(continuation from Part I - separate article) Part II - "Antivirus Programme" - Financial Assistance to Czech Employers The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs was mandated by the Government to further prepare a compensation program for entrepreneurs who continue to operate but whose production has decreased due to measures (category C of the Antivirus Programme) ...
With respect to the situation caused by the pandemic and its possible data protection impacts, please find below a summary of the statement of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, issued on 19 March 2020. The EDPB starts by emphasizing that “[d]ata protection rules (such as the GDPR) do not hinder measures taken in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic ...
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) following the spread of SARS-CoV2 (Coronavirus) and disease it causes, Covid-19. Subsequently, on 18 March 2020, a state of emergency was declared in Portugal. Against this background, a legislative package has been approved and published, and this package has established exceptional and temporary measures relating to the spread of COVID-19 ...
In recent weeks, the corona-related effects on the economy have led to hectic activities by the EU Commission, the federal government, and the German states to make State support services available at short notice and in a manner that is as unbureaucratic as possible. This article provides an overview of the measures taken at federal and state level and their legal framework ...
Tourism and event industries are suffering and it is expected that manufacturing enterprises will soon be affected as well. Short-time work can provide a remedy and reduce the economic consequences of the coronavirus for employers and employees ...
Note on how the national courts will reason upon the requests for additional evidences in appeal when the Suspension of civil procedures due to COVID-19 crisis will cease and the activity in courts will be resumed. Good news from the High Court of Romania! Even though most of the civil cases are suspendedex officiothroughout the state of emergency instated by the Decree no. 195/16.03 ...
In view of the current and imminent economic challenges, many companies are asking to what extent cooperation and concerted practices with competitors are able to ensure the supply of goods, thus cushioning the threat of an economic downturn. While the antitrust authorities have been keeping quiet on this issue for some time, several official statements have now been issued which we would like to comment on briefly below ...
In Poland, the National Appeal Chamber upholds the effectiveness of the rules guaranteeing transparent and non-discriminatory access to public procurement contracts within the EU. Member states are required to ensure contractors the consideration of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts, as is clear from the Remedies Directive. The task of the National Appeal Chamber (KIO) is to effectively and quickly eliminate infringements in public procurement cases ...
Due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus, numerous companies in Switzerland have already ordered home office work for their employees. This article addresses, inter alia, the question of whether employers can unilaterally order home office work in the current situation and what consequences this might have. Read the entire article below ...
M&A deals are one of the tools for pursuing business. For some they are amethod for expanding their scale of operations or generating synergies, and for others allow them to exit investments or raise capital. Thus the turbulence now felt by businesses is impacting their activity in the M&A market. While refraining from evaluating the economic impacts of the current situation, we focus on analysing selected legal aspects ...
On 16 March 2020, the Swiss Federal Council prohibited public and private events. This newsletter deals with possible ways for Swiss companies to hold meetings, especially shareholders’ meetings. Read the entire article below ...
Scammers and cyber crooks did not take long to adapt their usual fraud to this uncertain period caused by the Covid-19, refinishing notably their sadly notorious “CEO Fraud” to the present circumstances ...
Based on the decision of the Federal Council to extend court holidays in civil and administrative proceedings, the Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property has announced to suspend most of the deadlines with an end date between 21 March 2020 and 19 April 2020 (statutory deadlines and deadlines set by the Institute, including payment deadlines). In particular, deadlines set by the Institute that would end in that period will end on 20 April 2020 ...
Public procurement is one of the biggest driving forces of the economy. Contract performance during the epidemic may be impeded, but ongoing public procurement proceedings should not be stopped just because people are currently working mainly at home ...
Since 15 March 2020, Poland has had aban on civil aircraft landing on international passenger flights. Since 16 March, domestic passenger flights have also been banned, except for flights in the public or state interest. Dopassengers whose flights have been cancelled as aresult of this ban have the right to compensation from the air carriers that were to operate those flights? Right to compensation for cancelled flights Under Art ...
Even such unusual circumstances as apandemic donot overthrow the general principle that contracts should be performed (pacta sunt servanda). But this does not mean that the current situation has no impact on the substance or performance of contractual obligations. Two main situations should be considered here: As aresult of the circumstances, performance of acontractual obligation has become impossible ...
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation published, on its website, Recommendations (and Additions to them) for employees and employers, in connection with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 25.03.2020 No. 206 “On declaring non-working days in the Russian Federation” ...
Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Portuguese National Authority for Medicines and Healthcare Products (“INFARMED”) and the Directorate-General for Health (“DGS”) have issued guidelines for pharmacies. These guidelines address, in particular, the way pharmacies operate and manage medicines ...
In the new economic reality, businesses that took out loans may be asking themselves many questions. Will existing loans still be paid out? Will an expiring credit line be extended? And will the state of epidemic justify not repaying debt already incurred? COVID-19 and the related restrictions introduced overnight by country after country have shifted businesses into anew reality. Among the challenges is ensuring the continuity of bank financing and the capacity to repay existing debt ...
In the tough times of battling the coronavirus, many tenants are seeking ways to reduce their rent, release themselves from the obligation to pay rent, or avoid other obligations under their existing leases ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is determining more and more businesses to “put the lock” on their offices. This means that a large number of employees all over the world have already been forced to set their homes as comfortable as possible to ensure an appropriate work environment ...
A global public health emergency was declared by the World Health Organization on 30 January 2020 as a result of the spread of the new virus COVID-19. The virus was later classified as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As a result, it is important guard against any negative impact of the events relating to COVID-19 on ongoing energy licensing processes and on the energy market as a whole, particularly in the light of Decree-Law 172/2006 of23 August (“DL 172/2006”) ...
A system for supporting taxpayers struggling with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic is being developed at the government level and will probably soon take effect. But taxpayers in difficulty may already draw on existing support instruments. One of them is reduction of income tax advances ...