From 4 August 2021, there are differing restrictions placed on the ability of workers in locked down areas in Queensland to attend work in a hospital, aged care or disability setting, even if that work would ordinarily be essential work. Importantly, the Direction is one of the first in Australia to draw a distinction between a vaccinated person (being a person who has received the prescribed doses of a TGA approved COVID-19 vaccination) and an unvaccinated person ...
Facing Australia's first recession in 30 years, Australian businesses are attempting to steer a course not only for survival but for the growth needed to be a viable long term. But alongside uncertainty comes opportunity. Our new report, prepared in partnership with Acuris, explores the key steps for companies and investors to take advantage of the opportunities – and decisive, informed and proactive action is critical ...
For the financial services sector, 2020 was to be the year of rebuilding after the royal commission reckoning of 2018-2019. But with 2020 presenting circumstances that were previously unimaginable, the sector – like the entire Australian economy – has a whole new set of challenges to face… As 2020 ticks on, the financial services industry is grappling with new challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic downturn ...
As organisations start planning their post COVID-19 workforce arrangements, leaders need to consider how these new and amended work practices will help or hinder their efforts to strengthen their risk culture. While having a distributed workforce increases some challenges to improving risk culture, it also provides opportunities which need to be embraced. It is becoming increasingly clear that the post COVID-19 workplace will be very different to what it was before the pandemic ...
While immediate pandemic pressures may moderate short-term corporate progress on climate risk assessment and disclosure, there is little to suggest that regulatory and investor expectations have significantly diminished in 2020. Corporates may face increasing investor pressure to make a 'Paris-aligned' business strategy a central pillar of their corporate rebuilding and recovery plans, with a measurable pathway to net zero emissions ...
Many employers have been considering workforce changes to address the economic downturn and cash flow issues caused by COVID-19. Yesterday's announcement by the Federal Government about wage subsidies (known as 'JobKeeper Payments') has been welcomed by employers and unions, and should be closely considered by employers before implementing any changes. It has been reported that 8,000 businesses lodged an application for the subsidy in the 50 minutes that followed the announcement ...
With the Treasurer's recent announcement on Sunday 29 March 2020 that monetary screening thresholds have been reduced for all foreign investors, our team takes you through what this means for potential transactions. With the Treasurer's recent announcement on Sunday 29 March 2020 that screening thresholds have been reduced for all foreign investors, our team takes you through what this means for potential acquisitions ...
As a result of the COVID-19 changes to foreign investment in Australia announced on Sunday, investors that are now caught by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) regime will also be subject to scrutiny from other regulators. Our team explains what this means for investors and what they can do to manage this process ...
Businesses in need of capital may find themselves facing foreign investment regulatory hurdles. We discuss the challenges for businesses and the potential for regulatory relief. Australia's foreign investment regime applies very broadly and captures many transactions. As businesses consider how to respond to the demands of the current COVID-19 economic environment, they may be required to go through the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) screening regime ...
Given the recent increase in reports regarding the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) across Australia and the increasing risk of a pandemic, organisations need to take proactive steps to ensure that they are managing the risks to workers, as well as managing broader operational issues. As an employer, what steps should I be taking in respect of our workers? We recommend that employers take reasonable steps to minimise the risk of the COVID-19 ...
The outbreak of COVID-19 comes on the back of an already tumultuous two years for the global economy, markets and trade where the US-China "trade war" and other trade tensions and macroeconomic factors have created uncertainty, commercial losses and subdued growth prospects ...