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Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2023

Recent changes to Ohio law have licensed health care professionals asking themselves when was the last time they confirmed or updated their email address, and other contact information, with agencies like the State Medical Board of Ohio, the Ohio Board of Nursing or the Board of Pharmacy? The impetus for such reflection is that Ohio licensing agencies may now serve significant legal documents exclusively through email, or a last-known fax number, as opposed to registered or certified mail thro

Over the last three years, the U.S. Department of Justice has pursued its first-ever criminal antitrust cases targeting alleged deals between companies to avoid poaching each other's employees and to fix wages. In total, the DOJ has brought six cases. Four resulted in acquittals, while just one case yielded guilty pleas. Last month, the DOJ voluntarily dismissed its sixth and last case without explanation. A number of lessons can be drawn from this wave of labor-market prosecutions ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

The government has produced draft regulations which will make further changes to holiday laws in Great Britain. We look at what is planned and what it means for employers. The government has been reviewing which European Union laws to retain and has taken that opportunity to consult about changes to holiday pay, resulting in the publication of draft regulations. We look at what is planned and what it means for employers ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

It is highly documented that the transport sector is heavily male dominated. Indeed, reports suggest that while women account for 47% of the general UK workforce, within the transport sector women only account for 20% of the workforce and only 3% of HGV drivers in the UK. Many employers are aware of the work that needs to be done in this sector in terms of addressing and challenging behaviours, changing mindsets and creating inclusive cultures ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

The UK is home to some of the most innovative and cutting-edge startups in the world, especially in fields like AI, semiconductors and quantum computing. These startups have the potential to transform various industries and sectors, from healthcare to finance to defence ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

This article explores the reasons why sickness absence and mental health issues may rise among employees during the festive period and what employers can do to support their employees during this time. Christmas is traditionally an exciting time of year, but the colder weather and shorter nights can cause lower mood for a lot of people. When feeling low, people can also be more susceptible to illness, picking up unwanted coughs and colds which leaves them feeling even lower ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

Last week, Shoosmiths hosted an event by The Fashion Network titled ‘AI in Fashion Retail: Mastering the Future of the Style business’. During this event we heard from fashion industry leaders on how the retail sector is seeking to revolutionise their businesses using cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technologies ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2023

There was considerable anticipation regarding whether the negotiations would be successfully concluded during this meeting. Without an agreement, there was a risk of significant delays in the adoption of the framework. This was undesirable for EU institutions that have invested considerable prestige in leading the regulation of AI globally. Read more about the most contentious issues leading up to the last negotiation meeting in this article ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

Shoosmiths’ AI lead and partner Alex Kirkhope attended the Data Ethics Summit, focused on exploring the fundamental principles of ethical technology, the agenda evolved to delve into the practical applications of ethics, spanning from private sector strategies to policy and regulatory development, many of which are now being put into practice ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

Winter can be a hectic time of year, with stress levels heightened by frantic planning for the festive season and employers may be overwhelmed by annual leave requests. How can employers keep employees happy while balancing the needs of the workplace? Annual leave requests Most employees are likely to request time off during the winter months to spend time with family and friends, especially where this aligns with school holiday periods, religious festivals and national bank holidays ...

Carey | December 2023

On Monday 04 de December, Decree No. 164/2023 from the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security was published in the Official Gazette, approving the National Cybersecurity Policy that will be in force during the period 2023 - 2028, replacing the previous Policy, published on January 28, 2017, which was in effect between that same year and 2022 ...

The Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020 (“Act”) was enacted to encourage private employers in Haryana to boost local employment. The Act was called upon for application from January 15, 2022, for a period of 10 years. The constitutionality of the Act was challenged in multiple writ petitions before the Punjab & Haryana High Court (“Court”). The Court stayed the implementation of the Act on February 3, 2022 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

The new Home Secretary, James Cleverly, announced a five-point plan aimed at reducing the recently announced record high net-migration figures. The planned changes will have a big impact on many employers’ ability to sponsor workers from overseas. The changes will be brought into force in the Spring, although an exact date has yet to be confirmed. The Government estimate that these changes will reduce net migration by 300,000 (based on estimations of new entrants to the UK last year) ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2023

In the guide, Chambers notes that Simonsen Vogt Wiig is a highly respected firm in Norway with significant expertise in payments law. The firm acts for large banks and start-ups on corporate matters, regulatory compliance, data privacy and cryptocurrency issues. It has further capability in intellectual property and crowdfunding ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

Carey Olsen's FinTech practice ranked Band 1 in Chambers 2024 Guide Carey Olsen Bermuda has advanced two positions to secure its Band 1 ranking, just six years after the office opened. The team has been commended by clients as "really knowledgeable in Bermuda law and very responsive on time-sensitive matters" ...

Carey Olsen | December 2023

1. How do you foresee the evolving regulatory landscape in offshore jurisdictions impacting Asia-based clients in 2024, and what strategies is your firm considering to navigate these changes effectively? Anthony McKenzie (AM): Asia is the world's largest and most populated continent, comprised of many different economies, cultures and laws. The use of Cayman, BVI and Bermuda structures has a long track record throughout Asia and it is this familiarity which has contributed to their popularity ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2023

Episode 7 of the Journey Through a Contract series highlights the key considerations when a business is entering into a contract with a consumer. Felicity Forward, Ayesha Chandegra and Joel Murphie provide guidance on how to identify a consumer contract, what additional protections consumers have and how the law is set to enhance consumer rights through the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill.    Listen to the podcast and send us your feedback to [email protected] ...

Buchalter | December 2023

December 1, 2023 By: Leah Lively California Business and Professional Code sections 16600 to 16607 already invalidate agreements restricting California employees from pursuing any lawful profession, trade, or business, with limited exceptions mainly in the sale of businesses. Starting January 1, 2024, things are going to get more difficult (and potentially costly) for employers ...
