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On March 30, 2022 the Division of Examinations of the United States Securities & Exchange Commission published the 2022 Examination Priorities. As in other years, the 2022 Examination Priorities document provides certain data regarding the scope of the examination program and the growth of the investment adviser community ...

Garrigues | June 2016

The recent First Chamber Supreme Court’s (SC) case law has been consistent when determining that the granting of clientele compensation in case of unilateral termination of the distribution agreement by the manufacturer could not be made automatically by analogous application of the Agency Contract Act, but by taking into account the particular casuistry ...

Makarim & Taira S. | December 2022

Video games have become increasing popular among all age groups in Indonesia – especially with the introduction of mobile video games in the past few years that allows almost all types of smartphones to operate the most popular video games with ease. Now, parents are no longer hiding the fact that their children from a very young age are much more interested in playing video games than playing outside ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | November 2022

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends,   The Firm successfully defended the prominent e-commerce platform operator, Shopee Mobile Malaysia Sdn Bhd, in a suit filed by A & M Beauty Wellness Sdn Bhd after a full trial on matters pertaining to trademark infringement, unlawful interference of trade and obligation to disclose users’ data.   Click here to read more ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | January 2012

2011 saw significant developments in the courts in relation to the issue of directors’ liability for the costs of remediation of waste sites, an issue which is particularly crucial where the company which disposed of the waste is not in a position to pay ...

Carey | November 2021

Given the growing need for new sources of water for human and industrial consumption, in order to unify criteria in the evaluation of desalination projects, the General Directorate of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine (“DIRECTEMAR”) has published the following 3 guides with basic technical guidelines: Guide for the Environmental Assessment of Industrial Desalination Projects in Jurisdiction of the Maritime Authority The purpose of this guide is to update the minimu

Coordinating cross-border due diligence is a key skill that more often than not underpins complex, multi-jurisdictional merger and acquisitions (M&A) and private equity (PE)-led transactions. Where due diligence really adds value is in the early stages of the transaction, when local knowledge and expertise are vital to understanding the context of data room information ...

Wardynski & Partners | March 2020

Public procurement is one of the biggest driving forces of the economy. Contract performance during the epidemic may be impeded, but ongoing public procurement proceedings should not be stopped just because people are currently working mainly at home ...

Jeantet | April 2020

A new ordinance n°2020-427 of 15 April 2020 on various provisions regarding deadlines for dealing with the covid-19 epidemic (the “Deadlines Ordinance of 15 April 2020”), presented to the Council of Ministers on 15 April, was published in the Official Journal on 16 April 2020, as it was eagerly awaited by real estate and construction professionals, as well as by the renewable energy sector ...

Wardynski & Partners | March 2020

In Poland, the National Appeal Chamber upholds the effectiveness of the rules guaranteeing transparent and non-discriminatory access to public procurement contracts within the EU. Member states are required to ensure contractors the consideration of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts, as is clear from the Remedies Directive. The task of the National Appeal Chamber (KIO) is to effectively and quickly eliminate infringements in public procurement cases ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2016

The most recent example of a fashion designer losing the right to use his/her name came about this week. Karen Millen lost her court battle to challenge the agreement reached after the sale of her business to Baugur for £95m in 2004 which stated that she could not use her name in business in the future ...

In what has been described as a “sweeping victory” for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a decision on June 26, 2012 in lawsuits that challenged various aspects of the Agency’s regulatory scheme for greenhouse gases (GHGs). EPA’s challenged actions stem from a decision by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2007 in the case of Massachusetts v ...

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a D&O liability insurer could not rely on ambiguous endorsements as a basis to deny coverage for claims brought by investors against its insured company and its CEO. Reversing the Eastern District of Missouri, the appellate court in Verto Medical Solutions LLC et al. v. Allied World Specialty Insurance Co., No. 19-3511 (8th Cir ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2009

Customs has changed, with immediate effect, the way in which they deal with goods suspected of infringing brand owners' intellectual property rights. The changes are bad news for brand owners who now have to initiate court proceedings each and every time they wish Customs to seize a consignment of infringing goods ...

Buchalter | August 2021

Water Law On August 20, 2021, the Deputy Director of the Division of Water Rights (Deputy Director) of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) issued water curtailment orders for the remainder of August and for all of September to approximately 4,500 water right holders in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed (Delta Watershed).  These curtailment orders affect post-1914, pre-1914, and riparian rights, though in different ways, as described further below ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2014

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, commonly referred to as CERCLA or Superfund, does not contain any provision for a private cause of action for personal injury or property damage relating to the release of hazardous substances ...

Deacons | August 2021

The Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group co-chaired by the HKMA and the SFC (Steering Group) announced on 15 July 2021 the next steps to advance its strategy to bolster Hong Kong’s position as a leader in green and sustainable finance and help transition the financial ecosystem towards carbon neutrality ...

Brigard Urrutia | March 2020

Temporary flexibility of the terms of adjustment of guarantees and the term to carry out audits to the Reliability Charge was defined. The Energy and Gas Regulation Commission, seeking to guarantee the proper provision of electric power service, decrees that the value of the guarantee in Article 31 of CREG Resolution 061 of 2007 will not be adjusted in the scenario presented in paragraph 2, numeral 3: 3 ...

The identification of the food and drink sector as key in the response to the COVID-19 (C19) crisis seems obvious and unquestionable. Scratch the surface though and questions emerge, perhaps unsurprisingly because of the haste with which the emergency legislation was passed. The starting point recognised in the Coronavirus Bill was that the food supply chain involved not just producers but also intermediaries ...

Gianni & Origoni | April 2020

As the contagion rate and death toll caused by the Covid-19 emergency (“Covid-19”) continues to decrease, on 26 April 2020 the Prime Minister announced in a press conference the measures adopted to ease the lockdown during the so-called “phase 2”. The new measures are reflected in the Prime Minister Decree dated 26 April 20201 (the “26 April 2020 Decree”) ...

Gianni & Origoni | March 2020

  As the number of novel coronavirus infections (“Covid-19” or “Coronavirus”) and fatalities continue to rise, on 11 March 2020 the Italian Prime Minister issued a decree to impose new emergency measures to contain and manage the spread of the virus (the “11 March Decree”). Always on 11 March, the World Health Organisation has declared that Covid ...
