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Afridi & Angell | May 2024

With the first UAE corporate tax registration deadline looming (31 May 2024), companies and other businesses need to ensure that they have checked their deadline to register as a taxable person.The registration process under the Federal Law No. (47) 2022 (CT Law) is still new to the UAE and 2024 marks the first mandatory year for companies to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) as a taxable person ...

Waller | March 2021

The Corporate Transparency Act (the “Act”) became law on January 1, 2021, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Pub. L. 116-283) when the Senate voted to override former President Trump’s veto of that bill. High-net-worth families for whom privacy is a paramount consideration may be concerned that the Act creates a risk of sensitive ownership information being exposed to the wrong persons ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2023

Craig Thomas and Sarah Buxton take a look at the recent changes to corporation tax. Policy changes It is fair to say that the UK’s corporation tax rate has been on something of a policy rollercoaster of late. As far back as 2016, when the rate was 20%, George Osbourne announced that he would reduce corporation tax to 17% with effect from 2020 (and even expressed his fervent desire to get the rate as low as 15% thereafter) ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | May 2018

“We simply cannot go on with this utterly outmoded way of working…Endlessly re-keying in the same information; repeatedly printing and photocopying the same documents; moving files about, losing all or parts of them in the process… It is a heavy handed, duplicative, inefficient and costly way of doing our work and it is all about to go. Considerably past time, we will finally catch up with the world.” Sir Brian Leveson ...

The Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) is intended to provide nearly $700 billion of economic relief to small businesses adversely affected by COVID-19 ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2024

The year 2023 was marked by the further strengthening of control over transactions involving the sale of Russian assets owned by “unfriendly” foreign entities, as well as over Russian strategic companies. As for antimonopoly regulation, after several years of discussions and revisions, the fifth antimonopoly package was adopted, and a number of precedent-setting cases were considered. Please see below for more details about the key developments and highlights of 2023. 1 ...

Banks are classified into universal banks, commercial banks, thrift banks (composed of savings and mortgage banks, stock savings, loan associations and private development banks), rural banks, cooperative banks, and Islamic banks. The General Banking Law governs primarily universal and commercial banks, as well as cooperative banks ...

DORDA | November 2022

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting is a major and evolving regulatory area in Europe. Disclosures play a crucial role in helping the financial sector address climate change and sustainability. They are also being used to address issues such as poor workplace diversity and gender pay gaps. Several jurisdictions have introduced or plan to introduce measures dealing with ESG risks in supply chains ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2020

The U.S. Supreme Court creates a test for when discharges to groundwater trigger NPDES permitting requirement, but its failure to include a bright line will make it difficult to predict whether a particular situation meets that test ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | May 2024

  Bank Accounts were reinstated after Bank failed to give justified reasons for termination under AML/CFT obligations. 1. Facts of the Case APS Bank p.l.c ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2020

The Tax Court of Canada (the “Court”) recently upheld the deductibility of carrying charges incurred in connection with an issuance of shares.  In so doing, the court upheld the tax benefits arising from a common financing practice. In addition, the Court reiterated the principle in tax matters according to which, save in exceptional cases, the legal relationships established by one or more taxpayers must be respected ...

TSMP Law Corporation | June 2021

Fast becoming the Monaco of the East, Singapore is luring global UHNWIs to set up family offices here due to its wealth-friendly tax and regulatory regime, and its position at the global economic growth epicentre. Sergey Brin (net worth: US$104 billion). Google’s co-founder and the world’s ninth-richest person set up a branch of his single family office (SFO), Bayshore Global Management, in Singapore to manage his local assets late last year ...

The key Direct tax changes as announced by the Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Following a wave of recent prosecutions in relation to cash fraudulently obtained through the various Covid-19 support schemes, we consider the criminal and civil ramifications on a legitimate business which has received cash from someone who has been prosecuted and offer some helpful tips to reduce the risk of your business inadvertently laundering the proceeds of crime ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points IRS releases new COVID-19 relief for Qualified Opportunity Funds Taxpayers granted significant postponement of various timing requirements to ensure compliance with IRC section 1400Z-2 The IRS released Notice 2020-39 on June 4, 2020, providing significant relief for investors in qualified opportunity funds (QOFs) ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2020

  Co-authored by MV Credit Partners LLP As the world watches the spread of COVID-19 across all continents, global economies are reacting to the impact and trying to foresee eventualities to mitigate the inevitable loss. There are some industries that will undoubtedly be more effected than others, and as with any economic crisis this will have a knock-on effect ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | March 2020

Czech Government Approves Mitigation Measures Related to Coronavirus Emergency UPDATED   In connection with the coronavirus emergency, the Czech government has approved a liberation tax package aimed at mitigating the consequences of the emergency ...

Waller | March 2020

Yesterday, the SEC issued updated guidance regarding public company reporting obligations in light of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

We are conscious that the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic is top of mind for everyone these days, and our first hope is that all of our clients and their loved ones are healthy and safe. Many of our private lending clients have had questions regarding actions they should be taking in response to the pandemic and the effect voluntary and, in some cases mandated, “social distancing” measures are having on their businesses and the economy ...

The Supreme Court while hearing Suo Motu Writ (Civil) No.5/2020 on 6thApril 2020 has, in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 142 of the Constitution, directed that: i ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2020

The pledge of equity interests of a privately held company as collateral is a common occurrence in a wide variety of financing structures. What is not as common perhaps is for secured creditors to analyze, at the initial stages of a transaction, the road maps that may serve to mitigate any meaningful delays or diminution in the value of such collateral in a foreclosure scenario ...
