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Ellex Valiunas | September 2006

The main legal acts regulating the registration of seagoing ships in Lithuania are the Law on Merchant Shipping, the Rules for Registration of Seagoing Ships in Lithuania approved on 4 July 2005 by order No. 3-301 of the Minister of Transport and Communications, and the Decision of the Government of Lithuania “On the Register of Seagoing Ships of the Republic of Lithuania”. The following ships can be registered at the Register of Seagoing Ships of the Republic of Lithuania (the Register): 1 ...

Garrigues | February 2024

The regulations that are starting to emerge in various different jurisdictions pose major challenges, not just for users, but also for developers of AI systems. In this article we will look at the main differences and the areas of common ground. Artificial intelligence has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to national security. However, its use has also raised concerns in connection with privacy, discrimination and security ...

AELEX | August 2021

Regulation of Courier and Logistics Company in Nigeria - ǼLEX Legal .avada-select-parent .select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff} ...

Garrigues | February 2011

As a result of its climate, Spain enjoys a strategic position within the European Union for theproduction of renewable energy, hence its long-standing commitment over the years to promoteresearch and development in such energy sources ...

ENSafrica | June 2022

In this recent article published in Engineering News, WSG Member Mihlali Sitefane, Senior Associate at ENSafrica, provides insightful information on the importance of renewable energy project developers paying closer attention to stakeholder management to avoid pitfalls ...

Ryen Godwin, Environmental and Natural Resources Lawyer for Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, kicked things off and provided closing commentary on the discussion at the end of the event ...

Kudun and Partners | February 2024

As global environmental awareness surges, renewable energy stands at the forefront of sustainable development, playing a vital role in shaping a greener future. In this context, nations are increasingly turning to renewable sources as pivotal elements of their energy strategies. Among these nations, Thailand is notable for its commitment to renewable energy ...

Kudun and Partners | February 2020

In Thailand, economic development, technological progress and energy transition go hand-in-hand. The government is continuing to pursue Thailand 4.0, the ambitious economic model designed to propel the country into high-income status. This transition hinges on Thailand moving from its agrarian and labour-intensive roots to a value-based economy where smart industry is king ...

Atsumi & Sakai | December 2017

As of late this year [1], the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy announced that it has issued deadlines for the submission of renewable energy application documents, etc. based on the FIT Act in FY 2017. Upon submission of these applications, etc. they will be reviewed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), however, every year, the review process tends to be stalled because of the large number of applications submitted at the end of the fiscal year ...

The future of agriculture in Scotland is at a pivotal point. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges faced by farmers and crofters who have worked tirelessly to ensure food production and land management continues at a time when other industries have been brought to a standstill ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2020

As dealer networks in the automotive sector re-open for business following the COVID-19 lockdown, we share below our main competition law watch outs for suppliers over the coming weeks and months. We know that current market conditions are tempting some people to reach out to their competitors – any competitor contact needs to be managed carefully from a competition law perspective ...

ENSafrica | April 2019

The reportable arrangement provisions were established by the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) with the objective of obtaining information on certain types of transactions. The circumstances under which a person should report an “arrangement” to SARS, as defined in section 34 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (the “TAA”), are contained in sections 34 to 39 of the TAA ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2007

Prior to 1987, natural gas was supplied to end use customers in British Columbia by monopoly service providers only on a bundled basis. In 1987, Inland Natural Gas Ltd., a predecessor company to Terasen Gas Inc. (“TGI”), pioneered open access in this province by applying to establish transportation service rates for its industrial and large commercial customers. Open access was made available to those customers commencing in 1987 ...

Several of the currently producing oil fields in the United States have been producing for approximately one hundred years while many other fields have long since ceased production having reached the end of their economic life. As the domestic oil and gas industry matures and many of the once productive fields become depleted, the industry faces what is arguably its most significant challenge ...

On April 29, 2020, the National Center of Energy Control (“CENACE”) released an administrative resolution (the “Resolution”) to guarantee the efficiency, reliability, quality, continuity and safety of the Electric National System due to the pandemic disease COVID-19 ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2023

After a particularly active consultation round with approx. 140 consultation responses, together with the proposal for the national budget for 2024, the government presented a revised proposal today, 6 October 2023. The criticism from a relatively united renewables industry must be said to have fallen on relatively deaf ears and the proposal is essentially a continuation of the consultation proposal ...

ENSafrica | July 2018

The South African Minister of Mineral Resources, Gwede Mantashe, published a notice in the government gazette on 28 June 2018 stating that there will be a restriction, in terms of section 49(1) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (“MPRDA”), on the granting of applications for technical co-operation permits, exploration rights and production rights in terms of section 76, 79, and 83 of the MPRDA, from the date of publication of the notice (28 June 2018

Delphi | October 2008

In its decision of 10 September 2008, the Market Court held that eight retailers of Volvo and Renault cars in southern Sweden were guilty of fixing sales prices and discounts on new cars, dividing the market for new car sales and fixing acquisition and sales prices on used cars. This behaviour was deemed to constitute such a limitation of competition as is prohibited under Section 6 of the Competition Act and Article 81 of the EC Treaty ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2020

Key Points In ADA Title III cases, the plaintiff has the initial burden to show removing a barrier is readily achievable. The Court has yet to consider the complexities of naval architecture and the unique safety and seaworthiness issues on ships. If barrier removal is not readily achievable, alternative methods to barrier removal —or other facilitation for access to the service— should be considered. In Lopez v. Catalina Channel Express, Inc. (9th Cir ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | January 2021

The Magistrates' Court in Bat Yam recently heard a claim brought against the company Sun d'Or which concerned the question of whether under Israeli law a person who purchased a flight ticket could transfer or assign their ticket to a different person ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2018

The English High Court issued its judgment in the case ofSeadrill Ghana Operations Limited v Tullow Ghana Limited1on 3 July 2018 in respect of a dispute under a long-term drilling contract between Seadrill and Tullow regarding the use of the semi-submersible drilling rig “WEST LEO” for operations offshore Ghana. The contract was signed in 2012 and its term was due to continue through to June 2018 ...

Setting natural gas prices, directly or indirectly, is already a tradition in Romania and 2020 is not an exception to the rule ...
