On 6 April 2009 the Mandatory Dismissal and Disciplinary Procedures and Grievance Procedures (the statutory procedures) will be Repealed when Relevant Provisions of the Employment Act 2008 Come Into Force. It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most eagerly awaited changes to employment law for many years, and it is all but impossible to find anyone who doesn't view this as a positive development ...
Not something a landlord wants to hear. But what does it mean? Before a landlord can consider what remedial action is available against a defaulting tenant, it needs to understand the reason for the default. Where a tenant is insolvent, the precise nature of that insolvency needs to be established ...
Insurers have lodged a Judicial Review against The Damages (Asbestos-related conditions) Scotland Act. The Act, which was passed on 17 April 2009, made compensation available for the victims of pleural plaques in Scotland. The insurers are bringing the action in an attempt to avoid having to pay compensation for this condition ...
IntroductionThe Act of 31 January 2009 on the Continuity of Enterprises entered into force on 1 April 2009 (the “Act”). The disappointing results of the Act of 17 July 1997 on Judicial Composition Proceedings (‘gerechtelijk akkoord’ / ‘concordat judiciaire’) led the Belgian legislature to reform the framework of measures available to undertakings encountering (financial) difficulties (of the type where Chapter 11 is used in the USA) ...
Selecting the right property for your business is vital for success, and likely to be your biggest expense after staffing costs. So in the current market, flexible office space may be a wise alternative to a traditional leasing commitment.Three principal models are available: serviced offices, ‘drop-in offices', and virtual offices ...
Last year, the European Commission initiated an inquiry into the pharmaceutical industry, claiming that there were indications that competition in the industry was not working as well as it should. Although responses to the preliminary report have been rather critical, from both the legal community and the industry itself, there are a few conclusions worth noting ...
The new forms for reducing the amount of corporate income (IRC) tax to be withheld (MOD. 01-DJR) and for the partial refund of IRC (MOD. 02-DJR) withheld on the payment of interest and royalties between associate companies from different European Union Member- States under the Interest and Royalties Directive were approved in February ...
In two recently published decisions, the College of Prosecutors (‘Auditorat’) ruled on requests for interim measures from Belgian Posters and Clear Channel against the granting by the Brussels-Capital Region of a public tender contract to JC Decaux (‘JCD’). Belgian Posters and Clear Channel claimed that JCD had a dominant position (or even a monopoly) in the market for theprovision of so-called ‘urban advertisement furniture' (e.g ...
Software is part of the day-to-day fabric for most companies. And almost everyone who uses it does so with little or no thought about what happens should it fail, or if it is no longer available. However, the prudent software buyer will consider how to protect against failure of critical or bespoke software, which is where escrow may come in. Be warned, though ...
The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) expressed her opinion in respect of a reference for a preliminary ruling from a German court. The main proceedings before the German court concern a German distance retailer who tried to charge the customer of a second-hand laptop for the eight months of use she had ...
The codification of directors' duties under the Companies Act 2006 has brought directors' exposure to liability into sharp focus. This, along with extended rules on corporate governance, recent legislation, and increased shareholder awareness, means directors must evaluate the liability protection that is available to them. A company cannot, of course, indemnify directors against their own wrongdoing ...
Basic Legal Aspects Portugal is a member of the European Union since 1986, being integrated in the Euro-Zone since its implementation. Hence, its national law, notably its business law, is in line with the European applicable common norms, namely those deriving of the freedom of establishment of undertakings. rights ...
With the Baltic States a hotbed of energy related activity and practice areas such as M&A decidedly lukewarm, law firms in the region could be forgiven for hoping that several high-profile ventures in the sector would brighten up an otherwise gloomy 2009. But the highly political nature of the energy market means that lawyers are watching frustrated from the sidelines as large scale projects consistently fail to get off the ground ...
A Foreign Company ("FC") is subject to Swedish taxation on income from a permanent establishment ("PE") in Sweden. Today, different types of tolling arrangements are part of the business model of many MNE’s. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Swedish tax implications of a tolling arrangement, primarily the risk of a FC to acquire a PE in Sweden. The below example can be used in order to illustrate the PE issues at hand ...
Carmen Verdonck and Stefanie Vyncke wrote the chapter onBelgian Law in the 2009 edition of 'Getting The Deal Through: VerticalAgreements'. This updated edition examines the regulation of distribution practices in jurisdictions worldwide.Antitrust law1 ...
With the credit crunch likely to affect every aspect of the global economy, the prospect of declining revenue threatens to erode the profitability of many businesses. So the challenge is to preserve cash and cut costs. But how does this affect IT? Cutting back on IT projects is not necessarily an option. Software is the engine of the modern enterprise. Indeed, for many organisations it is their primary source of competitive advantage ...
In the current economic downturn it seems that industrial relations are once again in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Recent "wildcat" strikes over the use of foreign labour suggest a trend towards more militant attitudes within the workforce and the possibility of greater industrial unrest. The UK's labour laws are very complex ...
What is spamdexing? The Internet contains a lot of information. In 2002, the total number of web pages was estimated at 2.024 million; by 2005 this estimate had risen to 11.5 billion2. The ever- increasing amount of information found on the Internet also has disadvantages. In this jungle of information, it is getting harder and harder to see the wood for the trees ...
Commission adopts temporary State aid 'credit crunch' framework The European Commission has adopted a temporary state aid framework, designed to help tackle the spiralling negative effects of the 'credit crunch' on the real economy. Under the framework, Member States can - after notifying the Commission - put into effect a range of aid schemes aimed at helping otherwise sound companies that are finding it difficult to access funding ...
Leif Ramberg in team advising the West Sweden Chamber of Commerce on comments on proposal from the Environmental Procedure Committee Summary The Environmental Procedure Committee has been instructed, by supplementary directive, to review the legal rules which apply to the expansion of wind power ...
Important changes in, inter alia, the Rights of Priority Act (Sw. förmånsrättslagen) entered into effect on 1 January 2009. For example, it becomes possible to use personal property of the business as collateral security for loans in businesses. Elisabeth Söderholm, associate at Delphi Lawfirm, Gothenburg, reports on the new rules ...
Many companies’s apply employment terms – either in a general commission plan or in the individual employment contract – which can entail major unforeseen costs in the form of retroactive claims from employees for holiday pay or pension payments. There are certain differences in judgement between companies which are bound by collective bargaining agreements and those companies which are not ...
Effective January 1, 2009, the rules governing the right to obtain tax registration as a self-employed business person has been changed. Thus, it is now possible for non-executive directors to obtain registration as such. The amendments are made by clarifying the term "business". This is achieved by introducing additional criteria when assessing whether an independently conducted business is at hand or not ...