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Tag: covid19
Beccar Varela | November 2020

Public Law Department Report Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 956/2020: Mandatory and Preventive Social Insulation and Social Distancing Within the state of the sanitary emergency currently in force, the President issued the Necessity and Urgency Decree No ...

Buchalter | November 2020

The Federal government’s COVID emergency loan programs and credit facilities have moved into critical new phases.  As highlighted by the recent media focus on the new SBA PPP Forgiveness Questionnaire for borrowers, both borrowers and lenders face new and challenging issues regarding these loan programs, particularly PPP loans and the Main Street Loan Program. PPP Loan Program – For most borrowers, the time period for spending PPP loan proceeds has expired ...

Buchalter | November 2020

On November 17, 2020, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an extension to the commercial eviction moratorium that had been previously enacted and extended on a month-to-month basis by mayoral declaration. The new commercial eviction ordinance (the “Ordinance”) keeps the majority of the terms of the current moratorium in effect, while providing a new four-tiered system for qualified tenants for repayment of deferred rent ...

Deacons | November 2020

Hong Kong has in recent times seen an increasing use of remote on-boarding of customers by banks as a result of COVID-19. Banks are generally required to pay more attention to the remote on-boarding assessment of corporate customers as opposed to individual ones due to the higher money laundering and terrorist financing risks associated with corporate vehicles ...

Deacons | November 2020

Hong Kong has in recent times seen an increasing use of remote on-boarding of customers by banks as a result of COVID-19. Banks are generally required to pay more attention to the remote on-boarding assessment of corporate customers as opposed to individual ones due to the higher money laundering and terrorist financing risks associated with corporate vehicles ...

Dykema | November 2020

                The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has expanded the definition of close contact to now evaluate exposure cumulatively over a 24-hour period such that “15 cumulative minutes of exposure at a distance of 6 feet or less can be used as an operational definition for contact investigation,”[1] Because the newly expanded definition is not limited, it impacts many different industries (inclu

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2020

Three pharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfeizer, have announced COVID-19 vaccines, which the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has announced could be available as early as late December 2020.[1] Governor Mike DeWine announced some Ohio health care professionals could receive the COVID vaccine as early as Dec. 15, 2020 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | November 2020

Key Points The new regulation covers all employees and places of employment with limited exceptions and is expected to take effect within the next two weeks. Employers must develop a written COVID-19 Prevention Program. Employers must also investigate and “respond effectively” to COVID-19 cases and notify employees and others who might have been exposed within one day ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | November 2020

As the retail sector is one of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, employers within it might be considering dismissing employees for economic or technical reasons ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2020

Terminating the employment of an employee is never easy. There are many things to consider from both a practical and legal perspective. The more prepared you can be the better. While not exhaustive, set out below are some questions every employer should be asking themselves before they terminate the employment of any non-union employee on a “without cause” basis ...

On November 12, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued to block the acquisition of two Memphis-area hospitals by Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare. Eleven months earlier, on December 12, 2019, Methodist entered into an agreement with Dallas-based Tenet Healthcare Corporation to purchase Saint Francis-Memphis and St. Francis-Bartlett (along with their associated physician practices, urgent care centers, and other ancillary care providers) for $350 million ...

A minority of states have enacted statutes and taken other action to protect business owners from claims by persons who allegedly were infected by COVID-19 on their premises.1 The purpose of this article is to compare these statutes and discuss some of the differences between them. This article addresses statutes in effect as of October 27, 2020. The article does not address pending legislation ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2020

The Ohio Department of Health’s July 23, 2020 Order regarding facial covering mandates has been amended in light of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Ohio. The order became effective today, Nov. 16, 2020. See the order here. This new order includes the following additional mandates for retail stores (enterprises offering goods to the public) only. 1. Each business will be required to post at all public entrances to the store: A. A face covering requirement sign; B ...

Dykema | November 2020

On November 15, 2020, Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services (“DHHS”) issued a new Gatherings and Face Mask Order that further limits in-person gatherings and employer operations, but does not meaningfully change requirements for most businesses. With limited exceptions, this Order prohibits all indoor gatherings at “non-residential venues” of “two or more persons from more than one household… in a shared space ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2020

Shoosmiths’ digital media expert and Partner, Sherif Malak, examined the multitude of predicted developments in retail, and the legal challenges that accompany them, in an article published in the Lawyer.  Here we reiterate Sherif’s published thoughts on likely trends. Introduction The COVID-19 crisis has brought a renewed focus to the role of retail technology and models, as the industry seeks to reimagine the retail landscape over the next year and beyond ...

PLMJ | November 2020

Introduction The rapid spread of COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in demand for medical devices (MDs) and personal protective equipment (PPE), masks for social use (textile articles) and other products destined to prevent the spread of the disease. As a result, it became clear that there was insufficient supply to meet existing needs during the state of emergency and the subsequent period ...

ENSafrica | November 2020

IP landscape While the world is in the grip of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the patenting of pharmaceutical and biological compositions and the launch of generic products is even more hotly debated than before, particularly in the world's developing and least-developed countries ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2020

In response to COVID-19, the federal government and the provinces have introduced various measures to mitigate the financial impact across the country. One of these measures is the introduction of a new type of type of unpaid, job-protected leave related to COVID-19. As of the date of this bulletin, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and the federal government have introduced these new leaves ...

Dykema | November 2020

Governor Whitmer announced last week that MIOSHA is increasing enforcement of its October 14 Emergency COVID-19 Rules, with a focus on promoting more remote work for offices ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2020

On November 9, 2020, the federal government announced a further temporary extension to permitted layoff periods for federally regulated private-sector employees. Background In June of 2020, the federal government extended the time periods for layoffs under the Canada Labour Standards Regulations to allow federally regulated private-sector employers more time to recall laid-off employees ...

Waller | November 2020

As the end of 2020 mercifully approaches and the presidential election is now in the rearview mirror, Waller’s Financial Services Industry Team is looking forward to 2021 to bring you its insight into what the future may hold for participants in the financial services industry ...

Carey | November 2020

Changes to the Chilean Labor Code require employers to adopt measures that facilitate the inclusion of disabled employees Law No.21,275 was added to the Labor Code and published in the Official Gazette on October 21, 2020. The new law is intended to facilitate the inclusion of disabled employees in the labor force.   Companies to which the law applies The Law is applicable to those companies that, in accordance with article 157 bis of the Labor Code, have 100 or more employees ...

Dykema | November 2020

While a few legislative races are still being tabulated, Democrats maintained their supermajority status in both the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate in this election cycle. Current projections, that are subject to change pending mail-in ballots, are for a Democrat supermajority of 72-46 in the House and 41-18 in the Senate. This was not an unexpected outcome, though most pre-election predictions had the Democrats achieving an even wider gap in the Legislature ...
