An open-ended fund company (OFC) must at all times have an investment manager (Fund Manager) who is responsible for managing the scheme property. To bring in expertise in respect of a specific market or strategy or for other various reasons, Fund Managers may engage sub-managers, advisors or delegates. The delegation of the investment management function by a Fund Manager is permissible under the OFC regime ...
The Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) has been further amended by Republic Act No. 11521,1 which took effect on February 8, 2021 (or immediately after its publication in the Official Gazette). (The new provisions introduced by R.A. 11521 to the AMLA are underlined below for ease of reference.) A. Spotlight on New Provisions B. Covered Persons and Covered Transactions C. Targeted Financial Sanctions D. Other Relevant Provisions A. Spotlight on New Provisions R.A ...
On 16 April 2021, the People’s Bank of China (“PBoC”) issued the Measures for Supervision and Administration of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing in Financial Institutions (《金融机构反洗钱和反恐怖融资监督管理办法》) (the “2021 AML Measures”), following PBoC’s issuance of a consultation draft of the same on 30 December 2020 (the “Consultation Draft”) ...
On 19 April 2021, the MLVT issued ‘Instruction 043 concerning the Payment of Wages for Early April (2021) and Additional Allowances for Employees in the Garment, Enterprise, Handicraft and Business sectors during the Phnom Penh and Takmao city lockdowns to prevent the spread of COVID-19’ (“Instruction”). The Instruction states that the temporary lockdown measures in Phnom Penh and Takmao City should be regarded as the de facto suspension of employment ...
Notification no. 7179 GDT dated 18 April 2021 (“Notification 7179”) from the General Department of Taxation (“GDT”) provides procedures for the submission of scanned application forms, administrative letters, other documents or tax returns to the GDT, including tax branches in Phnom Penh and the provinces, via online (E-Document Submission System) ...
Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, We are pleased to bring you the March 2021 issue of our quarterly Newsletter, we hope that you will continue to find its contents of value to you. Real Estate PJD Regency Sdn Bhd v Tribunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah: Calculation of Liquidated Agreed Damages commences from the Date of Payment of Booking Fee A case note by Alexis Yong Mey Ling … read more ...
Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends,We are pleased to bring you the latest legal updates for April 2021.Tax & RevenueIncome taxThe technical guideline Garis Panduan Berhubung Permohonan Pengecualian Cukai Pendapatan Kepada Institusi Atau Organisasi Keagamaan Yang Layak Di Bawah Perintah Cukai Pendapatan (Pengecualian) 2020 [P.U.(A) 139/2020] (available in Malay language only) has been published on 25 March 2021 on the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia’s official website ...
Notification no. 7175 GDT dated 16 April 2021 (“Notification 7175”) from the General Department of Taxation (“GDT”) provides an extension of the due date for the March 2021 monthly tax returns and payment. Key Takeaway For taxpayers whose businesses are prohibited to operate under Decision No. 49 the deadline for the March 2021 monthly tax payment and return submission has been extended to 15 May 2021 ...
Did you know? The Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) revised Patent Examination Guidelines came into force on 15 January 2021. The changes significantly relax the patentability requirements for inventions in the pharmaceutical, chemical and biotech field. Why does this matter to you? The revised guidelines focus on the examination criteria for novelty and inventive step in relation to the rapidly developing field of chemical and biotech inventions ...
The recent Court of First Instance decision in Li Yiqing v Lamtex Holdings Limited [2021] HKCFI 622 (11 March 2021) is a landmark decision in cross-border insolvency law in Hong Kong, in which the Court held that when it is considering the recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings, regard should not simply be had to the place of incorporation of the relevant company, but that in a departure from previous practice, the location of the company’s centre of main interest (COMI) is
In the recent case of AB V CD, HCCT 27/2020, 18 February 2021the Court granted the application of AB Engineering, to set aside a HKIAC arbitral award made against it in Hong Kong, finding that it was not a party to the relevant agreement containing the arbitration clause (Agreement) ...
Earn-outs are a commonly used payment mechanism in overseas and cross-border M&A transactions. Through earn-outs, transacting parties can set flexible metrics to adjust the buyer’s payment obligation and thereby allocate the risks and benefits between the buyer and seller ...
In an increasingly interconnected world facilitated by the rise of global digital commerce a number of gaps have been exposed in the tax systems of countries with perhaps one of the most significant issues being the difficulties in collecting tax from those providing digital goods and services without a physical presence in the jurisdiction where those goods and services are consumed ...
The Financial Services Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (the “FSB”) issued a letter on 1 April 2021 to all licensed money lenders setting out the Government’s proposal to revise the statutory interest rate cap and extortionate rate for money lending stipulated in the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163) (“MLO”) ...
The statutory framework for copyright in India encompasses the Copyright Act, 1957 (“CA”) and the Copyright Rules, 2013 (“CR”). This now stands amended in the form of Copyright (Amendment) Rules, 2021 (“CAR”) by the Central Government by virtue of powers conferred under section 78 of the CA. The Ministry of Commerce & Industry (Govt. of India) has duly notified this amendment[1] under Gazette notification bearing number G.S.R ...
The protracted legal battle between software giant Oracle America Inc. (“Oracle”) and technology behemoth Google LLC (“Google”) has truly been one for the ages. The Supreme Court of the United States of America (“SCOTUS”) on 05 April 2021 delivered its judgment in the writ of Certiorari filed by Google against Oracle ...
The HKIAC’s statistics for 2020 reveal that in 2020 the HKIAC received a record number of arbitration filings (the highest number received in over a decade) and the total amount in dispute in the arbitrations was another record high. Most hearings were fully or partially virtual, which is unsurprising given the pandemic outbreak last year. The following are some of the more notable statistics: 483 new cases were submitted to the HKIAC in 2020 ...
In our previous article, we reported on the Supplemental Arrangement Concerning Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between Mainland China and the HKSAR (Supplemental Arrangement) made on 27 November 2020, which made certain revisions to the Arrangement Concerning Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between Mainland China and the HKSAR, as follows: Recognition of arbitral awards -The Supplemental Arrangement clarified that the procedures set out in the Arrangement shall be in
In DR Jones Yeovil Ltd v The Stepping Stone Group Ltd [2020] EWHC 2308 (TCC), England’s Technology and Construction Court ruled in favour of a contractor in its claim for unpaid retention under a JCT contract and dismissed the employer’s counterclaim for alleged defects. Certificates of Making Good were never issued and one of the questions before the court was whether that meant there could be no recovery of the balance of retention ...
The appeal in ABC Electrification Ltd v Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd [2020] EWCA Civ 1645, concerned the proper construction of a Target Cost Contract based upon the standard Institute of Civil Engineers Conditions of Contract, Target Cost Version, First Edition (ICE Conditions) and subject to standard amendments commonly used in the rail industry, known as Network Rail 12 (N12 Amendments) ...
In the recent case of Cheng Pan & Anor v Yau Lai Wah, HCA 376/2015, the Court held the Defendant liable for loss and damage caused by water leakage from his property into a neighbouring property, which resulted from the Defendant’s contractors carrying out works to pipes located in the Defendant’s property ...
The advent of blank cheque company IPOs. Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) have taken the corporate world by storm. These “blank cheque” shell companies, which raise funds in their initial public offerings (IPO) to invest in potential but as yet unidentified target businesses, have fuelled a listing frenzy in the US. SPAC IPOs have garnered US$87.9 billion in fundraising in the first three months of 2021, already exceeding last year’s total ...
Pursuant to the Prakas on Launching the Use Rules and Procedures of Bakong System dated 26 June 2020 and the Prakas on Management of Payment Service Providers dated 14 June 2017, the National Bank of Cambodia (“NBC”) has determined transaction amounts and KYC procedures for financial institutions and payment service providers (“PSP”) in Cambodia ...
Pursuant to the Prakas on Launching the Use Rules and Procedures of Bakong System dated 26 June 2020 and the Prakas on Management of Payment Service Providers dated 14 June 2017, the National Bank of Cambodia (“NBC”) has determined transaction amounts and KYC procedures for financial institutions and payment service providers (“PSP”) in Cambodia ...