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Shoosmiths LLP | April 2010

The answer is that they were both the subject of two recent decisions which shed further light on the ability to register three-dimensional shapes as trade marks. On the face of it, a three dimensional shape may be registered as a trade mark provided it meets the usual criteria (distinctive, non-descriptive, capable of distinguishing goods of one business from another etc) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2010

Maintaining cash flow is a significant challenge in the current economic climate. What started as a 'credit crunch' is now a real squeeze for business - with customers trying to defer payment terms while suppliers apply pressure for earlier payment.   Pre-contract Truly effective credit management begins at the pre-contractual stage, as this is usually the point of greatest leverage with the customer ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2010

The Bribery Bill has finally become law, introducing a completely new regime with which British businesses will need to comply.   The old law has been widely criticised, with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development stating recently that it was ‘characterised by complexity and uncertainty’ ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2010

The High Court has ruled that contractual interest will form part of any agreed liability cap, but that statutory interest arising from the exercise of the court's discretion will not. In Markerstudy Insurance Co Ltd and others v Endsleigh Insurance Services Ltd, the claimants alleged widespread breaches by the defendant of a number of agreements, causing the claimant to suffer loss of approximately £14m ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2010

The music, film and broadcast industries look set to get the robust protection from illegal peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing they crave, as the Digital Economy Bill moves closer to becoming law. It passed its third reading at the House of Commons on 7 April ...

Gianni & Origoni | April 2010

Legislative Developments In July 2009, new rules came into force in Italy concerning class actions brought by consumers and final users who are the victims of unfair trade practices or anti-competitive conduct. Under the new rules, collective damages actions may be brought either by individual class members or by associations empowered by them or committees of which they are members for claims based on breaches of competition law ...

Boyanov & Co. | April 2010

1.            The Concepts of “Trust” and “Security Trustee” It would be difficult to identify a universally accepted definition of “trust” and “security trustee” although these legal concepts appear to be well-developed in common law systems and are also acknowledged in a few civil law jurisdictions ...

Proposals to extend the scope of freedom of information in Scotland will, if accepted, expand an existing risk to the commercial confidentiality of companies bidding for public sector contracts ...

Under the new system, GPs will indicate whether the patient is "unfit for work" or "may be fit for work". In the latter case, he will advise of any adjustments to the employee's role or work environment from which the employee may benefit. These might include a phased return, restricted duties, altered hours or even physical adaptations to the workplace ...

ALRUD Law Firm | April 2010

Dear Sirs, On March 11, 2010 the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev introduced in the State Duma the draft of Federal law No. 341071-5 “On alternative dispute resolution procedure by way of mediation (a mediation process)” ( “the Draft law”). It is to be applicable from January 1, 2011. View More

Heuking | March 2010

by Dr. Martin Imhof    The District Court of Frankfurt has recently issued a crucial decision in which the court casted reasonable doubt on the effectiveness of the notarization of an assignment or a pledging of shares in a German limited liability company (GmbH) by a Swiss notary ...

ALRUD Law Firm | March 2010

Dear Sirs, We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation has drafted the Federal law “On amending the Civil Ñode of the Russian Federation, the Federal law “On joint stock companies” and some other legal acts of the Russian Federation” (hereafter – “the Draft law”) ...

At the end of January, the 468-page judgement of BSkyB v EDS was published, nearly eighteen months after the court hearing closed.  Many, varied and worrying predictions as to the potential impact of this judgement had been made, but ultimately the judgement is unlikely to lead to radical changes in the relationship between IT and other suppliers and their customers ...

KnowledgeKnowledge is critical for business and individuals.  Just give us your email address and tell us what areas you are interested in and we will deliver knowledge direct to your inbox - timely and tailored legal updates ...

Asters | March 2010

By Armen Khachaturyan, Senior Partner and Iryna Pokanay, Partner at Asters2009 was a difficult year for Ukrainian capital markets. The Global Recession badly affected the real sector of Ukrainian economy and practically froze activities on raising debt or equity capital. The doors of international debt and equity capital markets remained closed for Ukrainian borrowers throughout the year. Raising debt on the domestic market proved to be not less difficult ...

Asters | March 2010

By Oleksandr I. Vygovskyy,  Associate with AstersThe world financial crisis seriously affecting the Ukrainian economy became an "endurance test" for a greater part of Ukrainian companies at various sectors of national economy. Outstanding corporate debts are menacingly zooming up, and many companies, unable to service their debt burden, appeared next door to bankruptcy ...

ALRUD Law Firm | March 2010

Dear Sirs, We would like to present you a brief overview of tax legislation updates concerning transfer pricing and VAT on services upon importation of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation. Draft law On Transfer Pricing We would like to pay your attention to the fact that draft law “On transfer pricing” was accepted by the State Duma in the 1st reading ...

Asters | March 2010

By Igor Svechkar, Partner with AstersLatest Developments Despite great expectations, 2009 has not seen any major legislative developments, the most noticeable changes relating to unfair competition regulation – in early 2009 the restatement of the Unfair Competition Act 1996 took effect to exclude a number of rudiments and bring the law into procedural conformity with the Competition Act 2001 ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | March 2010

The increased scrutiny on company directors means there is an onus on them to be aware of their roles and responsibilities.  As the recent Residence receivership case showed, company directors are facing greater scrutiny than ever by the courts. While many cases arise because of personal borrowings or guarantees, many relate to whether a director has acted honestly and responsibly as a director ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2010

The verdict has finally arrived in the long-running IT dispute between EDS and BSkyB, for which the trial ended over a year ago. With legal fees of around £70m and an anticipated damages award of £200m (against a contract reportedly worth only £48m), the case will change the landscape of supplying IT products and services forever.  EDS supplied a customer relationship management system to BSkyB ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2010

Bigger fines predicted for organisations guilty of corporate manslaughter  The long awaited definitive guidelines for sentencing organisations guilty of either corporate manslaughter or a health and safety breach which causes death have been published ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2010

The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (the "Act") received Royal Assent on 12 November 2009. Among other things it introduces a new statutory right for employees to request time off from work to study or train. From 6 April 2010 the new right only applies to employers with 250 or more employees. It is expected to apply to all other employers from 6 April 2011 ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2010

The Russian Federation, the Kazakhstan Republic and the Belarus Republic (hereinafter also referred to as the “Member States”) have formed Customs Union in accordance with the Treaty on Creation of Unified Customs Territory and Formation of Customs Union (Dushanbe, October 6, 2007) ...

PLMJ | February 2010

In light of the ineffectiveness of tax litigation and the increased mistrust of taxpayers in relation to tax decisions, with the decision-makers very often hiding behind mere decisions of form, it is imperative that we weigh up alternative methods for resolving tax disputes, such as mediation, conciliation, and tax arbitration itself, in order to deal with disputes accumulated and arising out of relations between the State and the taxpayer, thus reversing the fe

PLMJ | February 2010

Following the public discussions which took place after the approval of the Decree-Law no. 317/2009 of 30 October (Decree-Law 317/2009)[1], Decree-Law no. 3/2010 of 5 January (Decree-Law 3/2010) was published in the Official Gazette, imposing a prohibition on credit institutions to charge on automated teller machines[2] (ATM) transactions, as well as, a prohibition on beneficiaries to charge payment transactions in automatic payment terminals and devices[3] ...