Just as the world started to show signs of recovery from the pandemic and there was a glimpse of a promising economic boom, Russia invaded Ukraine. The wide-reaching effect of the war on society and business has meant that many of the challenges faced by the economy are real and the risks previously believed to be of low importance have been or will be actualized ...
Fundamental changes to the housing law regime in Wales took effect on 1 December 2022 when the Renting Home (Wales) Act 2016 comes into force. New form of rental agreement The Renting Home (Wales) Act 2016 (the “Act”) introduces a new form of rental agreement for residential property in Wales known as an “occupation contract” ...
A landmark decision has been handed down by the Court of Appeal in O G Thomas Amaethyddiath v Turner & Ors [2022] EWCA Civ 1446 (further info here), a case concerning the validity of a notice to quit. The Court of Appeal applied the test set out in Mannai Investment Co v Eagle Star Life Assurance [1997] AC 749 and overturned both the decision at first instance and at first appeal ...
On the second day of Christmas, HR was asked “How do you keep control at the Christmas party?” And HR replied...by setting clear boundaries! Christmas parties are designed to be fun, but a few festive drinks can quickly get out of hand if not managed correctly. A sobering thought is that employers can be vicariously liable for the action of employees during work events such as Christmas parties. So, what steps should employers take? Risk assessments are a pre-party essential ...
How can investors, developers and the public sector find value in an ever-changing environment? This was the big central question forming the basis for EG’s recent Scottish Cities Live event, of which Shoosmiths was a sponsor ...
On the first day of Christmas, HR was asked, “Who should we invite to the Christmas party?”. And HR replied...everyone! When it comes to Christmas parties, although it is rare for employees who are absent, for example on sick leave or maternity or other family leave, to be deliberately excluded from the invite list, it is often the case that they are overlooked, particularly if they have been absent for some time ...
The agreement on a new EU-U.S. data privacy framework between EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and U.S. President Joe Biden had already been announced on 25 March 2022 (for background, please refer to our previous article The EU-US Privacy Shield: Third Time’s a Charm? – Mamo TCV) ...
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting is a major and evolving regulatory area in Europe. Disclosures play a crucial role in helping the financial sector address climate change and sustainability. They are also being used to address issues such as poor workplace diversity and gender pay gaps. Several jurisdictions have introduced or plan to introduce measures dealing with ESG risks in supply chains ...
On the 12th of April 2021, the Malta Financial Services Authority (‘MFSA’) introduced the requirement for all collective investment schemes that are locally licensed or notified to submit a novel return, being the Annual Fund Return. Various amendments to the Annual Fund Return have been made as can be seen in the Circular issued by the MFSA on the 21st of December 2021, along with the updated Guidelines ...
Congratulations! You won your case in court and all the expense and hard work of the past few months, or years (not to mention the broken business relationships and sleepless nights along the way) might just have been worth it to experience this moment of jubilation ...
2022 saw the removal of all COVID-19 related restrictions. As we enter our first winter restriction free, we are likely to see a significant spike in COVID-19 cases in addition to other cold or flu viruses. So, what should employers do to manage this? It is imperative that employers consider what they can do to effectively manage COVID-19 within the workplace this winter and how best to protect their employees from associated risks ...
The ICO’s long-awaited guidance on how organisations can manage transfers of UK data to receivers outside the UK has arrived. What does it say about the direction this government may want to take on data protection reform? It will take time for advisers and users to digest but it’s instructive to take an early tour and try to guess what will prove useful and what are the new bones of contention ...
Over the last 10 years or so, we have seen a lot of buzz and excitement around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. According to research conducted by Which? into a selection of deals from last year it seems that the lure of a Black Friday deal isn't all it cracks up to be and that it isn't necessarily the cheapest time of the year to shop ...
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry (“the Inquiry”) opened its third Module on 8 November 2022, along with the application process for Core Participant (“CP”) status. Module 3 will consider the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the healthcare sector in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland ...
While originally opened to great fanfare between 2017 and 2019, over the course of 2022 Shell has discreetly closed down all of its UK hydrogen filling stations, citing that "the prototype technology had reached the end of its life". This decision is perhaps not surprising, given the low volume of domestic fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) on UK roads ...
In conjunction with Malta Enterprise, Residency Malta Agency has launched a new residence programme for beneficiaries under the Malta Start-Up Residence Programme. Similar to the Nomad Residence Permit , the Malta Start-Up Residence Programme seeks to attract business-driven individuals to set up their new business venture in Malta ...
With all the changes to the world of work that we have recently experienced and are continuing to experience, our webinar programme this year is focused on the future of work and in particular the hot topics that HR teams are having to handle now in order to future-proof their organisations. Our latest seminar focused on menopause in the workplace ...
On appeal, the trademark infringement was no longer in dispute. Still, the decision has a fundamental interest in the intellectual property legal space. The judgement deals with principal issues related to compensation claims for trademark infringement where the infringement and alleged damage merely relates to a subpart of the infringer’s ads and turnover. Norgesgjerde and Vindex (the original plaintiffs) claimed total damages and compensation in excess of NOK 10 million ...
Shoosmiths’ head of energy and infrastructure (E&I) sector, James Wood-Robertson, details and reacts to the much-anticipated E&I developments and proposals set out in the UK government’s 2022 Autumn Statement ...
According to a recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decision, an employee cannot settle future statutory claims that have not arisen at the date of the settlement agreement. We review what this means in practice for parties entering into such agreements. In order for a settlement agreement to be valid, it must comply with the necessary statutory requirements ...
Recent months have seen a flurry of developments globally towards the regulation of Artificial Intelligence. Government bodies in the US, UK and EU have released proposals and updates around regulating AI, with each approach showing important distinctions ...
Blockchain litigation lead, Matt Green will be hosting our latest podcast series, 'In Early - The Crypto Podcast' - Listen to episode 3. During this five-part series, Matt will be speaking to special guests at the forefront of the digital asset space, telling real life stories, discussing the growth and growing pains of the industry, and exploring how blockchain technology has made an impact on people’s lives ...
The High Court has handed down three new judgments on BI insurance claims resulting from Covid-19: Stonegate Pub Co Ltd v MS Amlin Corporate Member Ltd [2022] EWHC 2548 (Comm), Various Eateries Trading Ltd (formerly Strada Trading Ltd) v Allianz Insurance Plc [2022] EWHC 2549 (Comm) and Greggs v Zurich Insurance Plc [2022] EWHC 2545 (Comm). These cases are another reminder of the complexities of BI insurance and the particular challenges created by Covid-19 ...
Commercial landlords and tenants have less than five months to go until the first major change comes into force following the government implementing the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) in 2018. Currently, a commercial landlord cannot grant a new lease of a property that has an energy performance rating of less than E - unless an exemption applies ...
The Criminal Procedure (Amendment No.2) Rules introduce changes to private prosecutions. The Rules amend the existing Criminal Procedure Rules 2020, introducing new criteria that may well serve to curtail the increasing number of private prosecutions, thereby reducing the consequent pressure on the courts and all those involved. The Criminal Procedure (Amendment No.2) Rules The Criminal Procedure (Amendment No.2) Rules (S.I ...