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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2013

In response to solar industry concerns that its regulations were stifling the country’s solar energy development, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission initiated a rulemaking on January 17 to amend its regulations applicable to the interconnection of facilities of 20 MW or less to the grid ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | August 2013

On May 29, 2013, Alberta issued three regulations and two rules under the Responsible Energy Development Act (“REDA”).  The new regulations and rules became operational on June 17, 2013, the same day that REDA came into force.  With REDA, the regulations and the rules now in place, the new regulatory regime for energy development in Alberta has started to take shape ...

The $400 million package agreed by JP Morgan with the US federal energy regulator to settle its energy market abuse case against the firm, announced at the end of July, is a great example of the legal risks energy firms now run in exploiting loopholes in the frequently complex bidding rules governing energy wholesale markets ...

Since our last update (in June 2013), progress has been made on the key outstanding issues we identified; namely, geology, taxation, community benefits and planning ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2013

On 25 January 2012, the European Commission decided that a substantial overhaul of data protection regulation is required and issued its proposals for change. The proposals are currently making their way through the legislative process in Brussels but, once approved, are expected to take effect at some point in 2014 ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | September 2013

I. Introduction The development of projects and business opportunities, particularly in the natural resource industries, requires government decision making, from the issuance of resource tenures, through environmental assessment of proposed works and activities, and through licences, permits and authorizations ...

To the average internet user the few little letters at the end of the domain name they have just searched must seem rather trivial. Little do they know of the struggle of numerous corporations to obtain those little letters in an effort to try to stamp their individuality on the internet. Companies such as "" (who focus on registering as many as these generic top level domains or gTLDs as possible) insist that "the current Internet namespace, like ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2013

In 1956, the American Association of Professional Landmen (“A.A.P.L.”) published the first version of its model form Joint Operating Agreement (“JOA”), which it later revised in 1977, 1982, and 1989 (the “A.A.P.L. form”). Since that initial publication, the oil and gas industry has universally adopted the A.A.P.L. form as its standard JOA. The industry has also since adopted horizontal drilling and development as a popular method to recover hydrocarbons ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2013

On August 6, 2013, the Quebec Court of Appeal rendered a very interesting decision in the case of Anglo Pacific Group plc v. Ernst & Young Inc., 9261-0690 Québec Inc.,  Northern Star Mining Corp. and Jake Resources Inc ...

ENSafrica | October 2013

When does title in the ship pass from the shipbuilder to the shipowner? Can the parties agree to change when title will pass? Usually shipbuilding contracts are negotiated on standard forms such as the SAJ form produced by the Shipbuilders’ Association of Japan and the AWES form produced by the Association of European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers. South African law generally recognises freedom of contract and accordingly parties to a contract are entitled to vary the terms by agreement ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2013

On October 22, 2013, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) issued the Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework (the “Preliminary Framework”), as required under Section 7 of the Obama Administration’s February 2013 executive order, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the “Executive Order”). The Preliminary Framework includes standards, procedures and processes for reducing cyber risks to critical infrastructure ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | October 2013

The European Court of Human Rights (the ECHR), in Delfi AS v Estonia, has upheld unanimously a finding of liability against an Internet news portal regarding offensive comments that were posted online by one of its readers. The ECHR held that making Delfi AS liable for the comments was a justified and proportionate interference with its right to freedom of expression and that there was no violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention) ...

Asters | October 2013

In 2012, the Ukrainian government has conducted three tenders for production-sharing agreements (hereinafter - SRS) in respect of hydrocarbons that will be produced on land for 2 subsurface areas and in one section of the Black Sea shelf ...

Karanovic & Partners | November 2013

What is a PPA? The purpose of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is to set out the terms and conditions for the sale of electricity between a producer (seller) and the take-off entity (buyer), particularly regulating important matters on timing and the initiation of production, the terms of delivery of electricity, payment mechanisms, force majeure clauses and the termination of sales and purchases. The PPA represents a crucial project document in a renewables project ...

Garrigues | November 2013

The Colombian government, aware of the need to improveinfrastructure in order to reduce logistical costs and thereby promote the country’s growth and development, is currently in the process of selecting contractors for the fourth generation road concessionprogram, which envisages the award of approximately 25 concession contracts, with total investment of close to  €18,300 million ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2013

These days, it seems as if every passing week brings with it a new story in the press about the legal risks of engaging with social media. We have heard much recently about the dangers of defamation on Twitter.Earlier this year, Sally Bercow learned to her cost just how easy it can be to libel someone without explicitly accusing them of anything, after sharing a message about Lord McAlpine with her Twitter followers: "Why is Lord McAlpine trending? *innocent face*" ...

ENSafrica | December 2013

We’ve written about the new Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) on more than one occasion.  This refers, of course, to the process whereby companies and organisations can register names – generic words, geographical names, brand names - as top level domain names. So, in the same way that there’s long been .com, .net and .info, you can now have .bank, .google and .capetown. Some 1900 applications have already been filed ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2013

This past December 12, the Mexican congress finally approved a constitutional energy reform (the “Energy Reform”). As of today, the required majority of state congresses have also ratified it. What now remains is a declaration from the Permanent Commission of the Mexican congress, which is expected shortly ...

Delphi | December 2013

The Swedish court of appeal (hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge) decided in May this year that the party ordering a transport service also is liable for payment of such service; regardless of if the parties have agreed that the receiver of the goods or any other party shall be the receiver of the invoice.  In this case a seller of goods has agreed with a carrier that the freight should be invoiced the receiver of the goods ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | January 2014

Why Proportionality Should Be Considered As Part of the Preservation Parties have a general duty to preserve and produce relevant electronically stored information (ESI). This duty, however, is bounded by a proportionality requirement because e-discovery should not be allowed to be the tail that wags the dog. Courts and parties have been adept at applying proportionality requirements to the production of ESI, but they have struggled to apply proportionality to the preservation of ESI ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | January 2014

As was recently announced, the European Commission has yesterday (22 January 2014) published its proposal for the regulation of unconventional fossil fuels and notably shale gas.  Whereas both legislative and non-legislative options were on the table, the European Commission has chosen to adopt a non-legally binding “Recommendation” rather than a Directive ...

Carey | January 2014

Governments are placing pressure on mining companies to take a greater role in supporting the broader community through social and logistical infrastructure, community developments, local hiring, and procurement and training practices ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | February 2014

The moniker "spam" for unsolicited and often indiscriminate electronic communications to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups derives from a famous sketch in  the British television comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus. However, these days spam is no joke. It is a scourge on modern communications ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2014

On January 27, 2014, the parliamentary secretary of the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs tabled five treaties in the House of Commons dealing with intellectual property, of which three relate to trademarks ...
