Transfer Pricing rules are fundamentally based on the Arm’s Length Principle, articulated in art. 9 of the OECD Model Tax Convention. This principle is pivotal for bilateral and multilateral tax treaties to avoid double taxation, reiterated in point 1.6 of the OECD’s “Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations ...
The Supreme Court has overturned the Chevron Doctrine–a four decade-old ruling that enabled Federal agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), to interpret ambiguous laws passed by Congress, and to have such interpretations enjoy a significant degree of deference ...
The Board concluded that the NDPA does not have authority to impose coercive fines in ongoing cross-border cases. Only in exceptional cases may concerned data protection authorities, such as the NDPA, adopt provisional measures until three months on its own territory. The GDPR sets out that national powers, such as coercive fines, shall not impair the effective powers of the cooperation and consistency mechanism ...
With the first UAE corporate tax registration deadline looming (31 May 2024), companies and other businesses need to ensure that they have checked their deadline to register as a taxable person.The registration process under the Federal Law No. (47) 2022 (CT Law) is still new to the UAE and 2024 marks the first mandatory year for companies to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) as a taxable person ...
Shoosmiths’ energy & infrastructure partner Chris Pritchett hosted a panel discussion at the Solar and Storage Live London last week, focussing on the often-overlooked elements of the low carbon transport transition, namely accessibility, regional parity, and the regulatory and industry code barriers to rolling out some of the solutions that this transition so desperately needs ...
Law No. 21.398 "Pro-Consumer", which was published on December 24th, 2021, incorporated the current Article 17 N of the Consumer Protection Act. This article establishes that, before entering a credit transaction, suppliers must analyze the economic solvency of the consumer in order to comply with the obligations arising therefrom ...
SyCipLaw's Tax Department has prepared an international edition of its Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for the first quarter of 2024. The SyCipLaw T.I.P.S - International Edition covers the following tax issues: 1. Are informal settlement agreements between the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the taxpayer valid and binding? 2. While a tax case is pending in court, may the CIR and the taxpayer enter into a compromise agreement and request for judicial approval thereof? 3 ...
Mealey’s: What is your professional background and how did you both become involved in international arbitration? Miller: I’ve been practicing law with Bradley in its construction group for a little over 10 years. We rep- resent a lot of large contractors and owners of large projects, primarily energy-focused, and those projects are often large, complex, involve international parties and are happening all over the world ...
On March 28, 2024, the Department of Finance Canada announced a one-year extension to the 15% Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (?METC?) available to investors in flow-through shares. The extension means that the METC will be effective until March 31, 2025. This announcement came at a time when uncertainty loomed over the industry and some stakeholders feared that the government would not renew the METC. Over time, this tax credit has become a key component of flow-through share financings ...
The Belgian Act on precontractual information obligations in commercial cooperation agreements included in Book X of the Belgian Code of Economic Law (“CEL”) requires that at least one month before entering into any commercial cooperation agreements (which includes franchise agreements) a pre-contractual information document (“PID”) and a draft of the agreement must be provided ...
SyCipLaw's Tax Department has prepared Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for February.The February 2024 issue covers the following tax issues:1. What is Republic Act No. 11976 and why is it relevant to tax?2. Are cross-border services provided by non-resident foreign corporations now subject to income tax and VAT under Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 5-2024?Please read the full texthereor via thislink ...
British Virgin Islands Economic Substance - frequently asked questions Who has to comply with the Substance Legislation? All companies and limited partnerships that are registered or incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (“Entities”) must comply with the Substance Legislation. The Substance Legislation does not apply to trusts or general partnerships ...
On January 1, 2024, regulations implementing the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) became effective, triggering new reporting obligations for many entities conducting business within the United States ...
Although it is not often well-understood in business and tax circles, the Indian Act (the ?Act?), coupled with federal and provincial tax laws, provides several tax planning opportunities for Indigenous taxpayers. These laws provide various tax exemptions for people who qualify as ?Indians? under the Act, as well as for ?bands? and other ?councils ...
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw) senior partner Carina "Caren" Laforteza and special counsel Catherina "Kate" Fernandez discuss the taxation of AI in light of recent developments concerning the concept of situs of taxation as interpreted by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the local tax authority in the Philippines ...
Bermudian lawyer Yan-Xia Rogers returns home to join Carey Olsen Yan-Xia will specialise in corporate and commercial law, advising clients on a range of cross-border transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance matters. Having moved to London in 2020, Yan-Xia worked for a year as a paralegal at Broadgate Legal before training as a solicitor at Kennedys Law LLP in London, with a focus on regulatory, corporate, product liability law and insurance litigation ...
Many founders are familiar with tax-exempt charitable organizations. These nonprofit entities—which are commonly known by reference to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code—are operated exclusively for a broad range of charitable purposes. 501(c)(3) organizations come in a wide range of flavors, including private foundations, donor-advised funds, and public charities ...
In an earlier article in this series, we already discussed the planned changes in terms of moveable income. Whilst the changes may seem relatively limited at first glance, Dutch residents immigrating to Belgium will however encounter several peculiarities as set out in this article. Capital gains Capital gains, i.e. on shares, are in principle taxable in the state of residence ...
in the past week, guidance has been provided by both the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) regarding deadlines for Corporate Tax registration.The new deadlines have the potential to significantly reduce the time left for meeting the deadlines for Corporate Tax registration. For example, certain applicable taxable persons will be required to submit the Corporate Tax registration applications by 31 May 2024 in order to avoid a violation and the applicable penalties ...
SyCipLaw’s Tax Department has listed down its Top 10 Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for 2023. Please read the full text hereor via this link. The SyCipLaw's Top 10 Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S ...
The new double tax treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands will introduce significant changes compared to the current Article 5 on permanent establishments. Due to the positions of Belgium and the Netherlands to the Multilateral Instrument (MLI), only the anti-fragmentation rule is applied under the current treaty. Under the new treaty, alignment is sought and found with the other changes proposed by the MLI for permanent establishments ...
The Supreme Court has considered the Westwalk case and ruled that foreign companies can be legally recognized as bankrupt if there is a "close connection" with Russia. Bankruptcy of foreigners was first commenced in 2016, but for a long was applied only to individuals1. The Arbitrazh Court of the Chelyabinsk Region opened Pandora's box in 2022 with respect to a company from the island of Nevis, which was only formally registered there ...
On 23 June 2023, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 71-2023 and Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 23-2023 to provide streamlined guidelines and the prescribed documentary requirements for the processing of value added tax (VAT) refund applications. The following significant amendments were introduced to the existing regulations outlined in this article ...
Recently, the General Directorate of Customs (DGA), under the provisions of art 440 of the Regulation of the Uniform Central American Customs Code (RECAUCA), has modified the period of stay for vehicles owned by foreign tourists, Salvadorans residing abroad, and Salvadoran students residing abroad ...