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Every day seems to bring word of a new data breach, and given the stakes of these breaches, it would be easy to assume that dealing with the damage they cause would be a top government priority. Unfortunately, a myriad of conflicting state laws, as well as the lack of one over-arching federal law, creates legal and compliance nightmares for companies that these breaches affect. For example, in late February and early March 2014, hackers successfully targeted eBay’s corporate network ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

Just before Americans sat down to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends, with many of them probably choosing to overlook the total calorie count of those meals, the FDA released the long awaited rule on nutritional labeling applicable to chain restaurants and other venues serving restaurant type food (79 FR 71156). The FDA’s final menu labeling rule implements certain amendments to the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act ("FD&C Act") that were part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

As noted in our previous client update, judicial rulings on the patent-eligibility of software and business method patents under section 101 of the U.S. Patent Act have run heavily against patent owners since Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. ___, 134 S. Ct. 2347 (2014). (See 11/17/2014 Client Update). On Friday December 5, 2014, however, the U.S ...

Makarim & Taira S. | December 2014

On 24 July 2014, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) issued Circular Letter No. 12/SEOJK.07/2014 on The Presentation of Information for Marketing Financial Services or Products (Circular Letter 12). Circular Letter 12 has been in force since 6 August 2014. Circular Letter 12 provides marketing conduct guidelines for financial services providers on directly or indirectly offering their services/products (i.e. websites, commercial advertisments, brochures, telemarketing, etc) ...

Makarim & Taira S. | December 2014

The Minister of Communications and Informatics issued Regulation No. 19 of 2014 on Controlling Internet Websites Containing Negative Content (Regulation 19). Regulation 19 has been in force since 17 July 2014. This regulation aims to implement “the safe and healthy use of the internet” by all social groups by blocking access to websites that contain pornographic or unlawful material (negative content) ...

Makarim & Taira S. | December 2014

The Banking Bill governs commercial (Bank Umum) and rural (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat) banks (Banks), and provides the procedure and requirements for establishing Banks, the restrictions on foreign ownership in Banks, the criteria for being appointed as senior executives or being controlling shareholders of Banks, and requirements regarding Bank soundness levels. The Banking Bill will replace the current Banking Law No. 7 of 1992 (as amended) ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

IntroductionOn November 26, 2014, the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (“BEA”) retroactively reinstated data collection requirements to measure foreign direct investment into the United States. The BE-13 survey collects data on the acquisition or establishment of U.S. business enterprises by foreign investors and the expansion of existing United States affiliates of foreign companies that establish new facilities where business is conducted ...

MinterEllison | January 2015

Australia has a complex system of taxation including a Federal income tax, capital gains tax and goods and services tax (GST) and eight separate State and Territory systems of duties and taxes. Tax planning is therefore important to maximise after-tax investor returns. The following guide sets out some high level issues to consider on a global M&A deal where the target is an Australian company or business or where downstream Australian subsidiaries are involved ...

The phrase ‘Je suis Charlie’ became one of the most popular twitter hashtags in history following the attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine. Nearly 6,500 tweets were sent per minute containing the phrase first coined by artist Joachim Roncin and which has come to symbolise freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, there have also been several attempts to register the phrase as a trademark ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2015

The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) yesterday issued a Risk Alert reporting its findings from cybersecurity examinations of registered broker-dealers and investment advisers and stated that it will continue its focus on cybersecurity in 2015 through risk-based examinations. OCIE revealed that most of the examined firms had experienced some type of cyber-attack, primarily through malware and fraudulent emails ...

O'Neal Webster | February 2015

IFLR 1000's Michael Washburn interviewed O’Neal Webster’s new Partner, Christopher Simpsonin relation to capital markets trends for an articlepublished on 11February, 2015. Click here to read the article.He noted, among other things, that recent legislation in the BVI, such as the approved managers regime, which Simpson describes as a“lighter-touch” regulation for managers desiring to oversee an investment fund or funds through a BVI entity, is an encouraging trend ...

Makarim & Taira S. | February 2015

Bank Indonesia issued Circular of Bank Indonesia No. 16/17/DSta, which came into force on 3 November 2014 (SEBI 16/17/DSta), which is a fourth amendment to Circular of Bank Indonesia No. 13/3/DPM on Commercial Bank Daily Report. SEBI 16/17/DSta amends the scope of information to be submitted to Bank Indonesia as well as, additional codes for exempted foreign loans, and additional codes for validation systems ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | February 2015

This week, I caught up with patent attorneys Jonathan D’Silva and Bryan Walker of MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton, LLP to hear their perspectives on some key strategic intellectual property (IP) legal issues ...

Krogerus | March 2015

When copyright has been infringed online, what court is competent to hear and decide the case? The EU top court’s recent ruling provides clarity and states that online infringement cases can be heard where the infringing content is accessible. The content right holders will be able to take legal action against the infringer in their home countries, but only regarding damage that occurred there ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2015

On December 17, 2014, New York Assembly Bill 9933, which amends the Uniform Commercial Code in effect in the state of New York (the “NYUCC”), was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo, and took effect immediately. This new law (the “UCC Revisions Law”) includes several changes to Article 9 of the NYUCC (“Article 9”), that governs the creation and perfection of security interests in personal property under New York law ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | March 2015

MMF Regulation: The European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) published its report (which includes the draft regulation) (dated 4 March 2015) on the proposed Regulation on Money Market Funds (MMF Regulation). The EU Parliament is scheduled to consider the legislative proposal on 27 to 30 April 2015.  ESMA AIFMD Q&AESMA has published updated AIFMD Q&A with new reporting issues and some additional guidance on marketing ...

The Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA) has launched its new research report entitled “Asia’s Financial Services: Ready for the Cloud—A Report on FSI Regulations Impacting Cloud in Asia-Pacific Markets.” SyCipLaw Partner Rose Marie M. King-Dominguez with Senior Associate Ruben P. Acebedo II contributed the information on the Philippines ...

Deacons | April 2015

In several recent years, Hong Kong’s equity capital market has raised the most new funds from IPOs, in some of those years raising more than London and New York combined. A global finance centre There were a number of massive listings in the market before the financial crisis, notably of state owned Chinese banks. These gave a strong impetus to the emergence of Hong Kong as a key financial centre ...

The April issue of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) includes an international briefing article by SyCipLaw partner Anthony W. Dee and associate Ma. Patricia B. Paz entitled “Philippines: Complaints mechanism concerns.”Download a PDF copy of the article or read the article online at the IFLR website ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2015

Indonesia’s Currency Law came into effect on 28 June 2011 as Law No. 7 of 2011 on Currency (“Currency Law”). The Currency Law is the implementation of Article 23B of the 1945 Constitution which states that the types and value of the currency are to be further regulated under a law. Bank Indonesia issued on 31 March 2015 as an implementing regulation for the Currency Law, Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 17/3/PBI/2015 on the Obligation to Use Rupiah in the Indonesian Territory (“PBI 17/3/2015”) ...

I have spent the last few days in Paris with our colleagues from our international network – World Services Group. With professionals from more than 30 countries worldwide, it was a great opportunity to take the temperature of global M&A. Whilst Paris in spring is never to be sniffed at, a number of very positive themes emerged ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2015

The Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) have announced that, on several fronts, they are implementing amendments to the disclosure requirements for venture issuers, including those listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. These amendments primarily address continuous disclosure and governance obligations, while also implementing changes to disclosure obligations for prospectuses and information circulars ...

Veirano Advogados | May 2015

At first glance, "net neutrality" may seem a natural principle for the internet environment. This expression, however, gives rise to sometimes divergent interests and some concerns. As a general concept, net neutrality means an open Internet, through which consumers would be able to make their own choices about the content they wish to access and share, as well as the services and applications they want to use ...
