The High Court recently held that damages would not be awarded for wasted management and staff time despite finding an unlawful means conspiracy to have existed. In Zenith Logistics Services (UK) Ltd and others v Keates and others, Judge Keyser QC held the monetary loss needs to be proven, otherwise the damages will not be awarded. Claim Zenith claimed £281,500 for lost management time spent investigating and addressing the wrongdoing ...
Agricultural and rural settings present significant health and safety risks, which must be carefully managed and mitigated by employers and landowners operating in the sector. The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) annual report into workplace fatal injuries (published on 6 July 2022) disclosed that, of the 123 workers killed in work-related accidents across the United Kingdom in 2021/22, 22 deaths occurred in the agriculture sector ...
The government has published a consultation on implementing the new building control regime for higher-risk buildings under Part 3 of the Building Safety Act 2022. The consultation predominantly focuses on the changes that will be made to the building regulations to implement the new building safety reforms ...
A summary of the key takeaways from a recent webinar on reducing scope 3 Purchased Goods & Services and Capital Goods emissions. Shoosmiths is delighted to be sponsoring United Nation Global Compact Network (UNGC) UK’s series of webinars on ‘Reducing Scope 3 Emissions’ ...
In light of the sanctions imposed, ALRUD experts have prepared an Overview of Russian Counter-Sanctions measures that have been taken in response to the actions of unfriendly countries since 24 February 2022. The overview focuses on: Russian counter-sanctions measures Liability Prospects for foreign business Recent trends in litigation and arbitration Assumptions and limitations The review is updated on an ongoing basis. Follow the link to learn more ...
Shock to UK employment world The UK employment model was turned on its head by COVID-19 and the restrictions brought in by the Government. The seismic effects of the restrictions and the speed with which they were introduced tested the adaptability and resilience of employers and employees in a way not seen previously in the UK ...
Switch2 Energy, Shoosmiths and HermeticaBlack came together to discuss procurement and delivery of new, low cost, low carbon heat networks ...
In conversation with... Our panel of experts - Nina Pindham of No.5 Chamber, Sam Grange and Will Thomas from Shoosmiths and Rhys Bradshaw from DLP Planning took a fresh look at the new "Planning" Bill and gave us their thoughts. There are many questions that many have about the new ‘Planning’ bill... Is this the final Act for s ...
A significant, temporary measure for 2022 has been introduced into the Russian merger control procedure, which may affect the regulatory approval process, in many M&A transactions, and might be specifically relevant for Management Buyouts. On July 14th, 2022, the Federal Law No. 286-FZ came into force ...
Please be informed that new laws, introducing major reform of Russian data protection and information regulation, have been passed by the Russian parliament and signed by the President of the Russian Federation, in July 2022. The reform covers: • Significant changes to the Federal Law No ...
From the legislator, it is relevant to draw attention to the new rules on remote court sessions and remote examination. The rules are based on the principle that court proceedings in Norway shall take place in a meeting where the participants are physically present. However, the preparatory works maintains that it’s time to make these regulations more flexible, to ensure appropriate, modern and efficient court proceedings ...
Shepherd and Wedderburn was delighted to attend the Royal Highland Show after a sorely missed absence over the last two years. It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces throughout the event, and particularly on the Friday at our full capacity breakfast briefing, co-hosted with Bidwells. For those not in attendance, we would like to share the following headline insights and key takeaways ...
The UK Government published last month its annual report on the application of the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (NSIA). The NSIA came into force on 4 January 2022. The report covers the period commencing from that date to 31 March 2022, though future annual reports will cover a full calendar year. The NSIA is already having a significant effect ...
We were delighted to advise our client, the Scottish National Investment Bank, in its investment in pureLiFi, a wireless communications start-up that uses light to transmit data. John Morrison, who led the Shepherd and Wedderburn deal team with support from Ian Crombie and Sophie Bailey, said: “It is a pleasure to have worked with the Bank to facilitate this deal, which supports the roll-out of innovative communications technology and the creation of high skilled jobs in Scotland ...
Shepherd and Wedderburn would like to say thank you to our clients for providing valued and insightful feedback to Chambers and Partners High Net Worth Guide, which has awarded a Band 1 ranking to our private wealth and tax team in Glasgow and Edinburgh. This the first time our team in the central belt has been awarded the guide’s highest ranking ...
Further in their specialist series Chambers and Partners have launched this year’s guide for professional advisers to wealthy individuals and organisations, providing objective guidance on an international scale. The in-depth analysis covers trends within the private client market and has ranked the leading lawyers and law firms for international private wealth ...
Lauren Bowkett is a principal associate in the financial crime team at Shoosmiths. She has experience in providing financial crime compliance advice, including advice in relation to the Modern Slavery Act (“MSA 2015”). In this article Lauren takes us through the key features of the Modern Slavery Bill and gives her comment on the potential amendments. The new Modern Slavery Bill will seek to strengthen the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ...
Malta has, over the past years, attracted a number of the world’s largest superyachts to its shores by offering good marina services and a number of ancillary facilities such as technical assistance and repairs, boat hoists and bunkering services ...
Legal Notice 201 of 2022 has been published on the 13th July 2022 and will come into force on the 2nd August 2022. These regulations were enacted with the aim of transposing the EU Work-Life Balance Directive which was introduced and became part of EU law in August 2019. The main provisions of this legal notice are the following: 1 ...
As a part of our conversations with clients webinar-series, we interviewed Matthew Wilson, General Counsel at Fremantle about career development and career management for in-house lawyers (IHLs). When considering roles and moves, Matt applies the following criteria: Pick an industry that’s interesting and will be interesting for 5-10 years Pick what interests you, you need a reason to get out of bed in the morning and feel energised about the day ahead ...
The State Budget Law for 2022, Law 12/2022 of 27 June (“SBL2022”) was published on 27 June 2022 and came into force on the following day. SBL2022 is framed in a context of expectations for the economic recovery of the country in what is hoped will be a post-pandemic period. It has been presented as a budget that promotes economic recovery and reinforces policies favourable to investment. However, the greatest changes that have been proposed relate to the taxation of individuals ...
The list of extensions for the adaptation of municipal and inter-municipal plans to the (new) rules on land classification and ualification contained in the Legal Framework for Territorial Management Instruments (Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de estão Territorial - “RGJIT”) 1 has been joined by a new one, with the publication of Decree-Law 45/2022 of 8 July ...
The Commission’s withdrawal of the Maternity Leave Directive which had not made any legislative progress since 2008, paved the way for an innovative and comprehensive outlook on tackling the lack of female representation in employment. Such approach centres around the Work-Life Balance Initiative which constitutes one of the outcomes of the European Pillar of Social Rights ...
The last few years have brought seismic changes in the workplace including in the adoption of video conferencing for tribunal hearings. Whilst this can make it easier for witnesses to attend no matter where they are based, if that is abroad care is needed. Change in tribunal practice With the worst of the pandemic now behind us, much has been made about hybrid working arrangements and the return (at least in part) to the workplace ...
‘We want to take back control’ was a common refrain during the Brexit debates prior to the vote, and since remains a mantra of the UK government. Recent views expressed by the UK government raise the question of what is meant by ‘we’. Across the Atlantic, the United States has a clear expression in its constitution – ‘We the People’ ...