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Although developments in higher education on the issue of affirmative action in admissions may not seem relevant to private employers, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision should prompt employers to reexamine their own diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) and voluntary affirmative action initiatives to ensure that employment decisions are not unlawfully based on membership in protected classifications ...

Washington’s Supreme Court disrupted the state’s agricultural industry on November 5, 2020, when it held that the agricultural overtime exemption at RCW 49.46.130(2)(g) violated the state’s constitution as applied to dairy workers. As a result, all dairy employers immediately had to start paying their workers overtime at a rate of 1.5 times their regular hourly rate. While not explicitly addressed, the Martinez-Cuevas v ...

Asters | June 2022

On June 21, the President  signed a  law ratifying the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (hereinafter referred to as the Convention). The day before, the law was passed by the Verkhovna Rada, 259 people's deputies voted for ratification, and only eight opposed it ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2006

According to the independent charity, The Age and Employment Network, the cost of age discrimination in the UK now amounts to £5.5bn in lost government tax and paid unemployment benefits and a further £30bn in lost productivity annually. These are astounding figures. It seems that many employees are currently obliged or persuaded to leave the workplace before their normal retirement age and that early exit from work for people aged over 50 tends to be permanent ...

In the workplace, youth is seen as a valuable asset. When the benefits of youth are emphasised in relation to personnel and staffing issues to the exclusion of other factors, employers may well find themselves discriminating on the basis of age. Employers may also be depriving themselves of the many benefits of an age-diverse workforce – higher retention rates; lower rates of absenteeism; greater flexibility; and a wider pool of available skills. This has a major economic impact ...

Heuking | April 2019

Federal Labor Court, ruling of 19 December 2018 - 7 AZR 70/17 The provision of Sec. 41 p. 3 Social Code (SGB) VI allows employers and employees to postpone the termination of the employment relationship upon reaching the regular retirement age of the employee. According to a ruling of the German Federal Labor Court (BAG) of 19 December 2018 (Ref. 7 AZR 70/17), this regulation is compatible with higher-ranking law ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2008

On 20 May the Government announced that it had agreed a deal between unions and employers that will see agency workers in the UK receive equal treatment after 12 weeks employment. Trade unions had been arguing strongly that agency workers should receive equal rights from day one. The CBI has calculated that because of the qualifying period up to half of all agency assignments will be unaffected ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2021

The recent CIS v IBM decision touches on two topical issues in IT disputes: maintenance and replacement of legacy systems, and  use of agile implementation methodologies.  It is also a useful reminder of some important basics regarding the management of troubled IT projects. The case and the issues The claimant (Co-op) was the insurance business of the Co-op group ...

Karanovic & Partners | July 2016

According to recent news reports, the Bosnian Ambassador in Podgorica, Đorđe Latinović, stated that a labour agreement between BiH and Montenegro on temporal employment is due to be signed soon. The main purpose of this agreement being to regulate the status of seasonal workers in the two countries and reduce the possibility of undeclared work ...

Krogerus | September 2019

A recent ruling of the Finnish Supreme Court is a great reminder for employers what is to be taken into consideration when entering into termination agreements with employees. In general, the employer and the employee may, at any time during the employment relationship, mutually agree to terminate the employment relationship. Freedom of contract applies and a mutual termination agreement is, per se, a valid and legally binding agreement, if the agreement in concluded appropriately ...

Heuking | December 2018

I. Introduction According to a Bitkom study from September 2018, German industry has incurred a total loss of 43 billion euros as a result of cyberattacks over the past two years. Seven out of ten industrial companies have been victims of such attacks during this period. At EU level, there has recently been a growing discussion on how to face this mounting danger ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | August 2022

  Introduction   On 30 June 2022, the Council of the European Union (EU) announced1 that the Council presidency and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the proposed markets in crypto-assets regulation (MiCA).  More details here.  The aim behind the proposed regulatory framework is to bring legal and regulatory certainty for crypto-asset operators across the EU ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | February 2023

  When one instructs a painter to draw a portrait (no matter how detailed the instructions may be) the painter will always have discretion in executing the final product. Likewise, in investment funds, the investment manager is instructed to invest according to various rules and timeframes which are detailed in the investment strategy as approved by the competent financial regulator, but there will still remain investment discretion on how the investment strategy is executed ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | February 2023

  In addition to the draft EU regulation on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) titled ‘Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence’ (the “draft EU AI Act”), the EU Commission is also proposing a separate draft directive on non-contractual liability relating to AI titled ‘Proposal for a Directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence’ (the “draft AI Li

Mamo TCV Advocates | February 2023

  If the draft EU regulation on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) titled ‘Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence’ (the “draft EU AI Act”) becomes law, investment funds could have an additional risk which would need consideration, namely, the AI risk ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | March 2023

  In the ‘Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence’ (the “draft EU AI Act”), transparency is regulated by Article 13 and Article 52 thereof. The former applies to systems of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) which are classified as high-risk and the latter applies to limited-risk AI systems ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | June 2023

The purpose of disclosing conflicts of interest in the investment services industry is to ensure maximum transparency for the investor. A common conflict of interest is the situation when the fund’s investment manager owns voting shares in the fund and appoints a director who is already heavily involved in the investment manager’s structure. Consequently, the appointed director might be conflicted if one is required to take a decision against the investment manager ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2023

The regulatory landscape for AI, in the UK and beyond, is evolving rapidly, with proposed statutory regimes beginning to emerge from legislators across the globe (read more here). What, then, is the current position for employers? Overview of current regime There remains a notable gap when it comes to concrete principles of liability or accountability for AI-generated or -supported outcomes ...

Plesner | March 2024

The use of AI systems and chatbots by employees and employers is gaining more and more foothold at workplaces. It is relevant for the employer to be aware of the regulation applicable to employees' use of AI systems and chatbots and to ensure that the employer's own use of AI systems takes place within the applicable regulation in terms of employment and personal data law. Use of AI Systems by Employees AI systems and chatbots are useful tools for employees ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2021

The Alan Turing Institute has published a new report: "AI in Financial Services", looking to the use of artificial intelligence in the FS sector. We will watch with interest how the report’s findings evolve into more specific regulatory rules or guidance ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2023

Progression of developments in technology have always led to impacts on the general workforce. With increased international focus on the speed of AI development and use, what could the impacts be of AI be on today’s workforce? The BBC have recently covered that “a March 2023 report from Goldman Sachs estimated that AI capable of content generation could do a quarter of all the work currently done by humans ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2018

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on December 4, 2018, inHelsinn Healthcare SA v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA to whether the “on-sale” bar under the America Invents Act (“AIA”) renders an inventor’s private sale to a third party as prior art for purposes of determining patentability. 35 U.S.C ...

The FCA’s new webpage, published on 24 July 2013, will record permissions and passports granted under the AIFM Directive.  The FCA is currently updating the Financial Service Register to include firms which have been granted new permissions under the Directive, as well as any associated management passports.  However, in the meantime, information will be published on the webpage. For more information in respect of the Directive, please visit our AIFMD microsite ...
