In the course of the Corona crisis, a large number of companies have introduced short-time work. Funded by statutory unemployment insurance, short-time work is an instrument of labour market policy and pursues the aim of preserving jobs. This does not mean, however, that dismissals during a period of short-time work are legally excluded. In particular, dismissals based on personal grounds and conduct that are not related to short-time work remain possible ...
How can undertakings access state aid and under what conditions can the state grant this aid? Concept of state aid State aid is any economic or financial support granted by the state, or from state resources, that gives an undertaking a selective advantage which may affect trade between Member States. State aid is, in principle, prohibited. Therefore, it must be notified to the European Commission in order for it to decide whether it is compatible with the internal market ...
We are seeing an increase in the use of warranty and indemnity insurance (W&I) on transactions, which is a theme we expect to continue as buyers target companies that are in financial distress in the wake of Covid-19. W&I has become commonplace in the UK M&A market as a way to ‘bridge the gap’ between buyer and seller when allocating risk ...
On June 16, 2020 the German government released its Corona-Warn-App. There are some key points employers should be aware of concerning the app: NO OBLIGATION FOR EMPLOYEES TO USE THE APP ON THEIR PERSONAL SMARTPHONES An employer may be thinking about instructing its employees to install and use the Corona-Warn-App on their own devices to reduce the infection risk among its employees. That is not permitted ...
The Covid-19 outbreak is not only a huge challenge for health care, but also has enormous consequences for the economy. Different sectors (such as the hospitality, tourism and transport sectors and many others) will not be able to overcome the difficult times that we are currently facing without public support. Many Member States have already adopted exceptional aid measures and many more will follow, but public support for undertakings must still comply with the EU State aid rules ...
Until June 30th, 2020, inclusive, companies shall notify employees in written form: on changes connected with setting out a digital register of employees’ work experience; on employees’ right to choose whether to continue keeping a labour book, in hard copy, until December 31st, 2020 ...
The state contribution for commercial leases to entrepreneurs with forcibly closed establishments will be launched on June 26, 2020 at 9 AM. If the entrepreneur has negotiated a 30% discount on the rent from his landlord, he will be able to apply for state support in the amount of 50% up to a ceiling of CZK 10 million for the period from April to June ...
We understand how family and personal circumstances underpin everything else, and so this webinar discussed issues to do with health, money and moving home. The takeaway points from the webinar are set out below. Documents to have in place Increase in people putting Wills in place since the pandemic and we anticipate this continuing with a potential second spike on the horizon. Your Will is a key document to make sure that your wishes are followed on death ...
With the exit from the lockdown now in full force, more companies are bringing their staff back to their work premises. We have listed 10 quick-but-key questions that every business manager or HR specialist must deal with during this restart. To read the full Q&A, CLICK HERE ...
Under the Decree of the Moscow Mayor No. 68-UM dated June 8, 2020 (available only in Russian here), a phased removal of restrictions caused by the spread of coronavirus infection began from June 9. This includes the return to work of a large number of organizations. Starting from June 16, 2020 organizations and in-dividual entrepreneurs carrying out operations with real estate, activities in the area of rent, leas-ing, law, accounting, etc. are able to resume work ...
Does the State plan to keep special support measures in the field of taxation for taxpayers after the end of emergency situation? Yes, on 10 June 2020 the Law on Overcoming the Consequences of the Spread of Covid-19 Infection came into force, by which, inter alia, the following measures are maintained ...
In its notice published on May 18, 2020, the National Employment Service (Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat) laid down the fundamental criteria that must be met by an applicant to be eligible for the new EU-supported wage subsidy intended to help create new jobs in Hungary in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an enormous difference between the Kurzarbeitwage subsidy and this job-creating wage subsidy ...
The controversial issue of whether employers can check their employees' temperatures has been much debated. Both the Employment Ministry and the Data Protection Authority (DPA) have recently changed their positions in this respect ...
MDR postponement On 17 April 2020 the European Parliament decided to postpone the transition timeline to implement the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which was set to expire on 26 May 2020, until 26 May 2021. The EU MDR postponement was published in the Official Journal of the European Union and entered into force on 24 April 2020 ...
“At a time when the flow of information is always expanding, this app is a smart alternative for users to stay informed about these topics without a flood of emails.”(Jean-Marc Ueberecken, Managing Partner). The CoVid-19 crisis as a trigger Arendt Insights is the only app dedicated to Covid-19 crisis management in Luxembourg. The first version of the app has been designed to give insight from Arendt experts, using the Covid-19 Solutions platform ...
Analysis of the changes to the special legal rules onthe credit and financing moratorium. Through Decree-Law 26/2020 of 16 June (“DL 26/2020”), the Government has approved, a set of amendments to the special rules onthe moratorium on financing approved by Decree-Law 10-J/2020 of26March ...
Hand sanitiser production is just one aspect of business that's altered for £5bn industry, writes George Frier of Shepherd and Wedderburn The whisky industry continues to captivate consumers and entrepreneurs. Record exports continue and, within the sector, the emergence of new brands and the rejuvenation of existing brands demonstrate a vibrant sub-set of the Scottish food & drink economy ...
The General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR") came into force a little over two years ago, on 25 May 2018 and the first administrative fines were imposed in Finland in late May 2020. What is noteworthy is that in two out of the four decisions, the fines concerned violations of processing of personal data of employees and job applicants ...
Up until now, there has been no suspension of a notice period served upon an employee who has been made temporarily unemployed under the ‘corona’ regime. Such a notice period started during the corona temporary unemployment and continued to run during this period. Given, as a consequence, employers would be able to dismiss employees 'cheaply', a draft bill was submitted in Parliament to have the notice period suspended in the event of corona temporary unemployment ...
1. Introduction Pursuant to Law no. 40 of 5 June 2020, published in the Official Gazzette no. 143 of 6 June 2020 (the “Conversion Law”), Law Decree no. 23 of 8 April 2020 (the “Liquidity Decree”) was converted into law with amendments. Below is a summary of the key amendments made to Chapter II (Urgent Provisions to Ensure Going Concern) by the Conversion Law. 2 ...
Following the Chancellor’s announcement on 29 May 2020 regarding further changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, we now have more detailed guidance about how the new flexibility under the scheme will work from 1 July. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) Flexibility As we know, from 1 July 2020, employers will be able to bring furloughed workers back to work on a part time basis if appropriate while still being able to claim under the CJRS for hours not worked ...
In light of COVID-19 we review the steps a company’s board of directors may now take to adapt the process for approving year end accounts. Preparing and filing accounts are amongst the operational challenges facing companies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Practical difficulties include physically preparing the accounts and conduct of the audit, as well as the accounts approval process and subsequent sign-off by directors ...
With COVID-19 taking its toll on some businesses, employees may find themselves placed at risk of redundancy. This article looks at the practical steps an employer should take when carrying out an individual redundancy consultation. Individual consultation is fundamental to the fairness of any dismissal for redundancy ...