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Pellerano & Herrera | July 2012

The film industry in the Dominican Republic has substantially expanded in large measure because the country has different and diverse natural scenery, from beaches to mountains, and buildings that were constructed in colonial times as well as more recently. Costs to film and produce movies are lower in the Dominican Republic than in many other places, too ...

Veirano Advogados | July 2012

On January 24, 2011 the Attorney General of the Federal Republic of Brazil signed a document restricting the powers of ANVISA (Brazil’s regulatorybody) in the examination of pharmaceutical applications, giving the rights to the Brazilian PTO to do so without any interference of ANVISA.  The dispute between ANVISA and the Brazilian PTO in the examination of pharmaceutical applications had apparently been solved ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2012

On April 20, 2012, Justice Mongeon of the Quebec Superior Court rendered an important decision in the restructuring of the White Birch Paper Company ("White Birch")1. The judgment could have a lasting effect on CCAA Jurisprudence in Quebec since it deals with issues relating to the pension plans of insolvent companies and the applicability of an important decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal in Quebec ...

Waller | August 2012

The Federal Trade Commission’s increased focus on the antitrust implications of healthcare mergers and acquisitions has been widely publicized.  While scrutiny has largely been directed toward hospital and health system transactions, a recent case in Nevada indicates that the FTC is now taking an interest in relatively small provider combinations in highly concentrated markets ...

Deacons | August 2012

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) are currently consulting on changes to the definition of type 9 regulated activity that will affect all Hong Kong asset managers who use over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives in their portfolios. The consultation ends on 31 August. We encourage you to read the consultation paper ...

Wardynski & Partners | September 2012

Outsourcing has for years been gaining popularity. Together with an increase in the number of businesses, their branches, subsidiaries as well as capital groups, increasing attention is drawn to the costs of their operations. Such activities as personal, payroll, procurement, IT, or back office in the case of financial institutions are unnecessarily duplicated in the case of companies in a capital group or generate greater costs than if carried out by an external specialized firm ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

Contents: The Application for Rectification by the Court Is Not a Cure for all Ills: Prevention is Better than (Attempting!) a CureRegister your Trade-marks!; The Importance of Having a Detailed Power of Attorney in the Event of a Person’s IncapacityEffect of a Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreement on CCPC Status THE APPLICATION FOR RECTIFICATION BY THE COURT IS NOT A CURE FOR ALL ILLS: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN (ATTEMPTING!) A CURELast June 19, the Superio

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2012

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the "Dodd-Frank Act" or the "Act") attempts to sort through the energy trading and hedging market to protect "commercial end users" from new regulatory burdens intended for trading firms and financial institutions ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2012

The papers are reporting that Northhampton rugby player, Brett Sharman, is subject to a disciplinary enquiry from his racist tweet abou Mo Farah ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

Quebec Law has for a long time distinguished the personal guarantor from the real guarantor: a personal guanrantor is personally bound to repay a creditor should the principal debtor fail to perform its obligations; a real guarantor does no more than give some of its assets as collateral to a creditor, and unlike a personal guarantor, is not personally bound to repay the loan granted to the principal debtor ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | September 2012

On September 17, 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) announced a $1.5 million settlement with the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Associates Inc. (“MEEI”) for potential violations of the HIPAA Security Rule ...

Ellex Valiunas | September 2012

Currently a large part of politicians, economists and lawyers are working hard to ensure that a recent Lithuania’s bank bankruptcy story would not repeat itself. Sometimes people still associate the term “bank” with instability, possibility to lose something or lack of transparent governing. Maybe this is the reason why there are no biobanks in Lithuanian which are widespread in the EU and other countries of the world ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2012

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) recently fined an organisation £250,000 fter its outsourcing vendor carelessly dumped confidential financial data in ublic recycling bins. This incident provides a stark reminder to organisationsthat they remain legally responsible for personal data, even where they utsource data processing activities to third parties ...

On October 17, 2012, there was published in the Federal Official Gazette an executive order issuing the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Illegally-Funded Transactions. The purpose of the Act is to track and investigate activities and transactions involving resources illegally obtained ...

MinterEllison | October 2012

On 15 October 2012, the Federal Government announced the appointment of an expert panel to review pharmaceutical patents in Australia (Review).  The Review will focus particularly on the extension of term provisions in Chapter 6, Part 3 of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth). Those provisions currently allow the extension of pharmaceutical patents up to five years beyond their standard 20-year term ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2012

In an increasingly online world, international businesses can no longer rely on discrete legal advice relevant to only one jurisdiction. It is crucial to know where best to bring (or threaten) legal proceedings to achieve maximum impact globally. Two recent, high profile cases have thrown the spotlight on what can be achieved by courts of different jurisdictions to defend online reputations ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2012

The General Medical Council has issued definitive guidance on doctors' duties when they fear a child in their care is suffering from abuse. The GMC's 2012 Guidance on Child Protection came into effect on 3 September 2012 after a two-year working group - chaired by a senior family court Judge, the Right Honourable Lord Justice Thorpe - listened to evidence given by child protection experts ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

On August 30, 2011, Hart Stores Inc./Magasins Hart inc. ( hereinafter “Hart”), filed for protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (hereinafter the “CCAA”). As part of the restructuring, Hart closed down 32 out of 92 points of sale and laid off 640 out of 1,600 employees. Included in the lay off are five executives, who are the subject of this bulletin.The executives were all laid off by means of a simple notice of termination ...

According to a group of women who filed a lawsuit last week, Maybelline should pay up for making false claims about its “Super Stay” lipstick products. Filed in federal court in Manhattan, the complaint seeks declaratory relief and damages under several states’ consumer protection laws. From the defense perspective, this is the latest attempt at a “no injury” class action where no actual injuries or damages exist ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

On May 14, 2012, the Honourable Normand Gosselin, J.S.C., ruled on an amended motion seeking the sanction of a plan of arrangement concerning a debtor, Norgate Metal Inc. ("Norgate").1 The judgment is special in that Norgate asked the court to annul some of the votes that had been cast against the plan of arrangement. Norgate submitted that the only reason why the creditors who cast those votes had voted against the plan was that they wished to eliminate a competitor from their industry ...

O'Neal Webster | November 2012

If you a trader, financial analyst or other financial technocrat and are thinking of setting up a fund, then the British Virgins Islands is probably your best bet. In today’s financial environment, investor capital for a start up fund can be hard to come by ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2012

A federal court recently held that two investment funds are not jointly and severally liable for a bankrupt portfolio company’s withdrawal liability to a multiemployer pension plan disagreeing with a 2007 opinion by the Appeals Board of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (the “PBGC”). The Massachusetts U.S. District Court ruled there was no liability because the investment funds are not “trades or businesses” for purposes of ERISA’s joint and several liability rules ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2012

On October 24, 2012, the Harper government announced its intentions to enact new regulations to protect consumers who use prepaid credit cards in order to broaden their options regarding the forms of payment that best suit their needs. Such prepaid payment products allow consumers to make purchases or cash withdrawals through a payment network like American Express, MasterCard or Visa, with funds that have been paid in advance to a financial institution ...

North Carolina’s banking laws have been comprehensively updated for the first time in 80 years and provide the state with one of one of the most modern banking systems in the country. Effective October 1, 2012, the bipartisan legislation is a product of compromise and joint effort on the part of legislators, banks and consumer advocates ...

In a time when foreclosures are all too common, many secured lenders end up taking title to the real properties securing their loans. One of the questions, then, is should a lender obtain an owner’s title insurance policy or is the loan title insurance policy sufficient?As we all know, title insurance reduces the risk of the insured owner or lender by insuring one or both against loss or damage arising out of defects to or liens on title ...
