As of 1 August 2010, two new pieces of legislation governing payment services came into force; the payment Services Act (Sw. Lag (2010:751) om betaltjänster) and the Act on Unauthorised Transactions with Payment Instruments (Sw. Lag (2010:738) om obehöriga transaktioner med betalningsinstrument) ...
In a recent case by the Swedish Supreme Court (Sw. Högsta domstolen) (T 4904-08), the burden of proof of payments made by the debtor in relation to a negotiable promissory note was placed on the creditor.Since the borrowers had not confirmed that the debt had not been paid, the transferees were not in good faith in relation to the payment of the debt ...
By Vitas Vasiliauskas, Associate Partner of the law firm LAWIN Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiûnas ir partneriai In December 2010, the most important legislative acts on taxation to be enacted in 2011 were publicised ...
Until now, several of the provisions of the Credit Information Act (Sw. Kreditupplysningslagen (1973:1173)) that protects the integrity of individuals were not applicable when credit information was shared on the Internet. The reason for this was that such information was protected by the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (Sw. Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen (1991:1469)) ...
A new Consumer Credit Act (Sw. Konsumentkreditlagen (2010:1846)) came into effect on 1 January 2011. The Act implements the Consumer Credit Directive (Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Council Directive 87/102/EEC). The Directive’s purpose is to enhance consumer protection by addressing some of the indebtedness problems caused by text message loans (Sw ...
In a recent article we looked at some of the employment risks for customers associated with cloud computing. Following on from Cloud computing: Employment law implications, we now consider how best to assess the other risks associated with cloud computing ...
On 1 December, the Swedish Parliament resolved on the delayed legislative amendments to the Swedish Companies Act which, among other things, concern the mode of convening general meetings, on which we reported in previous newsletters (October 2009 and June 2010). The new rules take effect on 1 January 2011 ...
Many companies know that the Public Procurement Act (Sw. abbr. LOU) regulates how contracting authorities act when purchasing supplies, services and public works. However, something less well known is that the provisions in LOU can also be of significant importance for how a public contract is handled after the procurement has ended and that the provisions in LOU can apply in completely different contexts, e.g. in conjunction with mergers, acquisitions and similar transactions ...
In Sweden, the directive has been implemented through amendments to the Medical Devices Act (1993:584), and through the regulation which the Medical Products Agency has issued in connection with this Act and the directive. The revised directive contains some clarifications but also some news ...
Public Service Review – Local Government and the Regions Recession breeds new rules and a new approach to procurement The recession and the need for public sector budget cuts have uncovered a twin track for procurement policy in the UK. There is a clear need to cut public sector expenditure – of that we can be in no doubt both in terms of the unit cost of supplies and services ...
What are collateral warranties and why are they needed? Collateral warranties have been a common feature of building and engineering projects for many years now, yet to many they remain a mystery. There are many legal and commercial rationales for collateral warranties, which can be summarised as: Marketability of the project – if a robust collateral warranty package is not in place then this can lead tenants and purchasers to seek other commercial concessions ...
KSB partner Martin Šolc, who specializes in advisory on transactions in the field of mergers and acquisitions, has also been performing professional activities for a long time with the International Bar Association (IBA), a leading organization of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies, bringing together more than forty thousand attorneys and one hundred and ninety-seven chambers of attorneys on all continents ...
The word litigation usually strikes fear into the hearts of the business community. Litigation can be time-consuming and expensive. Badly-managed litigation is a very painful experience indeed. Managing litigation risk is therefore of huge importance for businesses. But the challenge doesn’t start at the Court door ...
Due to the effects of the recent economic crisis, the need arose to make it easier for insolvent companies to continue their business through a restructuring. Up until now there has been the Bankruptcy Act (Konkursordnung – KO) alongside with the Composition Act (Ausgleichsordnung - AO) in Austria ...
Introduction From the seller's perspective, knowing the outcome of the sale process in terms of the price that it will obtain for a company is always of great importance. Usually, a buyer will make an offer to buy a company on a 'cash and debt-free' basis, meaning that the purchase price offered (ie, the enterprise value) will be adjusted up or down depending on the company's financial position at a given time to reach the actual purchase price ...
For a surrender of lease to be effective, the tenant must relinquish its lease to its immediate landlord and the landlord must accept that. The combination of these acts extinguishes the lease. There are two methods of effecting a surrender: expressly, by way of deed, and by operation of law. The preferred route is expressly by a deed of surrender, as the parties' acquiescence is clear and unequivocal ...
In the slipstream of the general Belgian, European and global economies, 2010 will be qualified as ayear of slow and prudent transition for Belgium’s real estate market. After a correction process in 2008-2009, the Belgian real estate market is showing signs of recovery, and the appetite for investments appears to be increasing ...
High Noon for the planning system chimed on 28 October with the publication of the White Paper "Local Growth: Realising Every Place's Potential". The DCLG Business Plan 2011-2015 followed with a timetable for implementation. If brought forward in their current form, the White Paper's proposals will dramatically change the dynamic of the planning framework ...
Pressure for change is building in the water sector. The industry is one of the country's largest energy users (it takes a lot of power to move and clean water) and reducing that use is an important step in meeting climate related targets. Concerns about the affordability of charges for some customers are increasing whilst European legislation is driving environmental standards up, protecting our vital resources but demanding ever increasing spending to do it ...
IT projects: It’s a team game 28 September 2010 IT projects have a knack of over-running for significant periods, requiring ‘out-of-scope’ changes half way through, and consequently going over budget. Although any project will develop and evolve over time, such problems can be minimised through sensible project management methods. It is not uncommon for IT projects to last several months, if not years, from conception to completion ...
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Interest about the relevance of buyer power for competition has been growing in the last decades, as the markets of retail distribution were subject to a process of consolidation, if at different speed, in most European countries ...
Getting the Deal Through - e-Commerce 2011 Getting the Deal Through published a fully revised and updated seventh edition of e-Commerce, a volume in GTDT's series of annual reports published by Law Business Research. This publication provides international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people ...