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ENSafrica | March 2020

Africa Importance of gas for African energy transformation highlighted at IP Week Government cooperation is important but the private sector is expected to lead the way in boosting access to energy - this was the message from an African panel session at IP Week, held in London ...

ENSafrica | March 2020

Following the nationwide confinement measure announced by the Mauritian Prime Minister and effective since 6am on 20 March 2020 for a duration of two weeks in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the following measures have been adopted: 1 ...

ENSafrica | March 2020

With effect from 14 March 2020, Rwanda’s Ministry of Health and other governmental bodies have issued several measures that will be implemented in order to mitigate the risk of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This was turned into an almost total lockdown with immediate effect by a communiqué issued by the Office of the Prime Minister on 21 March 2020 and which will be in force during a two-week period (with possibility of extension) ...

ENSafrica | March 2020

Given the recent regulations published under the Disaster Management Act, 2002 and the State of Emergency Act, 1997, certain restrictions have been imposed by the South African Government to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat. These restrictions prohibit certain activities and compel limiting factors on certain businesses, such as educational institutions and businesses selling liquor. In addition, there are a number of protocols that have been issued by various agencies ...

ENSafrica | March 2020

On 11 March 2019, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic. WHO requested countries to “activate and scale up emergency response mechanisms” ...

Special Report "COVID-19 in Central America" on special measures taken in each country of our region prepared by the multidisciplinary team of Consortium. The information contained in this publication is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information is constantly updated and issubject to change. Last update: Wednesday 1 April ...

As we all know by now, much of our day-to-day lives have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are being told by everyone everywhere - the CDC, the President, governors, mayors, public health officials - we need to flatten the curve of the virus' natural exponential spread by practicing social distancing and aggressive hand washing ...

The IRS has issued the several news releases in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: IRS Notice 2020-18 Tax Day now July 15. Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline and federal tax payments regardless of amount. The Treasury Department and IRS announced the federal income tax filing due date (for individual, trusts, estates, partnerships, corporations, and associations) is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020 ...

Waller | March 2020

Two schools of thought have emerged on business interruption insurance coverage for coronavirus, either (a) it is a total panacea that will shift the risk of coronavirus revenue losses to insurance carriers or (b) there is no possible coverage for losses caused by coronavirus. As with most things in life and insurance, the truth lies somewhere in between and will depend on the specific policy at issue and the jurisdiction interpreting the policy ...

Waller | March 2020

The FDIC and other banking and credit agencies provided specific guidance to FDIC-supervised financial institutions that are working with borrowers affected by COVID-19. The Interagency Statement on Loan Modifications and Reporting by Financial Institutions Working with Customers Affected by the Coronavirus, issued on March 22, encourages lenders to “work constructively with borrowers” and offers the following guidance ...

Waller | March 2020

“One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.” - Winston Churchill As responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have evolved over the course of the first quarter, you and your business have reacted swiftly to ensure the health and safety of your customers, partners and employees ...

Heuking | March 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic brings to light penal and fine regulations that have hitherto led a shadowy existence. In particular, quarantine requirements and curfews and the punishability of violations thereof are currently under discussion. Companies and executives must also familiarize themselves with the provisions and official orders to avoid sanctions. Violations of curfews and requirements by authorities as well as quarantine violations are punishable by fines or even imprisonment ...

Heuking | March 2020

I. LEGISLATIVE INTERVENTION: DRAFT AVAILABLE In our March 17, 2020 article (“Restructuring in times of corona – What companies need to know now” LINK), we reported about the COVID-19 pandemic frequently causing extreme financial difficulties for German companies ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | March 2020

  In light of the rapidly evolving developments relating to COVID-19, and recognizing that issuers have an urgent need to focus on critical business decisions, the Canadian Securities Administrators (the “CSA”) have announced that they will grant temporary, blanket relief from the filing of certain documents required to be filed on or before June 1, 2020 ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2020

Many businesses are struggling due to the Covid-19 outbreak and associated restrictions. They face immediate consequences in terms of reduced labor force, counterparties unable to deliver and own failure to deliver. In this phase, it is crucial for the business to be proactive and set out a plan to maintain operational operations and mitigate the risk. In a chaotic situation with unforeseen and complex consequences, one may easily react with panic ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2020

  With public markets collapsing and economists predicting a Eurozone recession, the European M&A market must also be expected to be heavily impacted by the coronavirus. “There will be transactions pulled if there hasn’t been already,” said a partner at one London-based private equity firm. “There is too much uncertainty and sellers will need to adjust to the new environment. It will take some time for the new reality to be reflected in pricing ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a stay at home order to protect the health and well-being of all Californians and to establish a consistent approach across the state to slow the spread of COVID-19. This order went into effect on Thursday, March 19, 2020, and is in place until further notice. The order identifies certain services as essential, including food, prescriptions, and healthcare. These services can continue despite the stay at home order ...

Note: the complete text of the Military Ordinance no. 2/2020 can be found here. Following the increase of number of persons infected with Covid-19 and in an effort to strengthen the measures for preventing the spread of the virus, by keeping the social distance avioding unnecessary travel, in the evening of 21 March 2020, Military Ordinance no. 2/21.03.2020 was published in the Official Gazette no. 230/21.03.2020 ...

The purpose of this special report (the “Report”) is to inform the legal considerations and initial impacts that may affect the operation of your business as a result of the state of emergency (the “State of Emergency”) declared through Supreme Decree No ...

Gianni & Origoni | March 2020

Following the publication of the proposal a few days ago, on 19 March the European Commission adopted the communication introducing a new temporary legal framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak1. The last time the Commission had adopted a similar temporary framework was during the global financial crisis in 2008 ...

Carey | March 2020

On 18 March 2020, the Financial Market Commission (“CMF”) issued general rule 435 (hereinafter “NCG No. 435”) amending general rule 273 from 2010, which, in turn, regulates the voting systems for shareholders meetings ...

Gianni & Origoni | March 2020

During the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese authorities have jointly released a series of measures to support enterprises and industries and reduce the negative economical impact of the epidemic ...

Gianni & Origoni | March 2020

The 22 March Decree was anticipated by two ordinances issued on 21 March 2020 by, respectively, the Lombardy Region1, subsequently amended on 22 March 2020 (the “Lombardy Ordinance”), and the Piedmont Region 2 (the “Piedmont Ordinance”). The ordinances provide for even more stringent restrictions for the regions concerned, and will remain in force until 3 April 2020 (for the Piedmont Region) and 15 April 2020 (for the Lombardy Region) ...

Arendt & Medernach | March 2020

A dynamic platform, gathering answers to your most frequently asked questions in relation to the ongoing crisis. The content of this page will be continuously updated based on the latest news. Click here to access the Arendt Covid-19 Solutions Platform ...

COBALT | March 2020

How might businesses in your jurisdiction be impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic? The Government of Estonia declared an emergency situation on March 12th due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic and the threat of mass infections. The government has decided to ban public gatherings and implement distance learning at schools, implemented sanitary controls at the border, and closed cultural and entertainment institutions until the 1st of May ...
