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Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | October 2017

Yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Jefferson Sessions issued new guidance reversing the federal government’s former position that gender identity is protected under Title VII. In a memo sent to the heads of all federal agencies and the U.S. attorneys, the attorney general stated that as a matter of law, “Title VII does not prohibit discrimination based on gender identity per se ...

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act - A well meaning legislation albeit with complex terms, anomalies and aggressive penal provisions The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (“the Act”) is undoubtedly a welcome and much awaited enactment. The genesis of the Act lies in the UN Convention for persons with disabilities and the Act seeks to fulfill India’s obligations under this International treaty ...

ENSafrica | October 2017

In Mpanza and another v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Correctional Services and others, the South African Labour Court dealt with a dispute about whether an employer was entitled to make deductions from the remuneration of two employees in circumstances where they were absent from work ...

Arendt & Medernach | October 2017

In the court Decision earlier this year for Barbulescu vs Romania, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (the “ECHR”) examined for the first time the issue of the monitoring of electronic communications of an employee by a private employer, within the framework of an action brought by Mr Barbulescu, an engineer employed by a private company in Romania ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2017

At the end of the 2017 Legislative Session, California Governor Jerry Brown signed two new laws that will impact employers' hiring processes as of January 1, 2018.[1] To start, AB 1008 repeals the "ban the box" requirement in the California Labor Code, which currently applies only to public employers, and replaces it with an amendment to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which will apply to both public and private employers ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2017

On October 19, 2017, the IRS announced in Notice 2017-64 cost of living adjustments to the qualified plan dollar limits for 2018. Some of these limits did not change from 2017 because the increase in the cost of living index did not meet the statutory thresholds that trigger an adjustment. Below is a summary of the limits that are generally relevant for most retirement plans ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2017

Key employment bills were signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown at the close of the 2016-2017 legislative session. The bills take effect January 1, 2018, unless noted otherwise. Here’s what you need to know: Ban the Box (AB 1008): AB 1008 follows the “ban the box” regulations promulgated in July 2017 and creates new state-wide restrictions on the use of criminal history in hiring decisions under the California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2017

Employers should recognize three common mistakes in determining a valid workers’ compensation claim and in preparing to defend an invalid claim: 1. Failure to Investigate Thoroughly An initial thorough investigation of a workers’ compensation claim can be the key to determining a valid claim or a successful defense to an invalid claim at hearing. Early investigation allows for comprehensive documents-gathering and discovery ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2017

A common question our Education Law Group receives is, “Can an employee rescind his or her written resignation that has been submitted to the superintendent and is waiting on approval from the board of education?” Unfortunately the question often arises frequently in situations where the employee is not the “best employee” and administration feels thankful upon receipt of the resignation ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2017

The current Administration continues to be active in the area of immigration law and policy, and has promulgated several Executive Orders (“EO”), mostly directed to immigration enforcement and national and public security. The exception is the April 2017 Buy American, Hire American Executive Order, which extends to and impacts professional work visas ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | November 2017

In M.F. v. Pacific Pearl Hotel Management LLC, Case No. D070150 (October 26, 2017), the California Court of Appeal revived a case in which an employee, who had been raped by a trespasser on the employer's premises, sued her employer under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) for sexual harassment by a non-employee and for failure to prevent such harassment. The court concluded that the allegations overcame the workers' compensation exclusivity doctrine ...

ENSafrica | November 2017

In the Labour Court judgment, dated 7 November 2017, of Manyetsa v New Kleinfontein Gold Mine (Pty) Ltd, a pregnant employee claimed she was unfairly discriminated against due to the application of the maternity leave policy of her employer, a gold mining company ...

On November 8, 2017, the U.S. Senate confirmed Peter Robb as the new General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB" or "Board"). In private practice, Robb was a noted critic of the NLRB under the Obama administration, particularly the Board's so-called quickie election rules and what he has termed the Board's narrow definition of supervisory status ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2017

The resurgence of the #MeToo campaign highlights that sexual harassment comes in all variations, affects all classes of people, and cuts across all industries. While employers could dismiss the social media moniker as a “them” not an “us” problem, they do so at their peril. People, some of whom may be your employees, are talking, posting, and tweeting, and employers would be wise to listen and revisit their anti-harassment policies ...

Morgan & Morgan | November 2017

Most of holidays and national mourning that are covered by Article 46 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Panama are in November, December and January. In fact, they are considered as such, November 3, 5, 10 and 28; December 8 and 25; and on January 1 and 9 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2017

  OSHA "Injury Tracking Website" Presents Issues as Employer Deadline for Compliance Looms On August 1, 2017, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") launched the "Injury Tracking Application" for Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records to OSHA in an effort to comply with its electronic record-keeping rule ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | November 2017

IRS Announcement 2017-15 provides relief to employees who have been adversely affected by the recent wildfires in Northern California by allowing them to take loans or distributions from retirement plans to alleviate hardships caused by the wildfires. The Announcement also provides relief from verification procedures required under retirement plans with respect to loans and hardship distributions ...

Karanovic & Partners | November 2017

The National Employment Service changed its years-long practice regarding the extension of work permits for persons on secondment. In particular, pursuant to Article 19 of the Law on the Employment of foreigners, work permits based on secondment are obtained for a period of the duration of an agreement between the local employer - who is the service user, and a foreign employer, but no longer than for one year ...

Afridi & Angell | November 2017

The term “dawn raid” refers to an unanticipated visit to commercial premises by a regulatory authority. Examples of this could include a squad of policemen entering a warehouse, a team from a financial-services regulator checking trading records at a bank, or an official from the UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation entering your office to check the work permits of all employees present there (an increasingly common practice) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2017

Holiday parties are a great time for colleagues to close out the year while getting to know each other better outside of the office. However, a good party comes with certain risks, and it is important for employers to plan ahead to limit legal exposure and ensure their employees are safe. As you plan your year-end celebration, consider the following: Managing alcohol consumption: One person overindulging can create problems for everyone ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2017

On December 11, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to accept an application to appeal the court of appeals decision in Evans v. Georgia Regional Hospital, leaving unresolved a circuit split on whether federal law prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.[1] In Evans, the plaintiff, a security officer at a Georgia hospital, claimed she had been harassed and passed over for a promotion because she was homosexual ...

ENSafrica | December 2017

The past year has seen a number of high-profile instances of employees resigning, allegedly to avoid disciplinary proceedings against them. This issue was dealt with in the case of Mtati v KPMG Services (Pty) Limited.The employee in this matter was informed by her employer that an investigation was being conducted into allegations of misconduct levelled against her. She then provided her employer with a letter in which she tendered her notice of resignation ...

ENSafrica | December 2017

On 17 November 2017, the National Minimum Wage Bill was gazetted for public comment. Given that the Bill was the subject of negotiation and agreement at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (“NEDLAC”), its progress through the legislative process is likely to be fairly smooth. The Bill envisages that it should be in force by 1 May 2018. We highlight its most important provisions below ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | December 2017

Effective January 1, 2018, the State minimum wage increases to $11.00 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees, and $10.50 per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees. Several California cities and counties have passed their own minimum wage ordinances with a more aggressive schedule of minimum wage increases. Local minimum wage increases that go into effect on January 1, 2018 include the following: Locality Minimum Wage Eff. 1/1/18 Cupertino $13 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2017

At a time when tolerance seems to be an increasingly precious commodity, society can celebrate an awakening intolerance for sexual harassment. For all of the scandal and salacious detail dominating the media in recent months, there is the hope that victims of depravity can find empowerment and healing, if not justice, too ...
