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Karanovic & Partners | March 2016

During the first half of March, Miloš Vučković, Partner at Karanović & Nikolić, attended the two-day long Distressed Assets Forum in London, UK. The event was a good opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field of trading non-performing loans (NPL's) on the European market, with many prominent banking, real-estate, advisory, and legal executives appearing as speakers and panellists ...

ENSafrica | March 2016

A South African university has successfully objected to a domain name that incorporates the university’s nickname.North-West University (“NWU”), once an exclusively Afrikaans-language institution that’s situated in the city of Potchefstroom, and that was formerly known as the Potchefstroom University College – or PUK – for short (the Afrikaans word for “college” starts with “k”), opposed a registration for the domain name ...

ENSafrica | March 2016

There’s seemingly no end to the question of whether or not Nestlé can register the four-finger shape of its Kit Kat chocolate bar as a trade mark.Except, of course, in South Africa, where we know that it can. We know that because the South African Supreme Court of Appeal came to that conclusion in 2014 ...

ENSafrica | March 2016

On 25 January 2016, Botswana’s Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (“the CIPA”) issued a notice informing the public that it is not currently able to conduct hearings for trade mark oppositions and invalidations as a result of the recent restructuring of the Botswana Intellectual Property Office. The restructure led to the loss of staff responsible for the processing of opposition hearings and invalidations ...

ALRUD Law Firm | March 2016

As we know, colour usually attracts special attention of the consumers when choosing particular goods and/or services. The situation is similar with the consumers all over the world. Thus, it seems more than logical that companies will try to obtain exclusive rights to the specific colour to increase sales. Legislations in many countries provide for possibility of protection colour as a Trademark. However, a single colour Trademark registration is still exceptional ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | April 2016

The Copy Right Act 1987 provides a framework for the protection of copy right and enforcement through civil redress, as well as outlines the powers granted to state authorities for the enforcement of copy right and prosecution of copy right offences. The Copy Right Amendment Act 2012 (“2012 Amendment Act”) came into operation on 1st March 2012. The following is a summary of some of the amendmentspursuant to the 2012 Amendment Act ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2016

​There is encouraging news for those with plans of getting involved in a start-up project in Slovenia, as theSlovenian Enterprise Fundhas announced almost EUR 5 million to support innovative start-ups this year ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2016

The world is moving at a break neck pace, and a crucial element at the root of these changes are technological developments. As the global business landscape has been irrevocably altered by these developments, it was only a matter of time before each comprising industry would have had to adapt and – to a certain degree – reinvent itself as a consequence ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2016

Judging by industry reports, it seems that another rich tourist season is in the making for Slovenia. The spas are working at full capacity during Easter and May holidays, and both international and domestic guests are pouring in ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2016

On April 14, 2016, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”) published a new version of Credit Support Annex to help market participants comply with new margin requirements for uncleared swaps ...

Waller | April 2016

On April 27, 2016, Waller hosted the Middle Tennessee InfraGard Members Alliance’s Incident Response Briefing. The presenters highlighted increasing cybersecurity risks and the need for a proactive, coordinated approach to limit the impact of cybersecurity compromises. InfraGard is a partnership between the FBI and the private sector dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

On 22 April 2016, the Financial Services Board (“FSB”) released a set of proposed amendments to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (“JSE”) Derivatives Rules in Board Notice 49 of 2016. Historically, margin has been provided in cash and paid by the client to the JSE member who then pays the JSE. The proposed amendments would allow market participants to post collateral directly to the JSE by pledging securities in accordance with section 39 of the Financial Markets Act, 2012 (“section 39”) ...

The March 2016 issue of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) included an international briefing article entitled “New securities regulations.” The article was contributed by SyCipLaw partner Melyjane G. Bertillo-Ancheta.Read the article online at the IFLR website ...

It has been announced last week that the European Commission (EC) has published a report on the EU crowdfunding sector, as part of its Capital Markets Union Action Plan. In doing so, the EC has recognised the growing importance of crowdfunding platforms – websites that allow fundraisers to interact with investors and donors – for the improved economic growth and job creation in Europe ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2016

In 20141, major retailers Best Buy Canada Ltd., Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd., Gap (Canada) Inc., Old Navy (Canada) Inc., Guess? Canada Corporation, Wal-Mart Canada Corp., Toys ?R? Us Canada Ltd. and Curves International Inc ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2016

Martine Samuelian and Virginia Barat, JEANTETSince July 22, 2013, investment fund managers (?managers?) in Canada who wish to raise funds from investors located in member states of the European Union (the ?EU?) have had to consider Directive 2011/61/EU1 (the ?Directive?), dealing with managers of alternative investment funds (?AIFs?) ...

​Last week's news reports from Slovenia are letting us know that the Slovenian state holding company (SDH) decided to privatise Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB), the country's biggest bank, through initial public offering (IPO) ...

Karanovic & Partners | June 2016

According to recent reports, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has plans of investing more than EUR 3 billion in the Western Balkans region, of which approximately EUR 300 million is assigned to Serbia ...

Jeantet | June 2016

Contrary to Anglo-Saxon and Northern European countries, French financial institutions have not used asset based lending, both because French security law was perceived as debtor friendly in insolvency proceedings and because French banks usually lend against balance sheets.In the context of credit restrictions, the French government was challenged to foster a reform aimed at facilitating the mobilisation of assets, in particularby SMEs, which have no credit rating ...

Heuking | June 2016

The Hamburg data protection authority has imposed fines against the companies Adobe, Punica and Unilever, stating that they have continued to transfer personal data to the USA contrary to the stipulations of the Safe Harbor judgment. 1. The Safe Harbor judgment of the ECJ dated October 6, 2015 (legal matter C-362/14) makes it clear that European companies can no longer simply transfer personal data to the USA as a "non-secure third country" ...

The $26bn acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft certainly caught the eye this week.A business that is little more than 14 years old and wasn’t generating operating profits (under GAAP) selling for almost ten times revenue – that’s some deal.Yet it doesn’t take a great deal of investigation into some of the non-financial statistics to see why such an eye watering price might be justifiable:LinkedIn has 430 million members and is growing fast ...

Karanovic & Partners | June 2016

An encouraging news update comes from Croatia, as some of the recent reports claim that the Croatian IT market reached a value of EUR 950 million in 2015. According to IDC Adriatic – a regional branch of the global market intelligence provider – this shows an increase of 10.8% when compared to the previous year.IDC Adriatic added that a continuation of the IT market's recovery is expected in 2016 as well. More precisely, further strengthening of the market at an average annual rate of 6 ...

Since at the end of this month, specifically on 30 June 2016, the first interim rights to operate remote gambling, granted by NGO, will expire, we expect to see the first licenses (Class I) and the authorizations to operate and exploit remote gambling in Romania entering into force on 1st of July 2016 ...

Veirano Advogados | June 2016

The venture capital industry has one goal: making startups incredibly lucrative and, thus, maximizing returns to venture capital investors. For the venture capital investor these outstanding returns are generally materialized 5 or 6 years after the Series A investment round, when the investor makes an exit and the startup either performs an initial public offering of its shares (IPO) or is sold to a strategic acquirer or a private equity fund ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2016

This dispute relates to the transfer of a Serbian football player from Serbian Football Club A to Belgian Football Club B in the summer of 2013. The transfer fee for this move was comprised of both (i) a fixed amount of EUR 5,000,000 and (ii) 20% of the added value in the event of a subsequent transfer from Football Club B to a third club ...
