THE 1979 STATUTE It is well known that, under the legal regime for the protection of agricultural lands, the acquisition of agriculturally zoned lands with a surface area of four hectares or more by a person not residing in Quebec is subject to the authorization of the Commission de protection des terres agricoles. This is the object of the Act respecting the acquisition of farm land by non-residents (CQLR chapter A-4.1) (the “Act”), which has been in force since December 21, 1979 ...
Purchasers and lessees of commercial or industrial properties know to obtain Phase I environmental site assessments to identify the presence of contamination - so-called recognized environmental conditions (RECs) - because of the very substantial liabilities these conditions may create. And their lenders generally require them. The industry standard for Phase I’s is based on EPA regulations that flesh out Superfund’s “all appropriate inquiry (AAI)” standard ...
The Colombian government, aware of the need to improveinfrastructure in order to reduce logistical costs and thereby promote the country’s growth and development, is currently in the process of selecting contractors for the fourth generation road concessionprogram, which envisages the award of approximately 25 concession contracts, with total investment of close to €18,300 million ...
Introduction Last week, the federal government took a big step toward bringing the Fisheries Act (Canada) and its application into line with the federal government’s responsible resource development plan ...
The European Parliament’s Auken Report made it clear that Spain is coming up short as far as protecting its coastline is concerned. Application of Coastal Law 22/1988, of July 28, 1988, fast-tracked in recent years, not only brought with it no little confusion for all concerned, it also failed to contribute to the protection of the coastline, which clearly leaves a great deal to be desired along certain stretches of the Spanish coast ...
On 3 October 2013, DG Environment of the European Commission published its final report following the public consultation on ‘Unconventional fossil fuels’ (e.g. shale gas). Since this is an important stage in the legislative process, the purpose of this note is to provide you with a brief outline of its findings and follow up. Importantly, the European Commission has announced that in December 2013 the impact assessment will follow ...
On October 17th, 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada released its long-awaited decision in Castonguay Blasting, commonly referred to as the fly-rock case. To summarize, Castonguay was doing some blasting work and rock was unexpectedly projected outside the work site, landing on someone’s property and damaging a home and a vehicle. No one was hurt and there was no environmental damage ...
When does title in the ship pass from the shipbuilder to the shipowner? Can the parties agree to change when title will pass? Usually shipbuilding contracts are negotiated on standard forms such as the SAJ form produced by the Shipbuilders’ Association of Japan and the AWES form produced by the Association of European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers. South African law generally recognises freedom of contract and accordingly parties to a contract are entitled to vary the terms by agreement ...
In September 2013, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality updated its guidance on the use of the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act to reflect changes recently made by the 83rd Texas legislature to allow prospective purchasers of facilities to take advantage of the protections afforded by the Act ...
In June 2013, the Land and Environment Court handed down a judgment in a case concerning parent company liability for environmental pollution caused by a subsidiary, (Case No. M 11429-12). Initially, we give a brief description of the term operator followed by an account of the judgment in question ...
he designation of critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) can result in significant and costly consequences for landowners, industry, government, and other entities—often with little if any evidence of a commensurate benefit to the species involved. In Critical Habitat and the Challenge of Regulating Small Harms, Professor Dave Owen provides a valuable contribution to assessing the role of critical habitat during consultation on federal agency actions under ESA section 7 ...
In 1989 the eminent South African jurist (the late) Prof.Dennis Cowen expressed the view that, by the end of the 1980s, South African environmental law was “a subject struggling to be born”. Nearly a quarter of century later South African environmental law is thriving as a “subject” in a manner that Prof. Cowen is unlikely ever to have anticipated. In addition, the business of environmental law has, in recent years, witnessed a rapid evolution ...
South Africa has a rapidly evolving climate change policy environment, which is in-keeping with the country¡¦s view of itself as a developing country leader in the climate change arena. Part of the policy environment includes attention to financial mechanisms that can be marshaled in support of the response to climate change. Flowing from the notion of using financial mechanisms in this manner, the National Treasury has taken initial steps towards the implementation of carbon taxation ...
The eighteenth United Nations Climate Change Conference took place in Doha, Qatar, from 26 November to 8 December 2012 – the first time that the Conference was held in the Middle East. There is some irony in the choice of location for the reason that Doha is the world’s largest per capita emitter of greenhouse gas. As is usual the Conference was a complex affair, with a plethora of meetings occurring simultaneously viz ...
Regulation No. 4 of 2013 on Guidelines for the Resolution of Environmental Disputes Provides an Additional Step in Dealing with an Environmental Complaint before Going to Court for Settlement or an Out of Court Settlement was issued on 15 March 2013 as further guidelines for the central and regional Governments as well as parties in dispute on settling environmental disputes ...
In May 2013, US store Wal-Mart pleaded guilty to dumping hazardous waste in California and Missouri over a number of years. It has agreed to pay almost $82m (£54m) in civil and criminal charges. As far back as 2003 there were reported incidents where Wal-Mart staff improperly disposed of products such as bleach and fertilizer in waste bins and local sewer systems, when they should have been dealt with as hazardous waste ...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that it will extend its current set of six National Enforcement Initiatives through fiscal years 2014–2016. EPA’s current list of top priorities includes reducing air emissions from major industrial and utility sources, reducing contamination from mineral processing operations and ensuring that energy extraction activity complies with environmental regulations ...
The Major Transport Projects Facilitation Amendment (East West Link and Other Projects) Bill 2013 ('the Bill') was commended to Victoria's Legislative Assembly on 13 June 2013. The Bill principally amends the existing Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act (Vic), which governs the assessment, approval and delivery of major transport project infrastructure ...
Lindt received a nasty shock just before the Easter weekend. A 12-year legal battle ended with a German court ruling that Lindt could not use the German trade mark registration that it has for its famous Easter bunny to stop a competitor, Riegelen, from selling very similar looking confectionery – Lindt’s registration is for a sitting bunny wrapped in gold foil and featuring a red ribbon and a bell ...
On March 28, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Vessel General Permit (VGP). The 2013 VGP, issued under the Clean Water Act (CWA), replaces the 2008 VGP and regulates discharges incidental to the normal operation of commercial vessels greater than or equal to 79 feet in length.1 The 2013 VGP will be effective on December 19, 2013, when the current 2008 VGP expires ...
The Supreme Court of Appeal recently handed down a rare trade mark judgment. The protagonists were Adidas and Pepkor, and the main issue was whether Pepkor had infringed certain trade mark registrations belonging to Adidas for its famous three-stripe mark. Adidas was founded by a German called Adi Dassler in 1920 ...