostic tests including imaging and anatomic pathology, but excluding clinical laboratory tests ...

Waller | August 2020

As healthcare providers pursue transactions during and in the wake of COVID-19, both buyers and targets should prepare for heightened scrutiny during the due diligence process. Getting organized ahead of a sale can dramatically expedite timelines and reduce deal fatigue for all parties, particularly in light of the heavier-than-normal due diligence process as a result of the pandemic. Click here for a full PDF of this report ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2012

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has delayed the start date for data collection of payments made to physicians and teaching hospitals by drug and device manufacturers and group purchasing organizations (GPOs). Under the Physician Payment Sunshine Act (the “Sunshine Act”), such payments were to have been recorded beginning on January 1, 2012 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2015

Understanding the Texas Attorney General’s efforts on enforcement of healthcare fraud and abuse matters often is challenging. Recent activities, however, give physicians and other providers insight into the agency’s priorities ...

On May 23, 2022, the Oregon Medical Board (OMB) is hosting a public hearing on rules that propose major changes to the way physician assistants (PAs) practice in Oregon. The rules were written in response to House Bill 3036, which supporters have dubbed the “Physician Assistant Modernization Bill.” More broadly, the rules were written in response to mounting concerns about health care access and equity, especially for rural and minority populations ...

DFDL | October 2021

Republic Act (“RA”) No. 11590 amends the National Internal Revenue Code (“NIRC” or the “Tax Code”) to provide the taxing rules for offshore gaming operations. Taxation of Offshore Gaming Licensees Under RA No ...

SyCipLaw's Tax Department has prepared an international edition of its Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for the first quarter of 2024. The SyCipLaw T.I.P.S - International Edition covers the following tax issues: 1. Are informal settlement agreements between the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the taxpayer valid and binding? 2. While a tax case is pending in court, may the CIR and the taxpayer enter into a compromise agreement and request for judicial approval thereof? 3 ...

SyCipLaw's Tax Department has prepared Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for February.The February 2024 issue covers the following tax issues:1. What is Republic Act No. 11976 and why is it relevant to tax?2. Are cross-border services provided by non-resident foreign corporations now subject to income tax and VAT under Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 5-2024?Please read the full texthereor via thislink ...

On January 31, 2018, Finance Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez issued RR No. 7-2018 which restored the provision on Notice of Informal Conference as a due process requirement in the issuance of a deficiency tax assessment. RR No. 7- 2018 was published in the Manila Bulletin on February 1, 2018 and took effect on February 16, 2018 ...

In September 2021, the House of Representatives of the Philippines approved House Bill (HB) 7425 upon its third reading. HB 7425 seeks to impose a 12% value-added tax (VAT) on digital transactions in the Philippines ...

DFDL | October 2021

On 05 October 2021, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (“BSP”) issued Circular Letter (“CL”) No. 2021-72, disseminating to all BSP-Supervised Financial Institutions (“BSFIs”) the AMLC Regulatory Issuance (“ARI”) No. 6-2021 on the final extension of the deadline for compliance with the Guidelines on Digitalization of Customer Records (“DIGICUR”). ARI No ...

Introduction Republic Act No. 11697, or An Act Providing for the Development of the Electric Vehicle Industry (EVIDA Law), became effective on 15 April 2022. The EVIDA Law outlines the regulatory framework and creates a comprehensive roadmap for the operation of electric vehicles (EVs) in the Philippines. It governs "the manufacture, assembly, importation, construction, installation, maintenance, trade and utilization, research and development, and regulation of electric vehicles" ...

In March 2021, the Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Revenue Memorandum Order No. 014-21 (the Memorandum), which streamlines the procedures for non-resident corporations and other juridical entities (collectively "non-resident taxpayers") to access Philippine tax treaty benefits ...

RMO 8-2017 amends Revenue Memorandum Order No. (“RMO 72-2010”) by providing for new procedures in claiming preferential tax treaty benefits on dividend, interest, and royalty income of nonresidents, following a system of self-assessment and automatic withholding of taxes subject to post-reporting validation. In lieu of obtaining a tax treaty relief application (“TTRA”) ruling under RMO 72-2010 ...

The Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has recently implemented Revenue Regulations No. 18-2012 (RR 18-2012) directing all persons, whether private or government, to secure from the BIR a new Authority to Print (ATP) and to print new receipts/invoices starting July 1, 2013 ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | July 2021

On July 1, 2021, B.C. moved into Step 3 of its COVID-19 Restart Plan. As part of this phase, B.C. employers are no longer required to maintain a WorkSafeBC approved COVID-19 Safety Plan. Instead, they are required to transition to a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan.  What is a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan? It is a plan that outlines the steps an employer is taking to reduce the risk to their workers from communicable diseases in their workplace ...

ENSafrica | July 2014

Food labelling in SA was given a much needed overhaul in 2011 with the introduction of new regulations relating to the labelling and advertising of foodstuffs, replacing outdated seventies-era regulations ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2016

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 introduces a new area of compliance for commercial organisations. The Act is amongst the toughest anti-slavery and human trafficking legislation in the world. Although legal penalties are restricted, interest from patients, consumers, investors, NGOs, pressure groups and brand risk is expected to enforce compliance ...

Delphi | April 2009

 Last year, the European Commission initiated an inquiry into the pharmaceutical industry, claiming that there were indications that competition in the industry was not working as well as it should. Although responses to the preliminary report have been rather critical, from both the legal community and the industry itself, there are a few conclusions worth noting ...

ALRUD Law Firm | May 2020

In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, the field (on-site) tax audits in Russia are currently postponed, but once all restrictions are lifted, the tax authorities can start auditing Russian companies and replenishing the National Budget by redoubling their efforts. The pharmaceutical industry could be in the focus of the tax authorities and, above all, they could start with auditing of the contractual structures used for organizing clinical trials and promotion of pharmaceutical products ...

Asters | May 2016

1 Which legislation sets out the regulatory framework for the marketing, authorisation and pricing of pharmaceutical products, including generic drugs? Which bodies are entrusted with enforcing these rules? The relevant legislation includes the following: • Law on Medicines 1996;

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Due to the covid-19 pandemic, registered business enterprises (RBEs) in the information technology-business process management (IT-BPM) sector have adopted work from home (WFH) arrangements to continue business operations. Now that movement restrictions have been relaxed, a balance must be struck between the requirement for RBEs to operate within economic zones and the clamour of RBEs to continue hybrid work arrangements while maintaining their fiscal incentives ...

ALRUD Law Firm | July 2021

On July 1st 2021, the Russian President signed a draft law on amendments to the Russian Civil Code, establishing the possi-bility of creation of a new type of non-commercial organization - a personal foundation- from March 1st 2022.Purposes of using personal foundationsThe personal foundation will become a new asset planning instrument, after the detailed legislation comes into force ...