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Target, Home Depot, Sony, Anthem. All of these companies have been victims of very public cybersecurity breaches. Given what we know about those breaches, how can any other company know that it is safe from a cyber attack? No firewall appears to be unbreachable and no security system impenetrable.  No company is big or small or traditional enough to avoid such exposure, as long as the business receives or transmits data or uses computer networks ...

Veirano Advogados | September 2014

The Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (“CVM”) has made public its Board of Directors’ decision issued on August 12, 2014, with respect to CVM Proceeding No. 2014/6342 (“Proceeding”). The Proceeding was initiated by SPE STX 25 Desenvolvimento Imobiliário S.A. (“STX”) concerning the development of the “Rio Business Soft Inn”,because STX intended to sell 151 hotel units (“condo hotel units”) during the construction period, at an average price of R$400,000.00 in accordance with Law No. 4 ...

Carey | March 2020

From a commercial perspective, the main challenge for insurance companies and insureds has been to determine whether events such as pandemics, epidemics, economic losses due to quarantines, etc. in connection with Covid-19 are covered or not by their insurance policies ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2008

The Crossrail Act 2008 (the “Act”) received Royal Assent on 22 July 2008.   The Act authorises the works necessary to build Crossrail and the acquisition of land and interests in land necessary for those works.   In addition, the Act establishes a planning and heritage regime for the works ...

On 1 April 2014 amendments to the Contributions Act increasing the general rate for health insurance contributions from 13% to 15% came into force. The new contribution rate will be applied to salaries beginning in April 2014. Receipts related to previous periods will be grandfathered in at the previous applicable rate. Unused vacation for 2013 will be calculated at the 13% contribution rate and the new rate will apply to unused vacation in 2014 ...

Karanovic & Partners | February 2014

The new Act on Strategic Investment in Croatia has achieved its goal of reducing administrative procedures and ensuring the speedy realisation of strategic projects in Croatia. In order to declare a project “strategic,” it must meet several criteria. Foremost, the project must be in accordance with spatial planning regulations. Also, the total amount of capital expense must be HRK 150 million (approx. EUR 19.6 million) or more ...

Dykema | February 2008

Dykema attorneys were recently involved in an interesting infrastructure project finance transaction relating to the rehabilitation of a portion of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Dykema represented the lender in this transaction. To complete the transaction, a fairly unusual structure had to evolve ...

COVID-19 came upon us all like a tsunami, leveling life as we knew it and causing an entirely new paradigm of behavior to be necessary. No segment of the population was hit harder than seniors, both in our communities and in senior care facilities. Long-term care facilities were on the frontlines of the battle, being one of the first industries to be required to wholly alter traditional behaviors to try to stop the inevitable spread of this deadly virus ...

With the recent and rapid spread of COVID-19 in the United States, it is only a matter of time before government contractors experience contract-performance delays — whether ordered by the government or not — that inevitably will have a significant financial impact. Accordingly, federal contractors should prepare now for COVID-19-related contract delays and be prepared to establish that such delays are compensable as well as excusable. I ...

Morgan & Morgan | May 2020

Through Executive Decree No. 145 of 1 May 2020 (the “Executive Decree”), enacted in Official Gazette 29,015 of the same date, the Panamanian Government established certain measures related to lease agreements and eviction procedures ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. While the following CMS recommendations and guidelines identify nursing homes as the target recipients, they are applicable to all facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funds, and are therefore subject to CMS's oversight ...

  Do I have a COVID-19 business interruption claim? Particularly if you operate in the leisure, retail or hospitality sectors, your business has likely suffered significant financial losses from the disruption caused by COVID-19. In trying to alleviate the impact of those losses, you might have identified that your business’s insurance policy offered cover for ‘business interruption’ (or ‘BI’) ...

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government passed the CARES Act, which provides a number of protections to homeowners unable to pay their mortgages. The CARES Act prohibits any home foreclosures before December 31, 2020, and allows homeowners to seek forbearance from lenders for a period of 180 days, with one extension of 180 days. The Act applies to all federally backed mortgages ...

Mortgage servicers are currently being inundated with requests from borrowers impacted by COVID-19 for forbearance and other types of payment relief. Tracking, making sense of, and then complying with the guidance and requirements that are being issued and then modified – seemingly on a daily basis – by the federal government, the GSEs, and various states is proving to be a challenge for many, especially at a time when resources may already be limited or stretched thin ...

Please join Bradley, Graham & Co., and the Peoples Bank of Alabama for a live webinar addressing key questions our clients are asking about navigating the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Commercial Real Estate and Lending market in 2020 and beyond ...

Does your organization’s insurance program provide any protection from the economic disruption caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic? What steps should you take to assess and protect that insurance coverage? The Bradley Policyholder Insurance Coverage team has provided an informative webinar addressing insurance coverage and claims adjustment for event cancellation, business interruption, and third-party claims stemming from the pandemic ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | March 2020

State of Emergency Conditions What does "state of emergency" actually meanand what are the powers of the Government in the regard? Can someone claim damages incurred in relation to the state of emergency? State of Emergency With effect from 12 March 2020 at 2 pm, the Government of the Czech Republic (the “Government”) has declared astate of emergency for 30 daysfor the territory of the Czech Republic due to health threats related to the presence of coronavirus in the

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

The government approved a legislative bill to help mitigate the effects of the coronavirus epidemic on lessees of business premises. The proposal will be discussed at the 44th session of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, which will be held on 7 April 2020 ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | June 2021

The Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2021 is being expedited through the legislative process. It will provide for extensions to a number of time limits, including for the passing of development plans. Importantly however it will also allow for extensions, or additional extensions, to existing planning permissions to allow projects be completed. Planning permissions have a fixed duration, usually five years ...

Tips on how to mitigate losses: Mall Leases: Mall leases have ceased to be in the nature of a tenancy agreement. The clauses are no longer limited to availability of the premises, rent, lock-in period, repairs, and exit. Mall owners have come to impose sale targets on the retailers operating from their malls. Rent consists of both a percentage of the revenue earned by the retailer as well as a fixed monthly payment ...

DORDA | March 2020

  In the days between 13 March 2020 and 15 March 2020, the government announced a comprehensive package of measures to combat Covid-19 ("Corona virus"), which is to enter into force on 16 March 2020. This in particular includes the ordered closure of shops and restaurants. The following initial overview addresses a number of key issues that arise for tenants and landlords as a result of the current situation ...

Introduction In light of cessation of routine judicial activities in recent times on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision of the High Court at New Delhi on April 20, 2020 in Halliburton Offshore Services Limited vs. Vedanta Limited and Anothercomes asa welcome breather in an area otherwise seemingly parched for development of case law ...

Deacons | August 2020

On 27 July 2020, the Centre for Health Protection reported a large-scale outbreak cluster on a construction site at the Peak with 13 workers of Kin Shing (Leung’s) General Contractors Limited being infected with COVID-19. Over 100 people work in the same construction site on a daily basis ...
