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Karanovic & Partners | March 2014

SerbiaIncreased  number of applications for industrial property protection It seems that the promotional efforts of the Intellectual Property Office of Serbia have been effective. According to statistics from the IP Office for 2013, the number of trademark applications increased by 40%, the number of patent applications increased by 5% and industrial design applications increased by 42% compared to last year ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2014

After 80 years using a very old Dutch trade law (Bedfrijfsreglementerings Ordonnantie 1934, Staatsblad 1938 Number 86), Indonesia has finally introduced its own Bill on Trade. The Bill on Trade was passed by the House of Representatives on 11 February 2014 and will come into effect on 13 March 2014 at the latest ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2014

On January 16 last, the Supreme Court of Canada refused to grant leave to appeal by Lombard following a judgment rendered on June 20, 2013 by the Ontario Court of Appeal.1 This decision deals with the issue of overlapping excess and umbrella policies. THE FACTS In January 1995, an apartment building was destroyed by fire. Six people died and many others were injured ...

MinterEllison | April 2014

With food and nutrition key issues for growing markets such as China, investment in Agribusiness is about supporting Asian partner objectives to grow "safe food" and "harvest protein", according to Adam Handley, President of the Australia China Business Council (WA) and a senior partner at law firm Minter Ellison ...

On the market since the late 1990s, cyber insurance is nothing new. But as the Internet spreads deeper into people's lives, cyber risks continue to grow and evolve well past simple data loss or compromise ...

The movement of information across national borders drives today’s global economy. Cross-border data transfers allow businesses and consumers access to the best available technology and services, wherever those resources may be located around the world. The free-flow of data across borders benefits all industry sectors, from manufacturing to financial services, education, health care and beyond ...

Texas operators and service companies need to carefully consider how a recent trend in Texas law affects the availability of insurance coverage - for themselves and their counterparties - for contractual liability. Most general liability policies, which insure claims for bodily injury and property damage, exclude coverage for liability assumed under a contract, unless the liability either exists in the absence of the contract or was assumed in a defined “insured contract ...

It seems every week, there is a new story about a company being impacted by a major data breach and the consequences that follow from such breach, including the inevitable lawsuits, public relations nightmare, and governmental investigations. These breach stories are then followed by articles about the high costs to deal with these breach events, including costs to notify consumers, to identify the source of the breach, to pay for credit monitoring, among many other costs ...

On 1 April 2014 amendments to the Contributions Act increasing the general rate for health insurance contributions from 13% to 15% came into force. The new contribution rate will be applied to salaries beginning in April 2014. Receipts related to previous periods will be grandfathered in at the previous applicable rate. Unused vacation for 2013 will be calculated at the 13% contribution rate and the new rate will apply to unused vacation in 2014 ...

An employer faces a difficult situation when a temporarily disabled employee who cannot perform his or her essential job functions requests an accommodation. This situation becomes significantly more complicated when the employee receives the “accommodation,” but never recovers enough to resume performing the essential job functions ...

Carey | June 2014

In october of 2014, Law No. 20,720 will enter into effect. This act replaces the current bankruptcy law, and creates a new reorganization and liquidation regime for both corporations and natural persons ...

In recent years, Nicaragua has experienced sustained economic growth, as a result of a strict management of its fiscal, financial, monetary and exchange policies. Its business-related administrative procedures and laws have contributed to a strong inflow of direct foreign investment, so much that the country intends to exceed this year an amount of 1500 million in investments in sectors such as: power, manufacture, agriculture, tourism and others ...

Makarim & Taira S. | June 2014

Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2014 on The List of Business Fields that are Closed or Conditionally Open for Investment (the Negative Investment List/daftar Negatif Investasi (DNI)/“Negative List”) was issued recently and became effective on 24 April 2014. This new negative investment list revises and replaces the 2010 regulation. The new Negative List revises the components of the 2010 list classified as: a) closed for investment; and b) conditionally open for investment ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2014

In a win for policyholders relying on multiple coverage layers, the Fifth Circuit held on June 23, 2014 that an excess liability insurance policy could be triggered by exhaustion of a “retained limit” - equal to the limits of underlying insurance - even if the amounts paid to meet the “retained limit” were not covered by the excess policy. Indemnity Insurance Co. of N. Am., et. al. v. W & T Offshore Inc., -- F.3d --, No. 13-20512 (5th Cir. June 23, 2014) ...

ENSafrica | July 2014

In a recent judgement delivered by the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court in Atelier Etude Limousin & Ors vs BPCE International Et Outre Mer & Anor 2014 SCJ 166 the court confirmed the prevailing practice that foreign companies could be granted fixed or floating charges by Mauritian entity as security for a financing ...

ENSafrica | July 2014

In 2014, China’s Premier Li Keqiang chose Africa as the destination for his very first foreign trip, marking a milestone in China-Africa cooperation. His travels commenced on 4 May and included countries such as Ethiopia, Nigeria, Angola, and Kenya. Premier Li’s visit undoubtedly reflects the emphasis China is placing on Africa ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2014

This past June marks nine years since the data breach at CardSystems Solutions, which involved the disclosure of names, account numbers and verification codes for some 40 million cardholders. Next month, we will pass the eight-year anniversary of the data breach at, which involved the disclosure of contact information for some 1.3 million users ...

Deacons | July 2014

The Anti-Monopoly Bureau (AMB) of the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) has recently published the following provisions and guidelines relating to the review procedure for merger clearance with AMB (AMB Clearance): (1) "Tentative Provisions on Standards for Simple Cases of Concentration of Undertakings " (Standards), published on 11 February 2014; (2) Trial Guidelines on Notification of Simple Cases of Concentration of Undertakings" (Trial Guidelines) , published on 18 April 2014; and (3) R

Pellerano & Herrera | August 2014

Almost exactly a decade ago, on August 5, 2004, the United States signed the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement ("DR-CAFTA") with the Dominican Republic and five Central American counties (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua)>  The DR-CAFTA, which was the very first free trade agreement between the United States and a group of smaller developing economies, entered into force for the United State, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,

ENSafrica | August 2014

Protection of the use of the term “Rooibos” has long been a topical issue.  However, an economic partnership agreement between Southern African nations and the European Union (EU) has recently been signed which will secure geographic indicator status for rooibos tea in the EU.  This is the latest in a number of acts by the South African government which has secured intellectual property protection for the indigenous brew ...

As noted in numerous recent publications, captives have been receiving an increased amount of regulatory attention, not just from the domicile states which regulate them, but, more significantly, from national or international bodies.  The NAIC Captives and Special Purpose Vehicles Working Group completed its examination of captives and now two captive related proposals are being considered at the NAIC ...

Brigard Urrutia | August 2014

After signing the Bilateral Investment Treaties (“BITs”) with Turkey on July 28 and with France on July 10, and ratifying the BIT with Japan on June 25, Colombia significantly moves forward on the protection of foreign investments. These agreements pursue the establishment of a fair, safe and transparent juridical framework in order to draw foreign investors to Colombia and bolster Colombian investments abroad ...

PLMJ | August 2014

PLMJ has launched the new version of its Portugal Investment Guide, which reflects PLMJ’s experience in handling innumerable investment projects in Portugal in a range of sectors, throughout its 45-year history.This Investment Guide proves that Portugal has increasingly competitive conditions – in terms of technology, workforce, infrastructure, logistics, geography, law and tax – to continue to attract large-scale investment projects ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | September 2014

You are in charge of finances for a small business and are on vacation at the beach.  Suddenly, you remember you have forgotten to pay a company bill.  All is not lost, you think.  You run to you room, grab a laptop, and bring it down to the Tiki Bar. There, you order a drink and connect to the hotel's wireless system.  Then you call up your company's bank's Web page, click the "log-in" button, enter your password, and order a check issued to the creditor ...

Wardynski & Partners | September 2014

On 25 June 2014 the European Commission announced adoption of the Commission Communication “Notice on agreements of minor importance which do not appreciably restrict competition under Article 101(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (De Minimis Notice).” The De Minimis Notice was published in the Official Journal on 30 August 2014 (OJ C 291/1). The De Minimis Notice follows the existing practice of the Commission and the case law of the European Court of Justice ...
