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Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2020

Norway has acceded to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (the «CTC»). The CTC has been implemented and given effect under Norwegian law as of 1 April 2011. It is still possible to register security interests over an aircraft with the Norwegian Civil Aircraft Registry («NCAR») ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2020

Contrary to what is the case in many jurisdictions, in Norway the business activity of lending is subject to strict licensing requirements. Only certain financial institutions are eligible for a license permitting them to conduct the business of lending in Norway ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2020

The London Interbank Offered Rate («LIBOR«) is arguably the financial world’s most important number; it is a proxy for banks’ marginal funding costs and serves as benchmark rate in millions of loans, floating-rate debt, and financial contracts. The publication of the LIBOR will in all likelihood, cease by the end of 2021. The shift from LIBOR is an immense change to global finance and will have far-reaching impacts on the financial services industry ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2020

What is it? A group account system (Nw: konsernkonto) («GAS«) is a technical solution a bank may offer its customers that simplifies the process for lending amounts within the customer’s group. It can be a useful tool for managing and controlling the liquidity in the group and ensuring flexibility for allocating liquidity within the various participating group members ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2020

With ‘financial assistance’ in this context, we refer to assistance granted by a company in connection with the purchase of the shares in that company or its parent company. The most common example is that a company grants a guarantee or security in connection with the purchaser’s financing of the purchase price for the acquisition of shares in the company ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2020

So called ‘direct agreements’ in the context of debt financing, has the main purpose of establishing a direct contractual relationship between a lender and the borrower’s counterparties for the purpose of enabling the lender to gain control over the borrower’s contracts. Direct agreements are most common for project financings and other facilities where the value of the assets being financed at large depend on the borrower’s contracts. Examples are e.g ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2020

  On 17 February 2020, we wrote our first notes on the effect of the virus on shipping. Since then, both the outbreak as well as the measures against it are spreading wider. Link to our first article about the Covid-19 and its impact on Shipping.  We have received numerous queries from our clients and have assisted in establishing management plans for situations ranging from chartering, to shipbuilding and sale and purchase through to notices to master and crew on board ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2018

Shipowners often face the decision as to which flag they should fly on their vessel. Several factors may influence the choice of flag. The shipowner's decision as to which flag they should fly on their vessel must be made when an owner is: registering a new build; changing flag in connection with a sale and purchase transaction; or concluding a bareboat contract ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2021

The core question of the doctor list case was whether online sharing of user reviews of health professionals on the Norwegian website «» was necessary to ensure the freedom of expression and the public’s need for information. Furthermore, the Supreme Court had to decide whether those interests outweighed the privacy interests of the persons being reviewed ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | June 2022

Prior to the entry into force of the FDI Screening Regulation on 11 October 2020, there was no EU-wide formalized cooperation among the Member States and the European Commission on these matters. In the EU, the European Commission’s strong expectation is that all 27 EU Member States will put national FDI screening mechanisms in place. A national screening mechanism in all 27 Member States serves to safeguard all individual Member States against potentially risky foreign investments ...

Saleform 2012 is one of the most widely used contract formulars for the sale and purchase of second hand tonnage. The Saleform has its origins back to 1925 and was adopted by BIMCO in 1956. Since then, the Saleform has been amended several times, latest in 2012 ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2022

All contract legislation in Norway specifies time limits for filing a complaint. Put very simply, a complaint in this context is the process whereby a party to an agreement complains about a defect and asserts a claim within a defined time limit. Once the specified time limit has expired, the right to bring the claim will be lost. The logic behind the rules on complaints is that the parties to an agreement must be able to define the end point of, for example, a sale or delivery ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2023

After a particularly active consultation round with approx. 140 consultation responses, together with the proposal for the national budget for 2024, the government presented a revised proposal today, 6 October 2023. The criticism from a relatively united renewables industry must be said to have fallen on relatively deaf ears and the proposal is essentially a continuation of the consultation proposal ...

By imposing the obligations, the regulation aims to end unfair practices and conduct which is harmful to competition and end users by the companies acting as gatekeepers in the online platform economy. Under the DMA, a firm will be considered as a designated gatekeeper if three criteria are met. First, the company must have a significant impact on the European market which is determined by the company’s turnover ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2020

  The authorities have been quick to publish public procurement law guidance for the Covid-19 crisis. In this article we argue that Norwegian authorities could have provided even more clear guidance on what is to be considered at the crossroad between public procurement law and the protection of life and health. The exceptional Covid-19 crisis has given contracting authorities new and unforeseen challenges ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2022

Resource rent tax on aquaculture The government proposes to introduce a resource rent tax on aquaculture from 1st of January 2023. The proposal will be circulated for consultation today with a deadline of 3rd of January 2023. The proposal includes a resource rent tax with an effective rate of 40% applicable to the production of salmon, trout, and rainbow trout. The proposal includes a tax-free allowance of between 4,000 and 5,000 tonnes ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2023

Following the implementation of significant restrictions on the ability to hire personnel from staffing enterprises, the scope of discretion available to employers in terms of temporary staffing has become a central issue. One important exception to the prohibition against temporary staffing is found in the so-called specialist exception ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | April 2024

The Written Observations submitted by the plaintiffs to the EFTA Court  The plaintiffs argue that the rights provided by the EEA Agreement are applicable in the present case because there is a «cross-border element» – a factor that links the case to EEA law ...

The Norwegian Government today, ahead of presenting the revised budget for 2023, announced postponed implementation of resource rent tax on onshore wind power. The proposal for a resource rent tax was sent for consultation on 16th December 2022, with the deadline set for 15th March 2023. The initial plan was to implement the tax from 2023, but the effective date is now under review, partly due to feedback received during the consultation period ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2023

There was considerable anticipation regarding whether the negotiations would be successfully concluded during this meeting. Without an agreement, there was a risk of significant delays in the adoption of the framework. This was undesirable for EU institutions that have invested considerable prestige in leading the regulation of AI globally. Read more about the most contentious issues leading up to the last negotiation meeting in this article ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | January 2019

To protect and stimulate creators to increase innovation and encourage entrepreneurship, Norwegian authorities are changing the law. In 2018 we received several proposals towards strengthening the rights of those who create new ideas or build their business on intellectual property. Looking back at 2018, we see a year in which the Norwegian intellectual property (IP) legislation has been in movement. Technology is developing fast, and so must the law protecting technology ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2018

Software is becoming the main part of an increasingly amount of products set on the market; a trend which will become more and more evident in the years to come. This fact challenges the legal landscape and interpretation of product liability laws, and contract makers must pay attention to potential new risks imposed on the parties. If a product causes damages to a third party, complex questions may arise with respect to liability and the chain of causation ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2018

PSD2 came into effect in the European Union on January 13, 2018. PSD2 is important as it aims to further harmonise the EU payments market and break the banks' de facto monopoly on the provision of payment services and the use of their customer data. Below is a review of developments to date as they relate to transposing PSD2 into Norwegian law, including an update on the most recent developments ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2018

Despite a positive and active start in H12018 with high M&A activity in the Norwegian market, the total number of completed deals in Norway in 2018 will be significantly lower than in 2017. YTD it has been registered 248 completed deals in Norway compared to 346 in 2017 (full year) ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2018

The online retail sector has seen a considerable increase in intervention by the competition authorities both on a national level and in Brussels. Most recently, in December 2018, the European Commission fined the clothing company Guess € 39.8 million for applying online sales and advertising restrictions ...
