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The first legal issue to consider is whether your company has the power to carry out non-commercial dealings such as making political or charitable donations. The company's constitution should be reviewed to ensure the company is expressly empowered to make such donations. If no express power exists you could consider putting a relevant amendment of the constitution to a shareholders' vote ...

Delphi | January 2005

In this article, the authors discuss how the tax system in Sweden treats Corporations ...

Despite rumours from Westminster that the Pensions Bill was to be dropped to make room for the anti-fox hunting Bill, it looks certain that the Pensions Bill will finally receive Royal Assent in November. In its final form, the Bill now extends to over 350 pages. Those looking for simplification will be disappointed to say the least ...

Pellerano & Herrera | February 2005

By Eduardo A Trueba C. January 2005 Corporate subsistence, in an economy that each day becomes more competitive, dynamic and integrated to the global world in which we live, has exponentially increased corporate mergers and alliances, together with similar transactions, such as stock acquisitions from one company for another’s capital, company, know how, and royalties transfers, among others ...

Deacons | February 2005

The Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") have just released their consultation paper ("Paper") on the review of the disclosure of interests regime under Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) ("Part XV"). The Paper contains the SFC's proposals for changes to the law on disclosure of interests in shares. Most of the provisions of the Securities and Futures Ordinance was gazetted on 28 March 2002 and came into effect (including Part XV) on 1 April 2003 ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2005

Introduction: A Second Union is a “Marriage” of Competing Interests As a general rule, individuals who enter into a second marriage or a second union are more than 40 years of age, have accumulated their own property and have enjoyed a standard of living that they want to maintain or even improve upon ...

Asters | March 2005

The year 2004 saw increased M&A activity in the Ukrainian banking sector. Some of the notable acquisitions include equity transfers in Kredit Bank (to PKO Bank Polski S.A.), Transbank (to Bank TuranAlem of Kazakhstan),Bank Leader (to Renaissance Capital of Russia), and, of course, the benchmark deal of the year — acquisitionby Vilniaus Bankas, a Lithuanian subsidiary of the powerful SEB Group of Sweden, of the Joint Stock Bank Agio ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2005

The Benefits of Using a an Unlimited Liability Company (1) Introduction Unlimited Liability Companies (“ULC”) have become useful vehicles for the acquisition of a Canadian business by a U.S. investor. This paper summarizes the advantages of using a ULC, the treatment of a ULC in Canada and in the U.S. and the use of a ULC in a factual setting involving the acquisition of a Canadian business. Until recently, only Nova Scotia offered the possibility of incorporating a ULC ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2005

MAJOR INDUSTRY USE AND CLASSIFICATION ISSUES I.Introduction A.General Principles of Classification Under s. 19(14) of the B.C. Assessment Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 20 (the “Assessment Act”) and the Prescribed Classes of Property Regulation (B.C. Reg. 438/81) (the “Classification Regulation”), real property in B.C ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2005

EQUITY AND CONSISTENCY IN ASSESSMENTS I. General Principles of Equity A hallmark of the assessment and taxation of property in B.C. is the principle of equity: taxing authorities must deal even-handedly with all taxpayers in a municipality or rural area, and all taxpayers with a class must be treated in the same way. Equity in the context of the property assessment in B.C ...

Inheritance tax is often assumed to be a rich man's concern, but the recent housing boom means that this is no longer the case. The sharp rise in house prices has completely outpaced tax thresholds, meaning that there has been a huge increase in the number of families who could face large bills for Inheritance Tax (IHT) when the homeowner dies ...

Mexican tax laws, rules and regulations are subject to amendments on a regular basis. Herein we intend to provide our friends and clients a general overview of the most recent and significant changes to our tax system[1]. Rule JG-SAT-IE-1-2005. - Debt Forgiveness for Certain Taxpayers ...

On June 7, 2005, a Decree amending, enacting and repealing various provisions of the VAT Law was published at the Mexican Federal Register. These amendments, to a large extent, merely renumber and relocate various provisions of the VAT Law, leaving their content unaltered. Nonetheless, it is quite important to underline that these amendments repeal any reference to “activities which fall outside the scope of this tax” in the provisions dealing with creditable VAT ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2005

Amendments made to the Quebec Professional Code in 2001 authorize professional orders to allow their members to exercise their professional activities within the framework of a limited liability partnership, or a joint-stock company. In 2002, the Ordre des comptables agréés (Order of Chartered Accountants) was the first professional order to adopt a regulation to this effect. The Quebec Bar and the Ordre des comptables généraux licenciés (Certified General Accountants) followed suit in 2004 ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2005

This English law decision not only serves as a timely reminder of a bank’s duty of confidentiality to its clients but is potentially worrying as the case confirms loss of opportunity to earn future profits as a recoverable head of damage following breach of confidence. Jackson v Royal Bank of Scotland (2005) UKHL3, [2005] A ER(d)280 Facts: Jackson (trading under the name Sampson Lancastrian (Sampson)) had entered into a contract to supply dog chews to another UK entity, Economy Bag ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2005

Concord Trust v Law Debenture ( Law Debenture House of Lords considered the obligations and liabilities of bond issue trustees in relation to notices of acceleration ...

Deacons | July 2005

It is quite common in Hong Kong for employers to arrange an employee's employment by using dual contracts to take advantage of the tax position. Under Hong Kong law, only income derived from Hong Kong is taxable and earnings under a foreign employment contract with non-Hong Kong entity in respect of duties carried out outside Hong Kong are not taxable. However, the benefits under this arrangement may reduce following a recent UK guideline ...

Deacons | July 2005

On 30 June 2005, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) finalised the self-assessment framework on AML compliance. The self-assessment framework has been introduced for the purposes of facilitating the assessment by authorised institutions’ (“AIs”) of their compliance with the regulatory requirements on AML and to supplement the HKMA’s on-site examinations ...

Deacons | July 2005

On 30 June 2005, the House of Lords delivered its judgment in National Westminster Bank plc v. Spectrum Plus Limited & others [2005] UKHL 41. The case has resolved a controversial legal issue concerning the distinction between a fixed charge and a floating charge. Fixed Charges and Floating Charges It may be helpful first to describe the basic difference between the operation of a fixed charge and that of a floating charge ...

Deacons | July 2005

The SFC has adopted a split approach in dealing with UCITS III funds. For funds which will adopt enhanced use of derivatives and make changes to their investment policies or objectives in migrating to UCITS III, the SFC requires: • a notice to existing holders explaining the proposed changes and confirmation from the fund or its manager that the home regulator has approved the final version of this notice ...

Deacons | July 2005

Under Part XV of the Securities & Futures Ordinance (SFO), where a company has an interest (or a short position) in Hong Kong listed shares, its holding company is deemed to have that interest; this attribution is carried the whole way up a corporate chain to the ultimate holding company. This imposes onerous monitoring requirements on financial services groups ...

Deacons | July 2005

Each of the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) and the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (“FSTB”) has recently published a public consultation paper containing certain legislative proposals to enhance the regulation of listed companies ...

Deacons | July 2005

The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (the “Amendment Ordinance”) introduces, amongst other things, major relaxations to the prospectus regime in Hong Kong to facilitate market development. This bulletin summarises some of these changes brought by the Amendment Ordinance (The changes regarding prospectuses brought by the Amendment Ordinance as summarised in this bulletin came into operation on 3 December, 2004) ...

Deacons | July 2005

The SFC has recently settled a number of disciplinary cases on the basis of payment by the persons under investigations without admission of liabilities. Below are some examples of the settlement cases. SFC Withdrew Decision to Suspend Licence of a Licensed Representative The licence of a licensed representative was suspended by the SFC for six months by reason of his use of placing schemes to meet the placing requirements of the Listing Rules ...

As mentioned in our information bulletin of June 8, on June 7, 2005 the Federal Official Gazette published an “Executive Order to Amend the Value Added Tax Law” which altered the procedure for calculating the crediting of valued added tax by removing operations not taxable ...
