Below is an update on the most relevant employment law measures adopted after the Decree of March 22, 2021, no. 41 (the so-called “Sostegni Decree”) within the framework of the COVID-19 emergency legislation and the on-going vaccination campaign ...
Following the extension of the state of emergency until April 30, 2021 and the issuance of further pieces of legislation in connection with the COVID-19 emergency, including the recent Decree of March 13, 2021, no. 30 (that introduced, among others, new parental leaves and baby-sitting vouchers), the so-called “Sostegni Decree” has been just issued (Decree of March 22, 2021, no. 41, in force from March 23, 2021) ...
By resolution adopted on October 7, 2020, the state of emergency has been extended until January 31, 2021 ...
1. Introduction Pursuant to Law no. 40 of 5 June 2020, published in the Official Gazzette no. 143 of 6 June 2020 (the “Conversion Law”), Law Decree no. 23 of 8 April 2020 (the “Liquidity Decree”) was converted into law with amendments. Below is a summary of the key amendments made to Chapter II (Urgent Provisions to Ensure Going Concern) by the Conversion Law. 2 ...
After the start of Phase 2 (which began on 4 May 2020) the Italian government adopted on 16 May Law Decree no. 33 concerning, inter alia, "Further urgent measures to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak" (the "DL 16 May 2020"). Moreover, on 17 May 2020, in implementation of the aforementioned DL 16 May 2020, the Prime Minister issued a new decree with specific implementing provisions (the "PMD 17 May 2020") ...
1. Introduction The crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has called for unprecedented measures also in relation to the enforcement of competition law. At the national level, the Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato – “ICA”) has put in place several initiatives to support undertakings and protect consumers during the current emergency. 2 ...
“We continue to work closely with Member States to ensure that European businesses have access to urgently needed liquidity”, said the vice-president of the European Commission (“Commission”) Margrethe Vestager in connection with the amendment to the Temporary Framework on State aid adopted on 8 May 2020 ...
As the contagion rate and death toll caused by the Covid-19 emergency (“Covid-19”) continues to decrease, on 26 April 2020 the Prime Minister announced in a press conference the measures adopted to ease the lockdown during the so-called “phase 2”. The new measures are reflected in the Prime Minister Decree dated 26 April 20201 (the “26 April 2020 Decree”) ...
On April 24, 2020, the Protocol signed on March 14 2020 (the “H&S Protocol”), providing for the measures to be complied with by employers to continue the activity while ensuring the maximum degree of protection for the employees, has been amended. The amendments encompass all the sections of the H&S Protocol ...
Introduction The Italian Government has adopted Law Decree no. 23 of 8 April 20201 (the "Liquidity Decree"), which provides for additional measures to support companies in the current COVID-19 emergency ...
ThThe Italian Government has adopted Law Decree no. 23 of 8 April 2020 (the "Liquidity Decree"), published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic no. 94 of 8 April 2020, which provides for additional measures to support companies in the current COVID-19 emergency ...
Law Decree n. 23 of 8 April 2020 (the “Liquidity Decree”) has introduced significant changes to the socalled “golden power rules” and to the disclosure duty of relevant shareholdings in listed companies. These rules are aimed at discouraging “predatory purchases” of Italian strategic and listed companies in times when their share price may be particularly depressed due to the COVID-19 emergency ...
The new measures adopted by the European Commission Last Friday, the European Commission (“Commission”) has adopted an amendment to existing State aid rules to widen the perimeter of the national measures which can be authorized based on the exceptional legal framework to cope with the current crisis. a. In particular, the Commission considered the following measures:a. More support for research and development related to the current health crisis ...
Introduction The UK government has recently adopted a series of recommendations aimed to face the Coronavirus outbreak due to the rise in the number of infections and deaths caused by this virus. The strict approach of the UK Government would be in line with the measures adopted by the other countries in Europe, such as Italy or Spain ...
1. Introduction The Law Decree n. 18 of 17 March 2020 (the so-called "Cura Italia" Decree, the "Decree"), providing "Measures to strengthen the national healthcare system and to economically support households, workers and enterprises in the context of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency" has been published on the Official Gazette of the Republic of Italy no. 701 of 17 March 2020. The Decree covers mainly the following four areas of intervention: a ...
On 1 April the Prime Minister adopted a new decree (the “1 April Decree”) to extend the lockdown measures previously introduced through the decrees issues on 8 March, 9 March, 11 March and 22 March 2020 ...
In times such as these, it is important to get the best available legal information and advice and remember that not all information and advice will be applicable to a particular situation or contract. Many businesses in the United Arab Emirates (the UAE) and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (the GCC) are wondering what to do with respect to their obligations or those of their cocontracting parties ...
Introduction Covid-19 is a force majeure event, meaning an extraordinary, unexpected and unforeseeable event, which is certainly not attributable to the voluntary conduct of an entrepreneur who is currently undergoing a restructuring or insolvency procedure and now faced with the Covid-19 crisis ...
During the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese authorities have jointly released a series of measures to support enterprises and industries and reduce the negative economical impact of the epidemic ...
The 22 March Decree was anticipated by two ordinances issued on 21 March 2020 by, respectively, the Lombardy Region1, subsequently amended on 22 March 2020 (the “Lombardy Ordinance”), and the Piedmont Region 2 (the “Piedmont Ordinance”). The ordinances provide for even more stringent restrictions for the regions concerned, and will remain in force until 3 April 2020 (for the Piedmont Region) and 15 April 2020 (for the Lombardy Region) ...
Following the publication of the proposal a few days ago, on 19 March the European Commission adopted the communication introducing a new temporary legal framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak1. The last time the Commission had adopted a similar temporary framework was during the global financial crisis in 2008 ...
In response to the severe public health emergency and the economically-damaging nationwide confinement measures triggered by the Covid-19 (“Covid-19”) outbreak in Italy, on 17 March 2020 the Italian government has adopted Law Decree #CuraItalia1 (the “Decree #CuraItalia”) ...
1. Introduction On 18 March 2020, the Decree #CuraItalia1 introduced “measures to strengthen the national health ser- vice and economic assistance to families, employees and companies related to the epidemiological emer- gency of COVID-19” (the “Decree #CuraItalia”) ...
Payments of tax and penalties falling due between 8 March and 31 May 2020 arising out of tax assessments issued by the Italian Tax Authorities, the National Social Security Agency (INPS), the Italian Customs Agency and by Regional and Local Authorities, and any other enforcement claims aimed at collecting tax revenues, must be made in a single instalment by 30 June 2020. Payments made before the issuance of the Decree cannot be reimbursed to the taxpayer ...
Dear Clients, Friends and Partners, Since day one, our firm has been responding to the challenges of the Coronavirus emergency with proactive and socially responsible strategies. In these difficult times, our first thoughts are with all those impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak as well as with the health professionals working to help them ...