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Dykema | June 2019

On Monday, June 3, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) announced MDARD’s decision to allow for commercial solar energy development on land currently enrolled in the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program, commonly known as PA 116. PA 116 was established in 1975 and is designed to preserve farmland and open space in Michigan ...

Afridi & Angell | July 2019

Along with the prediction that the continued growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) will transform our everyday lives and how we do business, we can also anticipate that the increased number of connected devices will bring about additional challenges, including greater security and privacy-related risks ...

Below you will find a brief summary of the resolutions of the data protection authority uploaded on their website up until today imposing a fine under the GDPR. 1. Failure to facilitate the exercise of data subjects' rights The data subject wanted to exercise his access right, right to receive a copy, and his right to restrict processing of camera recordings of him at the reception area of a service provider ...

ENSafrica | July 2019

In May 2019, the South African Proposed Regulations Pertaining to the Financial Provision for the Rehabilitation and Remediation of Environmental Damage caused by Reconnaissance, Prospecting, Exploration, Mining or Production Operations, 2019 (the “2019 Regulations”) were released for public comment ...

Heuking | July 2019

There has been intense work on the IT security law 2.0 since the “German doxing case" of late 2018/early 2019 when large volumes of data of German celebrities and politicians were published. This bill will significantly extend the importance and the competences of the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (“BSI”) in information technology ...

Afridi & Angell | July 2019

The DIFC Authority has proposed the enactment of legislation (the Proposed Law) to replace its current Data Protection Law, DIFC Law 1 of 2007 (as amended) (the Current Law). The Proposed Law is the subject of Consultation Paper 6 of 2019, which is presently posted on the DIFC website for public comments to be provided by 18 August 2019 ...

 Financing in the shipping industry has changed and will continue to change in the following years. The new IMO 2020 Regulations on low sulphur fuel and the IMO strategy on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) put more pressure on the shipping industry in the aftermath of the worldwide financial crisis. The need for the development of new financial structures in the shipping industry was therefore profound ...

At the end of the 19th century, mechanisms that transformed natural resources into energy began. The conception of electricity as a private good, which fosters economies of scale and the promotion of transmission and generation megaprojects in the sector, consciously and interestedly omit sustainable energy alternatives from a social and environmental point of view. The causes that leave aside this type of projects are based on the lack of economic profitability for investment interests ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2019

Currently, 33% of Ireland's Greenhouse Gas emissions are produced as a result of agricultural activities. In order to reduce emissions there must be a change in farming methods; opportunities are also present in the areas of forestry, bioenergy and land-use practices. While reducing emissions, policy in this area must also aim to: Maintain the "green" brand image of Irish food exports abroad ("Origin Green" etc.). Maintain good prices for producers ...

In a country with a significant number of mature fields and few discoveries made and/or developed in the last years, the Romanian National Authority for Mineral Resources has recently launched a public call for tender for the concession of 28 exploration, development and exploitation petroleum blocks, both onshore and offshore (Licensing Round XI/2019) ...

AELEX | August 2019

Electricity was first generated in Nigeria in 1866 when two generating sets were installed to serve the Colony of Lagos. In 1951, the government of Nigeria, through an Act of Parliament, established the Electricity Commission of Nigeria (ECN) to regulate and operate the power supply systems in Nigeria. Subsequently, the Niger Dam Authority (NDA) was established for the development of the Kanji Hydroelectric Dam ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

  In May 2019, the South African Proposed Regulations Pertaining to the Financial Provision for the Rehabilitation and Remediation of Environmental Damage caused by Reconnaissance, Prospecting, Exploration, Mining or Production Operations, 2019 (the “2019 Regulations”) were released for public comment ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

  With South Africa’s recent cabinet reshuffle, the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation was amalgamated with the Department of Human Settlements. This indicates the growing intersection between natural resources and people/communities, and in turn, the potential for policy to stop seeing natural resources and people in separate silos ...

Heuking | August 2019

The Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") published its long-awaited decision on the use of the Facebook Like-Button on July 29, 2019 (Case C-40/17). One major aspect of the judgment is the question to what extent Facebook and website operators who incorporate the Like-Button into their website are joint controllers under European data protection law. As a result, the CJEU affirms this question and takes a firm stand on the conditions for joint controllership ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | August 2019

This summer, the IRS significantly increased its efforts to police the taxation of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other similar cryptocurrencies. On July 26, 2019, the IRS announced that it had begun sending letters to taxpayers who potentially failed to pay cryptocurrency taxes associated with digital currency transactions or failed to properly report those transactions. By the end of August, the IRS anticipates that it will have sent over 10,000 letters to taxpayers ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2019

In what appears to be a first under the False Claims Act, a case based on flawed cybersecurity has been settled, for nearly $9 million. On July 31, 2019, the Attorney General of New York announced that, alongside the U.S. Department of Justice, New York, eighteen other states, and the District of Columbia have reached an $8.6 million settlement with Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”) over sales of surveillance video software allegedly vulnerable to hacking ...

Krogerus | August 2019

A website operator that embeds third party plugins on its website may become a joint controller in relation to the website visitors' personal data together with the third party service provider, according to a preliminary ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in case C-40/17 Fashion ID. The judgment upholds the broad interpretation of joint controllership of personal data established by the CJEU in its recent case law ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | August 2019

Frithjof Herlofsen of Simonsen Vogt Wiig successfully represented an Italian shipowner in a loss of hire cover dispute against Gard. The rushed response of the Nordic Plan Revision Committee to include "Anti-Hamburg" wording in the revised 2019 Commentary to the Nordic Plan raise several concerns. Overview ...

Heuking | August 2019

Strict data protection requirements apply to the use of location tracking systems both in the employment context and in cooperation with other companies. In its partial judgement from March 19, 2019, the Lüneburg Administrative Court ruled in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the new Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) that unrestricted tracking of employee vehicles is impermissible ...

As of August 7th, 2018, the amendments of the Consumer Protection Law (CPL), which includes for the first time, the consumer protection in the field of electronic commerce (e-commerce), taking that as the contracting process or the goods, services and commercial information trading through data communication webs ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | September 2019

The High Court of Justice held that travel agents are not permitted to sell insurance products for outside of Israel. This is in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Finance’s Commissioner of Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings. In July 2019, the High Court of Justice rendered its decision in the matter 2969/19 The Israel Association of Travel Agencies and Consultants v. The Commissioner of the Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings Authority ...

TSMP Law Corporation | September 2019

A rose, said Shakespeare, by any other name would smell as sweet. But while the Bard may know his flowers, he clearly was no expert on branding Apples.   Rodrigo Duterte, the Filipino president, would like to change his country’s moniker “because the Philippines is named after King Phillip”. He appears to be eager to distance his nation from its colonial past, the said monarch being a 16th century ruler of Spain ...

Indian patent law does not permit the filing of patent applications outside the territory of India unless a patent application is filed in India first. The Patent office examines the application to ensure that it does not fall under the defence sector or has any relation to atomic energy ...

Makarim & Taira S. | September 2019

The rapid development of technology in the modern era has required more effective and efficient case and court administration services. In addition, Article 2 (4) of Law Number 48 of 2009 on Judicial Powers requires the justice system to be simple, quick and low cost. For this reason, the Indonesian Supreme Court saw a need to reform the administrative and justice system in order to overcome the existing obstacles and challenges of administering the justice system ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2019

The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment of 16 November 2001 (the the “CTC”) and its Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment has since its adaption in 2001 grown to be the overruling legal framework in the aviation industry, providing banks, airlines and leasing companies with an international unified regime on acknowledgement and enforcement of security interests in aircraft ...
