Under Part XV of the Securities & Futures Ordinance (SFO), where a company has an interest (or a short position) in Hong Kong listed shares, its holding company is deemed to have that interest; this attribution is carried the whole way up a corporate chain to the ultimate holding company. This imposes onerous monitoring requirements on financial services groups ...
China presents enormous opportunities for the wealth management industry, as the domestic financial market and players develop increasing sophistication. The financial regulators in China are pushing ahead with financial market reforms and regulations, across the equity and bond markets, over banks, insurance companies, securities companies, securities investment fund management companies, trust investment companies and other financial institutions ...
The new Arbitration Rules of the International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) came into force on 1 May 2005. The following are the major changes: Specialist Arbitration Rules The new Rules provide for the possibility of using rules tailored made for specific industries. Todate, only rules for financial disputes have been published. Specialist panels of arbitrators have also been set up according to the nature of dispute ...
General overview What legislation governs M&A activity in your jurisdiction? M&A activities in Taiwan are primarily governed by the Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions Law, the Securities and Exchange Law, the Company Law, the Fair Trade Law and the Regulations Governing Tender Offers for Purchase of the Securities of a Public Company ...
Revised Guideline on the Sharing and Use of Consumer Credit Data through a Credit Reference Agency On 18th January 2005, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) issued a revised statutory guideline, namely the Supervisory Policy Manual on the Sharing and Use of Consumer Credit Data through a Credit Reference Agency (IC-6) (“CRA Guideline”) ...
The State Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce recently revised two key catalogues regarding foreign investment. The Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in the Central and Western Regions (the “Regional Catalogue”) was revised on 23 July 2004. The revised Regional Catalogue replaces the 2000 version with effect from 1 September 2004 ...
The State Development and Reform Commission (“SDRC”) promulgated the Provisional Measures for the Administration of the Verification of Foreign Investment Projects on 9 October 2004. The Provisional Measures, which entered into effect on the date of their promulgation, are based on the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Licensing and the Decision of the State Council on the Reform of the Investment System (as discussed respectively in the No ...
The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) promulgated the Regulations on the Investment in and Establishment of Holding Companies by Foreign Business Entities on 17 November 2004. The Regulations, which became effective on 17 December 2004, revise regulations of the same name promulgated in 2004 (as discussed in the 2004.2 issue of China Legal Update) (the “Original Regulations”) ...
The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchise Operations on 31 December 2004. The Measures, which came into force on 1 February 2005, replace the 1997 Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchise Operations (for Trial Implementation) which only governed franchising involving domestic operators ...
The National Bureau of Statistics promulgated the Measures of the National Bureau of Statistics for the Administration of Foreign-related Surveys 13 October 2004. The Measures, which came into force on the date on which they were promulgated, replace the 1999 Provisional Measures of the National Bureau of Statistics for the Administration of Foreign-related Social Surveys ...
The State Administration of Taxation issued the Urgent Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Relevant Issues in Strengthening the Administration of the Levy and Collection of Value-Added Tax for Newly Established Commercial and Trading Enterprises on 13 August 2004 ...
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued the Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues in the Internal Operational Control of Foreign Exchange of Multinational Corporations on 18 October 2004. The Notice, which became effective on 1 November 2004, relaxes some of the restrictions on foreign exchange transfers between subsidiaries of multinational companies ...
The State Administration of Taxation revised the Rules for the Administration of Tax on Business Transactions Between Affiliated Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) effect from 22 October 2004. The Rules replace a regulation of the same name issued in 1998 (“1998 Rules”). Expanded scope of application The Rules have a wider scope of application than the 1998 Rules ...
The State Administration of Taxation (“SAT”) issued the Implementing Rules for Advance Pricing Arrangements for Business Dealings Between Affiliated Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) on 3 September 2004. The Implementing Rules, which became effective on the date on which they were issued, represent another development in China’s legal framework for transfer pricing (see previous article in this China Legal Update) ...
The Securities Commission of Malaysia released new guidelines on real estate investment trusts (REITs Guidelines) on 3 January 2005. The REITs Guidelines supersede earlier guidelines on property trust funds published in November 2002. The key features of the REITs Guidelines include the liberalisation of borrowing limits as well as the relaxation of restrictions under the old guidelines on the acquisition of leasehold properties and properties encumbered by financial charges ...
On 2 December 2004, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a new rule and rule amendments under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (IAA), with significant implications for hedge fund advisers within and outside the U.S. The new rules require investment advisers to “look through” the funds they manage and count investors in the funds as clients for the purpose of determining whether an adviser is exempt from registration under the “private adviser exemption” ...
The Taiwan Securities and Futures Bureau issued an Order on 31 January 2005 increasing the limit on investment in PRC related securities by foreign funds offered by SICEs from 5% to 10% of the fund’s net asset value (NAV). The Order makes no change to the restriction on an offshore fund’s investments in securities issued in Mainland China which remains capped at 0.4% of the fund’s NAV ...
The second consultation on exemption of offshore funds from profits tax ended on 31 January 2005. Section 20A of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) provides that where a person is a non-resident and carries on business through an agent in Hong Kong, that non-resident can be charged to tax in the name of the agent and that tax can be recovered from the agent. However, section 20AA provides for an exemption whereby qualifying agents (i.e ...
In November 2004 the Hong Kong Securities and Future Commission (SFC) published its Consultation Conclusions on the Regulatory Framework for Addressing Analysts’ Conflicts of Interest and issued guidelines to form part of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission (Code of Conduct) which are scheduled to come into effect on 1 April 2005 ...
In November 2004, the Securites and Futures Commission (SFC) published its Consultation Conclusions and Guidelines on Good Disclosure of Securities Services and Related Fees and Charges (Guidelines). The Guidelines, which came into effect on 1 January 2005, supplement the existing Code of Conduct ...
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued a circular on 21 December 2004 to deemed licensed corporations. Deemed licensed corporations which do not intend to migrate to the new regime under the SFO are expected to wind down their businesses and make arrangements for the return and transfer of client assets before their licences expire on 31 March 2005. The circular also sets out guidance on the treatment of unclaimed client assets ...
The Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") have just released their consultation paper ("Paper") on the review of the disclosure of interests regime under Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) ("Part XV"). The Paper contains the SFC's proposals for changes to the law on disclosure of interests in shares. Most of the provisions of the Securities and Futures Ordinance was gazetted on 28 March 2002 and came into effect (including Part XV) on 1 April 2003 ...
“Financial assistance” includes granting credit, lending money, providing security for or guaranteeing a loan. (This is the definition in relation to connected transactions, but a similar concept would apply generally.) We will first discuss the treatment of price-sensitive information, in respect of which there is a general obligation ...