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Contracts and force majeure during a pandemic was published recently in the Indian Business Law Journal authored by Chandrasekhar Tampi, senior partner and Ankur Khandelwal, partner, Kochhar & Co. Overview- The spread of COVID-19 has raised multiple questions with respect to performance of commercial contracts, across the globe. While some contracts have witnessed the erosion of their foundation, others have been rendered difficult, even possible, to be performed ...

Buchalter | April 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the manufacturing, transportation and supple chains underpinning countless aspects of trade and commerce on a global basis. Additionally, the shelter-in-place orders have caused nonessential businesses to shut down, resulting in many of them being unable to meet their contractual obligation. Force Majeure Whether coronavirus can be considered a force majeure depends on the wording of the provision ...

At Spilman, we are often asked to review the "colder" legal aspects of human events of all types. The COVID-19 pandemic will be no different. To get a jump start on some of the questions we have faced or will face, we offer some thoughts on the contractual implications of COVID-19. Over the past week, Americans have witnessed countless unprecedented responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The NBA postponed its season. The NHL soon followed ...

Misrepresentations and unfounded assertions of fact made to a party during pre-contractual negotiations can come back to bite you if they induce that party to enter into the contract. The Supreme Court case has emphasised that misrepresentations made to a non-contracting party can also result in liability for the party that made the misrepresentation ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

 The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic is upending regular commercial activity across the United States and around the world, and that disruption is expected to escalate. Among the issues confronting our clients, the effect of public health orders and other measures to address COVID-19 is threatening, impacting, and in some cases, outright prohibiting the performance of material contractual obligations ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2023

On April 7, 2023, two federal judges in Texas and Washington State issued dueling opinions about the abortion medication Mifepristone, just hours apart. These two decisions come in the midst of growing tension about abortion laws in the United States after the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision released by the Supreme Court in 2022.[i] The Texas and Washington court opinions do not help reduce the confusion among healthcare providers and residents of the United States ...

MinterEllison | March 2010

The tightening of the credit market in Australia has led a significant number of companies to explore raising further capital by issuing additional equity to new or existing holders. Unlike taking on additional debt, the issue of new equity by a company can result in a change of control. Where the company is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), this may give rise to various issues under both the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules ...

Wardynski & Partners | July 2020

On 19 June 2020, the Parliament adopted “Shield 4.0,” new law of great importance for M&A practice. Shield 4.0 amends the Act on Control of Certain Investments of 24 July 2015 and enters into force on 24 July 2020 ...

Delphi | November 2010

Introduction From the seller's perspective, knowing the outcome of the sale process in terms of the price that it will obtain for a company is always of great importance. Usually, a buyer will make an offer to buy a company on a 'cash and debt-free' basis, meaning that the purchase price offered (ie, the enterprise value) will be adjusted up or down depending on the company's financial position at a given time to reach the actual purchase price ...

TSMP Law Corporation | August 2019

The Singapore Convention cements the Lion City’s reputation as a dispute resolution hub, making mediation easier to enforce globally. Clients who come to see me about commercial disputes often ask for the same thing: fast resolution. I tell them that there are two tried-and-tested ways to resolve financial claims. First, you can litigate in court and have a judge make a legal ruling on the dispute, in the full gaze of the public ...

Deacons | January 2019

In the beginging of 2019, the Companies Registry announced that twelve Hong Kong companies were prosecuted for failing to keep the significant controllers register at their registered offices. The result of this prosecution led to the companies being fined ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2021

Automated activism is here now on how compliant businesses are. Are you ready for potential tech-enabled complaints on your site's cookies? In 1993 Tesco ran a trial of a loyalty scheme: the Tesco Clubcard. When the results of the trial of the scheme were presented to the board in 1994, the chair, Lord Ian MacLaurin, said, ‘what scares me about this is you know more about my customers in three months than I know in 30 years’ ...

Wardynski & Partners | April 2020

One method companies have of dealing with the crisis is to cooperate with their rivals. But before entering into such cooperation, it is worth examining whether it constitutes aconspiracy subject to sanctions from the national competition authority, the European Commission or other antitrust bodies ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2021

On 24 November 2021 Shoosmiths hosted a webinar exploring recent developments and forthcoming changes in environmental regulation – the COP26 climate change conference, the Environment Act 2021 and trends in sentencing for environmental offences. COP26 David Symons, director of sustainability at WSP UK outlined the three main messages from the COP26 conference: The 1 ...

ENSafrica | July 2016

Two recent high-profile cases involving popular songs have placed the spotlight on copyright issues. In the first of these, in California, a Los Angeles jury has decided that Led Zeppelin’s 1971 rock classic Stairway to Heaven did not infringe the copyright in a 1967 song called Spirit by the band Taurus. The case centred on the opening chord sequence in Stairway to Heaven, which the jury concluded was not “intrinsically similar” to the sequence in Spirit ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | February 2014

Reprinted with permission from the February 7, 2014 issue of Corporate Counsel. © 2014 ALM Media Properties, LLC. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. On Nov. 12, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to grant a writ of certiorari in Cariou v. Prince, leaving intact the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on copyright fair use in the context of appropriation art ...

Under EU Directive 2001/29 on the harmonisation of copyright law, Member States grant authors, performers, producers and broadcasting organisations exclusive rights to authorise or prohibit reproductions of their own works ...

ENSafrica | May 2017

 Two recent developments, one positive and one negative, highlight some of the serious issues that face copyright. The positive development is that UK courts have again shown that they are prepared to deal decisively with difficult copyright issues posed by the electronic age ...

ENSafrica | June 2016

A South African court has found that, for the purposes of fair dealing in copyright law, hyperlinks are a sufficient way of acknowledging source and ownership. The recent decision in the case of Moneyweb (Pty) Limited v Media 24 Limited and Another (unreported case no. 31575/2013, 5 May 2016) attracted a great deal of publicity. This is possibly because the two main parties are media companies ...

ENSafrica | June 2014

Copyright protects a wide range of works. The first of the categories listed in the South African Copyright Act (“the Act”) is ‘literary works’. It is an unhelpful monitor, because literary merit does not come into it at all – the definition in the Act in fact uses the phrase ‘irrespective of literary quality’. The Act goes on to make it clear that works such as reports, tables and compilations are categorised under the term ‘literary works’ ...

ENSafrica | June 2017

Copyright is a highly important area of IP law. Yet, it’s also an area that’s often ignored and misunderstood, partly because it generally doesn’t involve registration, and partly because of the uncertainties created by the digital age ...

ENSafrica | July 2017

We’ve written a fair bit about copyright recently, and much of our focus has been on how the digital age has brought about a marked change in attitude towards copyright (often bordering on ignorance), and has made copyright infringement much easier. In this article, we look at two further examples that reflect this trend. We also look at proposed changes to South African copyright law.The first of our examples deals with sharing images ...

ENSafrica | February 2018

A South African judgment dealing with joint ownership of copyright in databases has recently come to light. The judgment was handed down almost a year ago, but it seems to have slipped under the radar. This judgment will, however, be of interest to those involved in IP.The case is The Philanthropic Collection (Pty) Ltd v Girls & Boys South Africa ...
