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PLMJ | February 2008

Several legislative instruments on VAT issues were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 20 February, amending the rules for determining the place where services are supplied for the purposes of VAT: - the general rule will be reversed and services will now be taxed in the place of consumption  as  opposed  to  where  the  supplier  has  its establishment ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2008

The role and duties of a Chair are not defined and circumscribed in incorporating statutes (federal and Quebec) except in the case of Quebec government-owned corporations and then, only in part. Boards of directors have been at the centre of the public debate on corporate governance in recent years. This heightened focus on boards has provoked questioning and reflection on the role and liability of the Chair ...

C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados | February 2008

Under Bolivian law, there is no specific set of regulations or special norm regarding a system of merger control applicable to the different sectors of the economy(1). The antitrust provisions, restrictions and penalties for each particular sector (telecommunications, electricity, hydrocarbons, transport, water, etc.) are established in the “Sectorial” laws, and in general in the Bolivian Constitution, the Criminal Code and Code of Commerce ...

PLMJ | March 2008

1. The long-awaited duty requiring users or promoters of operations and transactions whose sole or principal objective is to obtain tax benefits to communicate such operations or transactions to the tax authorities has finally become law in Decree-Law 29/2008 of 25 February. 2. Due to its excessively wide nature, however, the new antiabuse measure raises some very serious doubts ...

Delphi | March 2008

In the beginning of February, the Swedish Corporate Governance Board presented a proposal for a revised Swedish code on corporate governance (the Code).Work on amending the code has been carried out in cooperation with representatives for both OMX Nordic Exchange as well as NGM ...

Delphi | March 2008

On 21 February 2008, the government presented a proposal for a new Competition Act. The proposal contains a number of new things, of which several aim to make the fight against cartels more efficient. In addition, amendments are proposed to the rules on concentrations. Possibility of avoiding trial through a settlement procedure Currently, the Swedish Competition Authority does not have the authority itself to decide on fines (sw. konkurrensskadeavgift) ...

Delphi | March 2008

In the middle of January, the European Commission started a sector inquiry into the pharmaceutical industry and in doing so exposed several pharmaceutical companies to dawn raids ...

Delphi | March 2008

Several major changes to the PRC’s Tax Law have come into effect since 1 January 2008. These include the unification of the income tax treatment of all enterprises (foreign and domestic as well as joint-venture companies), resumption of the previous 20 % withholding tax on outgoing dividends to be paid by foreign investment companies to their foreign parent companies, lower effective income tax rates and introduction of the concept of “resident enterprises” ...

SMS Buenos Aires | March 2008

ARGENTINE TAX SYSTEMPOLITICAL CONFIGURATIONThe Republic of Argentina has three levels of Government (Jurisdictions): Nation, Provinces and Municipalities.The government system of the Nation and the Provinces has three powers: The Executive that deals with the Administration, the Legislative in charge of passing the Laws, and the Judiciary responsible for the Administration of Justice ...

PLMJ | March 2008

1. Last Friday saw the publication of Decree-Law 13/2008, of 18  January,  which  extended  the  tax  regime  applicable  to companies that register to carry on business in the Madeira Free Trade Zone between 1st January 2007 and 31st December 2013 ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2008

Every day, and several times a day, we enter into contracts without knowing it or without considering and controlling their effects. This bulletin provides a brief and non-exhaustive summary to help you better understand, prepare for and monitor your contractual environment ...

PLMJ | April 2008

1. The recently published Decree-Law 55/2008 of 26 March has set out the regulatory provisions necessary for  implementing incentive measures for the speedier recovery of areas in Portugal that suffer most from typical inland regional problems, as provided for in the Tax Benefits Statute (EBF) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2008

According to statistics, 76% of the leading 100 UK retailers have plans to replace at least one of their core IT systems in 2008. Ensuring that your IT system is up to date is vital. Using outdated software packages often results in poor service delivery and inefficient business management. Many old systems are not capable of meeting current legislation requirements or are not able to deliver reports to demonstrate compliance ...

Until recently there was a significant amount of confusion and uncertainty on whether or not it is trade mark infringement for a search engine to allow certain 'keywords' to be sponsored by a third party who is not the trademark owner. The above scenario was encountered in the recent case of Wilson v Yahoo UK Limited where Mr Wilson was the owner of several Community trade marks under the name 'Mr Spicy' ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2008

In one of the first decisions in Quebec since the landmark Domtar case(1), the Québec Court of Appeal has refined the parameters of the liability of a professional vendor and of a manufacturer for a latent defect. In this case,(2), Joseph Élie Limitée (“Élie”) had sold an oil tank manufactured by Réservoirs d’acier Granby (“Granby”), and supplied the oil to its customer, who was insured by Federation Insurance Company of Canada (“Federation”) ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2008

In one of the first decisions in Quebec since the landmark Domtar case(1), the Québec Court of Appeal has refined the parameters of the liability of a professional vendor and of a manufacturer for a latent defect. In this case,(2), Joseph Élie Limitée (“Élie”) had sold an oil tank manufactured by Réservoirs d’acier Granby (“Granby”), and supplied the oil to its customer, who was insured by Federation Insurance Company of Canada (“Federation”) ...

Delphi | July 2008

A new Swedish Competition Act will enter into force on 1 November 2008. The Act was passed by parliament on 11 June 2008. The new legislation means further harmonisation with EC competition rules and it also introduces a number of new features in order to enhance cartel enforcement. One of the new features is the introduction of trading prohibitions. The rules regarding fines will become both clearer and stricter in an aim to enhance legal certainty ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2008

One more lengthy battle in a legal saga has just come to an end. Indeed, on June 4, 2008, the Court, comprised of Quebec’s Chief Justice, Michel Robert, and Justices Jacques Chamberland and Louis Rochette, rendered a unanimous judgment.(1)To set the stage, consider a salmonella outbreak in Abitibi, some premature deaths, dozens of persons poisoned, three producing farms.. ...

On 22 May 2008, the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in Dŵr Cymru's appeal against part of the CAT's judgement in the long running Albion Water case [FOOTNOTE: Dŵr Cymru Cyfyngedig v Albion Water Limited [2008] EWCA Civ 536 and [2006] CAT 23 and [2006] CAT 36]. The main subject of that appeal was the correct interpretation of the law on the abuse of margin squeeze ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2008

The increasing number of recalls of consumer products in recent years is indicative of a trend that has raised concerns for governmental authorities. In response, the Canadian government announced, on April 8, 2008, a reform of the existing legislation to strengthen the protection of human health and safety. The first step was the introduction of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (Bill C-52) and the second, the reform (Bill C-51) of the Food and Drugs Act (R.S.C ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | August 2008

Act No. 125/2008, Coll., on Transformations of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives, taking effect 1 July 2008, supersedes the existing regulation of intra-state transformations in the Commercial Code and newly regulates certain transformations with foreign elements, i.e. cross border mergers and transfer of assets to a foreign participant ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2008

The business world is in continuous evolution. In order to remain competitive, a professional must be aware of the developments that may affect or influence his or her practice. It is in this spirit that we have created “RATIO”, a quarterly legal information publication intended to support you in the achievement of your professional goals. The name of this publication is a term employed in both the legal and accounting professions ...

Delphi | October 2008

On 3 April 2008, the Supreme Administrative Court announced a decision in a case which has given rise to strong reactions among tax law specialists. The criticism has been harsh and concerns the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision to give the Swedish CFC-rules precedence over the Swedish-Swiss tax treaty ...

Delphi | October 2008

Ahead of the autumn finance bill, the government has stated that SEK 30 billion will be designated for reforms in the labour market and enterprise, welfare and investments for the future. 13 of these 30 billion are earmarked for an “enterprise package” which, inter alia, includes a reduction in corporate tax from 28 percent to 26.3 percent ...

Delphi | October 2008

The Supreme Administrative Court stated in a final judgement on 16 June this year, that an allowable underprice sale is not at hand if the transfer price which is less than market value is matched by an input of labour ...
