With employers reopening fully and employees returning to the workplace from the pandemic, there has been a steady flow of challenges -- both legal filings and political and public opposition -- by individuals opposing mandatory requirements from employers and institutions to be vaccinated in order to return to work or school, subject to certain legal requirements under the ADA and valid religious objections ...
Listen to the podcast: About the episode: This season of Matters expounds on the concepts outlined in Jack Newton’s book, The Client-Centered Law Firm. In this episode, our hosts welcome a legal consultant and blogger, the president of a bar association, and a practicing Big Law attorney to discuss the major impact that a shift towards client-centered lawyering is having across the legal industry ...
Dinsmore's Tarah Rémy wrote an article for Beverage Master titled "Legal Implications of Playing Music at Your Brewery," where she discusses the intellectual property considerations breweries should take when choosing music, whether played through speakers or live. You can read the full article by clicking the link at the bottom. Below is an excerpt ...
Starting around October 26, 2020, the Small Business Administrations (the “SBA”) asked Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) lenders to provide certain questionnaires to PPP borrowers with loans of $2 million or greater. There are two questionnaire forms on the Treasury: Form 3509 for for-profit borrowers and Form 3510 for non-profit borrowers ...
With SEC Form 10-Qs for the second quarter ended June 30, 2021, due shortly, and SEC Form 10‑Ks for companies with June 30 year ends due in the next few weeks, publicly traded companies that received PPP loans, even those that have had those loans forgiven, need to review and update their SEC disclosures regarding their PPP loan ...
“Historical facts”1 are not protected by copyright. Referring to the Storming of the Bastille or the Battle of the Plains of Abraham will not get an author sued in Federal Court, but must these events have really happened to be considered “historical facts”? The Federal Court recently ruled on this issue in Winkler v. Hendley ...
Qualcomm Inc. v. Intel Corp., Appeal Nos. 2020-1589, et al. (Fed. Cir. July 27, 2021) In the only precedential patent decision issued by the Federal Circuit this week, the Court addressed again the due process and statutory right of parties in IPR proceedings to have notice and an opportunity to be heard on theories that the PTAB may rely on in rendering its decisions ...
Like many other governments, the Government of Quebec decided to invest in infrastructure to help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and stimulate Quebec’s economy. A significant number of investments will be made in the transportation sector, and the government wants to accelerate the realisation of several previously announced transportation infrastructure projects in the greater Montréal area ...
Renewable energy is more popular than ever before. Regulators and ratepayers are demanding new or higher renewable portfolio standards, and investors are eager for opportunities with companies satisfying environmental, social and governance criteria. The energy transition is here, and the question is no longer if we will electrify, but how quickly. Significant challenges remain. As the U.S ...
On July 16, 2021 the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2021-30, which modifies and supersedes Revenue Procedure 2019-19, expanding the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System ("EPCRS"). EPCRS is a program for correcting documentation and operational failures for retirement plans that are intended to be qualified plans under Sections 401(a) and 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code ...
The TCPA and other related regulations over telemarketing and “robocalling” continue to evolve at a quick pace, creating uncertainty and posing challenges for any business that contacts consumers through calling or texting. This past month has seen more important developments in the wake of the Supreme Court opinion in Facebook v. Duguid, which gave us a narrow interpretation of the statutory ATDS definition ...
The ESG Disclosure Rules have been introduced in response to the increased investor appetite for socially and environmentally responsible investments and to ensure that Jersey maintains its high regulatory standards amid global concerns regarding ‘greenwashing’ (firms marketing investments which appear more environmentally and socially focussed than they are in reality) ...
Since President George Washington signed the first Patent Act of the U.S. Congress into law in 1790, inventors have filed applications and been issued patents directed to beer, wine, and spirits ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that every business—even traditional brick and mortar businesses—needs a presence on the internet. When people think of online commerce, they usually think about making purchases on Amazon. However, as contactless purchasing becomes more prevalent, restaurants, breweries, and distilleries are increasingly developing online options for their consumers ...
In January 2021, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 263, better known as the Fresh Start Act (the Act), into law. The Act standardizes the professional licensure process in Ohio by removing vague disqualifiers such as “moral turpitude” and “lack of moral character.” Through its restorative justice approach, the Act offers professionals with records of certain prior offenses a path to licensure. Most of the Act’s provisions become effective on Oct ...
Key Points Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 133, which creates a $750 per day civil money penalty for skilled nursing facilities (SNF) that do not comply with a transfer, discharge, or readmission hearing decision within three calendar days. AB 133 also requires an SNF to submit a certification of compliance to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), attesting it has complied with the hearing officer's order ...
On July 27, 2021, Governor Kate Brown signed into law a bill that will make it more difficult for health care entities in Oregon to consummate mergers and similar transactions ...
The following is a list of best practices applicable to the share class review process. This guide aims to provide helpful tips regarding the process of replacing an advisory client’s existing mutual fund share class with a lower-cost alternative, where it is identified that a replacement option exists and may be available for placement in the client’s account at the custodian. Review of share classes on a periodic basis ...
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, one of the world’s most talked about and anticipated events, finally kicked off on Friday, July 23, 2021, after a long wait due to COVID-19. Every time the Olympics comes around, a common internet myth will persist that warns: Unless you are an Official Sponsor, you are barred from talking about the Olympics. While that may be true in certain circumstances, it is not always the case ...
Introduction The ‘golden thread’ of modified universalism in cross border insolvency has long been an aspiration, rather than a rule. [1] The common law concepts of recognition and assistance play a key role in achieving that aspiration. In recent years these concepts have been affirmed but scaled back, by decisions such as that in Singularis Holdings Limited v PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
Key Points In Martin v. California Coastal Commission, the Court of Appeal issued a rare opinion discussing local policies that are designed to manage and mitigate coastal bluff erosion. The court upheld a permit condition that required a new home to be set back 79 feet from the edge of a coastal bluff. The court reaffirmed that the policy at issue requires new development to be reasonably safe from failure and erosion over the entirety of the development’s lifetime ...
Chemours Company FC, LLC v. Daikin Industries, Ltd., Appeal Nos. 2020-1289, -1290 (Fed. Cir. July 22, 2021) In this week’s Case of the Week, the Federal Circuit reversed a PTAB decision in consolidated IPRs that two patents were unpatentable as obvious. The Court held that the Board erred in reaching its conclusions both in terms of what the prior art taught and in application of objective indicia of nonobviousness ...