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ENSafrica | April 2016

The Competition Tribunal has imposed a record penalty of R10-million for failure to notify the competition authorities of a merger ...

ENSafrica | April 2016

South African Minister of Economic Development, Ebrahim Patel, has announced that, from 1 May 2016, cartel conduct (price fixing, market allocation and collusive tendering) comprises criminal activity. Directors or persons with management responsibility who participate in cartel conduct or who are aware of cartel conduct and fail to take appropriate action can be criminally prosecuted ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2016

Following onrecent newsregarding the mutual desire of both sides to improve the commercial relations between Slovenia and Serbia, there are now additional reports to substantiate these claims ...

So, I confess to being old enough to remember the ‘Do You Yahoo!’ television adverts of the 1990s… A certain comb over look that was replaced by a not insubstantial afro wig, a talking dolphin – ring any bells?Regardless, for many of us Yahoo! was the place where we started our online adventures ...

Recently, the Texas Supreme Court issued two very important decisions on First Amendment law that could have a broad impact on media companies doing business in Texas. Both cases evolved from defamation claims filed by Salem Abraham, a school board member in Canadian, Texas. Read the full alert ...

The United States Supreme Court agreed on Monday, May 2, 2016 to hear argument on what one party called “the single most vexing, unresolved question in all of copyright”—determining when a feature of a “useful article” like clothing is eligible for copyright protection ...

The May 2016 issue of the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) included an international briefing article entitled “PPPs and the election ban.” The article was contributed by SyCipLaw partner Aaron Roi B. Riturban.Read the article online at the IFLR website ...

On Friday, April 27, 2016, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit declined to reevaluate the venue rules for patent litigation. In a closely watched case titled In re: TC Heartland LLC, petitioner TC Heartland requested that the Federal Circuit reshape patent litigation venue rules, and largely eliminate the ability of patent owners to file suit in popular venues like the Eastern District of Texas ...

One of the biggest news reports in the region last week was the acquisition ofPorto Montenegro, the luxury yacht marina located in Tivat, by the View More

ENSafrica | May 2016

ENSafrica successfully represented Virgin Active in a South African Advertising Standards Authority (“ASA”) matter, regarding a Virgin Active TV advertisement that used the expression “get off your ass”. The case in question is S Jack & others v Virgin Active South Africa (Pty) Ltd, and the ruling was handed down on 26 February 2016. The point of the advertisement was to persuade people to start working out at Virgin Active gyms ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

A recent Australian decision on keyword usage of a registered trade mark is in line with decisions in many other countries, including South Africa. The facts in the case of Veda Advantage Limited v Malouf Group Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (2016) FCA 255 were straightforward. Veda is a company that compiles credit reports and has trade mark registrations for the trade mark Veda in class 36 for financial services. Malouf is a company that helps people remove their negative credit ratings ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

A recent South African court ruling dealing with one company’s use of another’s trade mark on an aggregator website has attracted some interest. The case in question is Car Find (Pty) Ltd v Car Trader (Pty) Ltd and Others (South Gauteng High Court, Judge van Oosten, 12 February 2016) ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

With the advent of the Construction Regulations, 2014 (the “regulations”), which are binding in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (“OHASA”), additional duties are now placed on the “client” that did not exist under the previous regulatory regime. For example, the client now assumes the duty to prepare a baseline risk assessment for a construction work project and, depending on the factual circumstances, to apply for a construction work permit ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

A recent European Union ("EU") trade mark decision on the registrability of the trade mark Corn Thins is interesting not only because it deals with newly coined expressions and the issue of distinctiveness, but it also shows how a bit of common sense can go a long way ...

ALRUD Law Firm | May 2016

Dear All! We would like to update you of recent strategic directions report released by the Russian Data Protection Authority (‘Roscomnadzor’) in connection with 10th anniversary of the Russian Law on Personal Data (Federal Law No.152-FZ dd. 27 July 2006). General background The report was released and presented by the Roscomnadzor’s officials at the end of March during press conference for the media ...

The turn of the year is often a time for reflection and review.For business founders and owners this might be the one time of the year when the phone rings (less) and the inbox is more sparse ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

On 17 May 2016, the Competition Commission (the “Commission”) held a press conference to update all stakeholders on the Grocery Retail Market Inquiry (the “Inquiry”). The press conference introduced the Inquiry Panel (the “Panel”) and provided an opportunity for stakeholders in attendance to ask any questions to assist in clarifying the purpose of the Inquiry and what can be expected during the process. A summary of the press conference is set out below ...

ENSafrica | May 2016

A lifelong right to live in a house owned by someone else is referred to as a right to habitation. Once this right is registered in the Deeds Office, it is enforceable against everyone, including the registered owner of the immovable property (“property”).This position was confirmed in the recent Supreme Court of Appeal case of Hendriks v Hendriks and Others (case no ...

Plaintiffs frequently bring class action claims for alleged statutory violations for which Congress has provided private rights of action and statutory damages. In many of these instances, plaintiffs do not allege any specific, tangible harm (such as monetary loss), but claim that the violation of these so-called “statutory rights” by itself constitutes injury-in-fact sufficient to satisfy standing requirements. This week, the Supreme Court held in Spokeo v ...

In an opinion that will make vacating arbitration awards even more challenging, the Texas Supreme Court unanimously held that the Texas Arbitration Act (“TAA”) sets out the exclusive grounds for vacating arbitration awards arising from agreements governed by that statute, and that common law vacatur grounds are no longer viable. Hoskins v. Hoskins, No. 15-0046, --- S.W.3d --- (Tex. May 20, 2016). Read the full alert ...

Six years after Oracle first accused Google’s popular Android platform of infringing Oracle’s copyrights in Java application programming interfaces (“APIs”), a Northern District of California jury has found that Google’s copying constituted fair use. Oracle was seeking $8.8 billion in damages for the alleged infringement ...

Bustamante Fabara | May 2016

In the Executive Decree N° 1040 was enacted on May 23rd 2016, and contain the Regulation for the PPP Incentives Law. This Executive Decree is still pending to publishing in the Official Gazette, however is in force.This regulation establishes the following provisions that will regulate a PPP contract:Creates a fast track process for PPP projects, based in the studies of the public entity ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2016

The regulation governing contracts of public bodiesleaps into the digital age. The amendments, passed on April 13, 2016, and coming into force June 1, 2016, aim to clarify the rules pertaining to the results evaluation.1Five key changesTenders in electronic form are mandatory if so required in the tender documents ?> change of computer systems will be needed to ensure the integrity of the signatures and tenders ...

Karanović & Nikolić Senior Associate, Ana Luković, visited the recently held 8thInternational Bar Association's (IBA) Real Estate Conference in Copenhagen. As was the case during the previous editions of the conference, it provided a platform for around 150 attendees – hailing from all across the contemporary business spectrum – to communicate and exchange their views on various topics related to the field of real estate law ...

We have more real estate news from Montenegro, as there are media reports on 4.9 million square meters of beach properties being put up for sale in the municipalities of Buljarica, Budva, and Bar by the Montenegrin Council for Privatisation and Capital Projects ...