On 27 May 2020 the Federal Council adopted the Ordinance on Protecting against Cyber Risks (OPCy, available in French and German), which is set to enter into force on 1 July 2020. This move is the next step in a series of measures taken by the Federal Council to adopt a new organisational structure and implement a national strategy to protect Switzerland against cyber risks (NCS, available in German, French, Italian and English) ...
The unstable economic situation connected with the COVID-19 pandemic is also impacting the insurance industry. Dependent on global phenomena and trends, the insurance market will soon have to face anew economic reality, develop appropriate solutions for clients, and prepare to defend against claims ...
The difficulties in international transport caused by the pandemic may have a major impact on VAT settlements of Polish exporters. These complications may carry over to the possibility of applying the 0% VAT rate, thus affecting taxpayers’ cash flows. Restrictions caused by the state of epidemic may affect the possibility for businesses to apply the 0% VAT rate ...
One of the consequences of the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis may be the need for some taxpayers to discontinue projects ...
Businesses affected by COVID-19 are frantically seeking help. Direct forms of assistance, such as the financial shield and standstill pay, are extremely popular. Meanwhile, another instrument of the Anti-Crisis Shield has begun operating recently, i.e. loan repayment guarantees granted by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego to medium-sized and large enterprises from the Liquidity Guarantee Fund ...
This time we address solutions from the front lines: devices for remote diagnostics which can improve effective detection of the coronavirus and also unburden the health service in other areas. These solutions can also serve as aproving ground for the regulatory approach to oversight of algorithms. The immediate inspiration for writing this text was asolution from the company StethoMe presented at the DemoDay organised by the MIT Enterprise Forum CEE ...
As non-essential retail stores get set to re-open, we share below some key recommendations for suppliers to help minimise competition law risk over the coming weeks and months. Current market conditions are tempting some people to reach out to their counterparts at competitors – but any competitor contact needs to be managed carefully from a competition law perspective ...
Incorporating climate reporting into new, post-COVID-19, strategies will not only help achieve net zero targets but early adopters will be at the forefront of gaining valuable expertise, market resilience and better returns. There has been much discussion about the economic model for the global effects of COVID-19 and for our transition out the other side ...
As dealer networks in the automotive sector re-open for business following the COVID-19 lockdown, we share below our main competition law watch outs for suppliers over the coming weeks and months. We know that current market conditions are tempting some people to reach out to their competitors – any competitor contact needs to be managed carefully from a competition law perspective ...
As the saying goes “when the wind blows, some people build walls, while others build windmills". We know that we’re facing a crisis unlike any other, but what’s been illustrated clearly is that a lot of our old assumptions on how we work can be challenged. We can be working smarter, faster, better. We want to emerge from lockdown with something positive to show for it: a new normal better than the old one. We need a new how ...
Preparation of financial statements and corporate income tax, recommencement of time periods, remote trials, gradual return to workplaces, insolvency proceedings and compliance with criminal law In a new edition of our COVID-19 Special Newsletter, we examine the key new legislation approved over the past two weeks in all areas of business law ...
A&L Goodbody's Dr Vincent Power writes why the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis demonstrates why an international convention is needed to deal with various aspects of shipping (including the repatriation of crew and passengers) in the event of another pandemic or epidemic. Go to publication For more information on this topic please contact Dr Vincent Power, Partner or any member of A&L Goodbody's EU, Competition & Procurement team ...
In the past months, many events including concerts, sports competitions, festivals, plays and musicals, have been cancelled or postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic and the related measures taken by the Belgian government. Although the latest government announcements indicate that some events will be allowed again as of 1st July 2020, other cancellation or postponement decisions could happen in the coming weeks ...
ALRUD’s Labor experts have prepared the material that is useful for each employer in the current situation: Checklist: Reopening of business after lifting restrictions. The checklist includes the main steps that must be taken to return the company and employees usual work activities after lifting the restrictions. Most interesting for company managers, HR directors, Compliance officers, heads of legal departments ...
The most general reason for setting up a trust is to ensure the effective and professional legal protection of assets. Contrary to a private foundation, there is no legal requirement to set forth a specific objective for the trust ...
COVID-19 is having a significant impact on businesses and the economy. Responding to this, the UK Government has unveiled new measures, alongside existing funding initiatives, to help businesses navigate this challenging time. We are regularly updating our COVID-19 business support measures guide as new guidance is published. This guide is designed to summarise these support measures and help you identify which are applicable to your business ...
Issuers need to make transparent the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on their companies. The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) emphasized the importance and obligation of timely and transparent disclosure of “high-quality information” in a recent statement issued on May 29, 2020. It recalled the corresponding obligation for issuers to report on important matters and encourages companies to comply with their disclosure obligations ...
On March 28, 2020, the Act on Measures in Corporate, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, and Home Ownership Law to Combat the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 Act) entered into effect. Among other things, the COVID-19 Act provides for substantial facilitations for stock corporations to hold general meetings. The most important innovation for use in practice is the possibility of holding general meetings entirely virtually, i.e ...
On 7 April 2020, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Health, adopted the Covid-19 Working Hours Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Working Hours Regulation), which allows exceptions to the Working Hours Act for a limited period of time from 10 April 2020. 1 ...
In the context of the Corona crisis the German Federal Government has demonstrated that it is capable of acting quickly and pragmatically. The conditions for payment of short-time working benefit had already been adapted to the corona situation through past measures, and on May 14, 2020 the German parliament approved further changes through the Social Package II. The changes of relevance to employment law are set out briefly below ...
On 28 May 2020 the Federal High Court (Bundesgerichtshof (“BGH”) handed down its judgment in the Planet49 case after a long legal dispute (we have already reported in detail on the previous instances including the judgment of the European Court of Justice). The Federal High Court’s judgement contains a large number of important statements which can only be fully assessed once the written grounds are published ...
Do I have a COVID-19 business interruption claim? Particularly if you operate in the leisure, retail or hospitality sectors, your business has likely suffered significant financial losses from the disruption caused by COVID-19. In trying to alleviate the impact of those losses, you might have identified that your business’s insurance policy offered cover for ‘business interruption’ (or ‘BI’) ...
If you are thinking about expanding your business to the Chinese market, or you have already started selling in this market, or exhibiting your products at trade fairs or to Chinese partners, it is crucial toprotect your trademark from what are known as “intellectual property hijackers”.Situations of people registering foreign trademarks illegally in China for improper use in their own businesses or for “resale” to other companies are widely known ...
The state contribution for commercial rents to entrepreneurs with forcibly closed establishments is gaining more concrete outlines. If an entrepreneur negotiates a 30% discount on rent from his landlord, he will be able to apply for state support in the amount of 50% up to a ceiling of CZK 10 million for the period from April to June. However, the program has yet to be notified to the European Commission before it can be launched ...