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Delphi | March 2020

Delphi has established local task forces at all our offices responsible for gathering knowledge, analyzing and continuously cover legal issues arising as a result of the corona virus and Covid-19.   We advise on a number of different issues and also offer backup resources to facilitate businesses continuity planning if key persons who are lawyers are directly affected by the virus ...

Waller | March 2020

Mayor Cooper‘s announcement that he was closing bars in Nashville as a result of the coronavirus epidemic quickly went viral among locals. We have been hearing the same question from tons of bar owners: What do we do? We recommend that you serve food and provide a safe environment for your customers. If you have a decent food menu and loyal customers, become a restaurant in this time of need ...

On March 15, 2020, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office announced its offices will be closed to the public until further notice, "out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of the public and USPTO employees." The closure began Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice. Offices remain open for employees, contractors, and those with access badges. Unless otherwise notified, USPTO operations will continue without interruption ...

Waller | March 2020

As the COVID-19 outbreak spreads and officials recommend or impose increasingly restrictive steps to mitigate the impact to public health, more companies are assessing what impact the outbreak is likely to have on their business and are considering whether that impact may necessitate furloughing workers. Following is a summary of some of the core compliance issues employers should consider as they develop contingency plans that may include furloughs ...

Waller | March 2020

The focus on the response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has primarily centered around prevention and containment but the government and commercial payors have also addressed healthcare operational matters that encourage prompt diagnosis, treatment and monitoring through billing and reimbursement modifications and expansion of telehealth services ...

DORDA | March 2020

Which laws are applicable and what are the most important regulations? Epidemic Law 1950 COVID-19-Measures Law The legal basis for the measures imposed by the federal government last week is the Epidemic Law of 1913, which was re-introduced in 1950. The object and aim of the law are to combat notifiable transmissible diseases. This includes COVID-19 ...

Heuking | March 2020

The coronavirus is not only harmful to health but also to our finances, leading to considerable financial losses for many companies and employees. In individual cases, insurance companies may be liable for the loss of sales associated with the virus. We will inform you about this option separately ...

COBALT | March 2020

The Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian governments have indicated their support for the companies in the form of tax relief and liquidity support. As of 17.03.2020, the initial measures in Estonia and Latvia are expected within this week. Companies with business in Lithuania can already benefit from tax relief, with a draft law on liquidity support expected within 48 hours. Due to the exceptional circumstances created by COVID-19, many companies have had to restructure their operations ...

The Government Procurement Supervising Agency – OSCE and the Central Purchasing Body PERÚ COMPRAS (PC) report on the measures to be implemented regarding the State of Emergency declared by Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM Through Communiqué No. 003-2020 issued on March 16, 2020, the GovernmentProcurementSupervising Agency – OSCE announced the measures it will implement regarding the approval of Supreme Decree No ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2020

On Friday, March 13, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced several waivers of existing Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) regulations pursuant to Section 1135(b) of the Social Security Act, including the waiver of certain Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) obligations and Medicare conditions of participation during the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2020

Less than one week ago the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 (coronavirus) a pandemic. In the days that have followed, the United States House of Representatives passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) to provide access to testing, food assistance, Medicaid funding, paid sick leave and unemployment benefits to workers. The United States Senate is expected to pass a version to be signed into law in the near future ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2020

In the early hours of Saturday, March 14, 2020, the United States House of Representatives passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which is designed to expand relief in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, through access to free testing, enhancing food assistance, increasing Medicaid funding, and providing paid sick leave and unemployment benefits to workers ...

Various measures adopted by the MEF, the OSCE and PERÚCOMPRAS within the framework of the declaration of the State of Emergency established by Supreme Decree No. 044-2020-PCM. On March 17, 2020, the General Supply Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance published Directorial Resolution No. 001-2020-EF-54 ...

PLMJ | March 2020

The state of alert was declared by the Minister of Internal Administration and the Minister of Health on 13 March. With this declaration and the set of measures adopted, we need to look at the possible impact of these circumstances on ongoing tender procedures and on the performance of existing public contracts. 1 ...

Afridi & Angell | March 2020

The UAE authorities have been dynamic in implementing measures to control the spread of COVID-19 within the UAE. Please find below a non-exhaustive list of noteworthy measures that have been implemented by various UAE authorities to date ...

Following the COVID – 19 outbreak in Romania, the President of Romania issued the Decree no. 195/2020 (the “Decree”) for proclaiming a 30-day state of emergency effective 16 March 2020 ...

Garrigues | March 2020

The March 18, 2020 edition of the Official State Gazette has published Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 of March 17, 2020 on urgent and extraordinary measures to confront the economic and social impact of COVID-19. The decree-law comes into force on its publication date, for a one-month term, and allows this term to be extended. The adopted measures cover many different fields of business activity. Below is a summary of the main measures classified by area ...

Heuking | March 2020

A. SHORT-TIME WORK 1. WHAT IS THE LEGAL POSITION? According to the "Act on the temporary crisis-related improvement of the regulations for short-time work compensation" ("Gesetz zur vorüberristeten krisenbedingten Verbesserung der Regelungen für das Kurzarbeitgeld") (see preliminary version of BT publication 19/17893), a company can order short-time work due to the worldwide cases of illness caused by the coronavirus and thus reduce working hours ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | March 2020

  With the Corona crisis, countries such as Germany, France and the Czech Republic have already announced bans on exports of protective gear to avoid shortages at their countries. But is this in conformity with the principle of free movement of goods as provided for in articles 34-36 TFEU? This principle is one of the cornerstones of the European Union's internal market which implies that national barriers to the free movement of goods within the EU need to be removed ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | March 2020

In this challenging period of the Coronavirus outbreak, your organisation might currently be taking strong internal measures to protect its employees while ensuring work continuity. Such measures could have data protection implications and therefore you might be wondering how to take them in accordance with the GDPR. We have answered the most important GDPR questions below ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | March 2020

Belgium is a complex country and many authorities have jurisdiction  The Federal government is in charge of emergency planning. It can activate a federal stage emergency planning in which case the Federal Minister of the Interior has exceptional authority and can coordinate the emergency activities. As announced at a press conference on Thursday 12 March 2020, at about 10 pm, this federal stage has been activated ...

As the United States and countries all over the world continue to grapple with the Covid-19 pandemic, the race is on for Covid-19 treatments and vaccines.  There is currently no FDA-approved therapy or vaccine for Covid-19.  Given the profound urgency, life sciences companies and other researchers are prioritizing research and development of potential therapies and vaccines ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a State of Emergency in the State of California as a result of the threat of COVID-19 ...

Heuking | March 2020

According to press reports, most Germans are willing to accept limitations on the extent of the protection of their personal data vis-à-vis public authorities and agencies in order to tackle the coronavirus crisis. However, that alone is not an adequate justification for measures that employers may take during a coronavirus pandemic to prevent an outbreak in their company ...

Gianni & Origoni | March 2020

In response to the severe public health emergency and the economically-damaging nationwide confinement measures triggered by the Covid-19 (“Covid-19”) outbreak in Italy, on 17 March 2020 the Italian government has adopted Law Decree #CuraItalia1 (the “Decree #CuraItalia”) ...
