The London Court of International Arbitration recently published its caseload statistics for 2021, which can be found here. The LCIA is one of the world’s leading international institutions for commercial dispute resolution and administers arbitrations and other alternative dispute resolution proceedings, regardless of location and under any system of law ...
Despite the menopause affecting around 13 million women a year in the United Kingdom, until recently it was very much a taboo subject, both within and outside the workplace. Whilst progress has been made, it is critical that the conversation keeps going ...
The UK is facing a series of economic shocks, fuelled by the increased cost-of-living, the Ukraine war hitting the global supply chain, and lasting disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic. The combination of issues has led to shifts in shopping behaviours, working patterns and residential needs, while also impacting demand for space in traditional retail and leisure districts. Remedial action is needed to deal with these pressures and the resultant damage to UK high streets ...
On 9 June 2022 we organised Social Mobility in Action -The Shoosmiths Foundation and End Youth Homelessness’ webinar. The event was hosted by Simon Boss, Shoosmiths, with special guests Faye Edmondson of End Youth Homelessness and Megan Stott of Deliveroo. The Shoosmiths Foundation, launched in 2021, is a grant making body working to help address societal issues, to empower sustainable change and to improve the lives of the people and the environment in the UK ...
On 25 May 2022, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published its new 10-year strategy (“the Strategy”) which will inform its activities until 2032. As recognised in the Foreword, “the organisation’s role and responsibilities are growing, particularly in the areas of building safety, chemicals regulation and supporting sustainable, healthy, workplace practices ...
In September 2019 government announced a review of the system for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in England. The current SEND regime introduced in 2014, is considered by many to be unfit for purpose, both in terms of accountability and consistent quality of support and adequate funding to local authorities to make the system work ...
Invitation Dear Colleagues, ALRUD Law Firm is honoured to invite you to our webinar: "Labour Issues in Corporate Restructurings and Transactions during the Crisis Period" In these current challenging times, corporations face various difficulties that significantly influence their activities in Russia. Given the severe sanctions and technical issues caused by them, companies have been forced to find new business approaches ...
The partners and staff of Mamo TCV have made a donation to Jesuit Refugee Service (Europe) who are assisting those fleeing the war in Ukraine. JRS is an international Catholic organisation with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate for the rights of refugees and others who are forcibly displaced. This contribution is one of a number of initiatives that form part of Mamo TCV’s commitment towards creating a better society ...
Mamo TCV Advocates managing partner, Michael Psaila and partner Edmond Zammit Laferla attended the World Services Group’s European Regional Forum in Stockholm, which was hosted by Swedish member firm, Delphi and took place between 1st and 3rd June 2022. The World Services Group is a leading global network of independent law firms from over 150 jurisdictions with over 23,000 professionals globally ...
1. Introduction After a long consultation period, the European Commission recently published the new Block Exemption Regulation for Vertical Agreements (Regulation (EU) 2022/720 "VBER"). The regulation will enter into force on 1 June 2022. New Guidelines on vertical restraints ("Guidelines") will accompany the new VBER. Both replace the previous set of rules from 2010 ...
The coming advent of quantum computing technologies will bring important changes to our society. In the medium term, computing calculation power will be multiplied to a level that exceeds our current understanding. This will allow for various new industrial developments and applications. This will also raise a vast number of sensitive legal issues. In this article, ALTIUS summarises what are the key takeaways that you should know about quantum computing ...
On 10 May 2022 the UK Government announced, through the Queen’s Speech, that the United Kingdom's data protection regime is to be reformed. What is the bill? The Data Reform Bill (“the Bill”) will reform the UK’s current data protection framework. As a result of Brexit, the UK incorporated the EU data protection regime (the EU GDPR) into domestic law as the “UK GDPR” ...
To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail – and that certainly applies to selling a business or company. You might still sell it, but you will almost certainly sell it for less. Selling a business may be the most important decision a business owner may take and it is never too early to bring in quality advisors to assist with the sale process (and potentially to help find potential buyers) ...
Running a business can be an extremely rewarding experience, but it is not without its challenges. While pandemic-related restrictions have eased, rising energy costs and inflationary pressures continue to cause concern for UK businesses. Further, the personal impact that dealing with periods of distress can have on directors should not be overlooked ...
The Unified Patent Court (the “UPC”), which will have jurisdiction over most European patents, is due to commence operations at some point between the final quarter of 2022 and early 2023. It has been a long time coming and is part of the ‘Unitary Patent Package’. The aim of this package is to establish unitary patent protection within Europe, and to make it cheaper and easier for patentees to obtain and enforce patents ...
February’s Supreme Court ruling in Bloomberg confirmed that those under criminal investigation have a right, enforceable in the civil courts, to prevent publication of their identity until the moment they are charged. In this short article Gordon Downie, Partner in our regulation and markets team, considers some questions about the implications of Bloomberg, in particular for regulatory investigations ...
All-Energy 2022 was seen by many in the clean energy sector as an opportunity to build on the progress made at COP26 and to set out a route map for Scotland and the UK to achieve their net zero targets. A key focus of this year’s conference was offshore wind, providing an ideal opportunity to reflect on the sector’s achievements to date and its future ambitions ...
Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, has published a blog on the Scottish Land Commission website about the powers that the commissioner has to investigate alleged breaches of codes of practice. It seemed to me that the headline was slightly misleading. It stated boldly “Tenant farmers encouraged to notify the TFC of alleged code breaches” but of course landlords and tenants have duties under the codes and either party is entitled to complain ...
Prescription (Scotland) Act 2018 Prescription is the rule of law in Scotland that extinguishes certain rights and obligations after a period of time. This includes a right to recover damages for breach of contract. In Scotland, a contractual claim prescribes after five years; therefore formal proceedings, either court or arbitration, must be raised and served in order to stop the five-year period running. On 1 June 2022, important changes to prescription become law in Scotland ...
Last year, the UK Government published its green paper and consultation on Transforming Public Procurement. The government response to the consultation was published in December 2021 and on 11 May the draft Procurement Bill (the “Bill”) was published. You can download a copy of the Bill here ...
Whilst every year throughout June we celebrate Pride Month, this is an extra special year; the 50 year anniversary of the first ever Pride event in the UK. #PROUD@Shoosmiths Every June Pride Month is celebrated across the world to honour the 1969 Stonewall Riots ...
Using evidence given at the UK COVID-19 Inquiry in later criminal or other proceedings The Chair of the UK COVID-19 Inquiry, the Rt Hon Baroness Heather Hallett DBE ...
With all the changes to the world of work that we have recently experienced and are continuing to experience, our webinar programme this year is focused on the future of work and in particular the hot topics HR teams are having to handle now in order to future proof their organisations. Our latest seminar focused on whistleblowing and, in particular, how approaches to whistleblowing have changed as a result of the pandemic ...
A key feature of Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (“UCITS” fund) is the Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”), which provides the retail investor with simplified information from the prospectus. UCITS also qualify as Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance Products (“PRIIPS”) ...
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) published exposure drafts of two International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) ...