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Lavery Lawyers | November 2005

Summary • Higher standards are imposed on directors • The key mission of a corporate director: to contribute his knowledge and skills with a view to the best interests of the corporation • Corporate governance is the best shield against directors’ liability (Supreme Court judgment in the Wise case) • Specific precautions may be taken by corporate directors to ensure that they both fulfil their key mission and simultaneously protect themselves against the risk of liability Backgro

Lavery Lawyers | November 2005

You intend to take on the North-American market? The Province of Quebec is amongst the best place to do so because of the bilinguism (English and French), important business with the United States of America, tax credits, etc. Here are a few practical issues you should consider.The Corporate FormIn Canada, there are many legal forms under which a company can do business. The majority of business people choose an incorporation ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | November 2005

I.INTRODUCTION Considerable attention has been given to recent decisions of the Courts regarding the duty of the Crown to consult and accommodate the interests of Aboriginal people in the context of asserted but unproven claims ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | October 2005

The funds industry in Ireland has exceeded US$500 billion (over €410 Billion), according to the latest edition of Fitzrovia International’s Dublin Fund Encyclopaedia. A&L Goodbody remains the leading legal adviser by net asset value, representing funds in excess of US$149 billion, i.e. 25.8% of all funds in the Irish market ...

Dykema | October 2005

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“SOA”) raised the bar with regard to, among other things, corporate governance, internal controls and executive responsibility. While SOA’s provisions apply primarily to public companies, private companies should become familiar with SOA for two reasons: First, portions of SOA do, in fact, apply to private companies – such as whistleblower protection and document retention provisions ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | October 2005

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v (i) Christopher McKinley Swan (ii) Vuchuru Sadhana Reddy (iii) Brian Christopher Ritchie (iv) Brian Samuel North (v) Ian Stewart, [2005] EWHC603(CH) In this English decision the High Court held that the directors of the parent company should have known that its subsidiary companies had been involved in cheque kiting (a process designed to generate fictitious funds through the transfer of cheques between the bank account of two groups of companies) a

A&L Goodbody LLP | October 2005

New legislation implementing the EU Market Abuse Directive (Directive 2003/6/EC) came into effect in Ireland and a number of other EU Member States last July. The legislation has brought about important changes for all companies (Irish or foreign) whose shares are traded on the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE), as well as their directors, senior management and advisers ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | October 2005

In the Matter of Flightlease Ireland Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation) and in the Matter of the Companies Acts 1963 to 2003 and in the Matter of an Application for Directions Pursuant to Section 280 of the Companies Act 1963, unreported High Court, 27 July 2005 Background: Flightlease Ireland Limited (Flightlease), a Swissair holding company, was declared insolvent, and an arrangement was put in place with Societe d’Explotiation OAM Air Liberte (Air Lib) whereby Air Lib’s holding company wou

PLMJ | October 2005

This Newsletter approaches several issues, in a general and simple manner that the format requires, which we consider may be of interest to businessmen and companies, with the purpose to inform them or even to challenge them to new forms of organisation and development of their businesses ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2005

Imagine you are a seasoned trial lawyer at a large, downtown firm. Following a successful “Beauty Contest” at the New York headquarters of Telco Corporation—a FORTUNE 500 telecommunications company—you are given the opportunity to represent Telco in future commercial disputes. To prepare, you begin to research Telco Corporation so that you are familiar with its management, core business, financials, and other issues potentially affecting future litigation ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | September 2005

Privacy notices are the windows to how organizations collect, use, share, and protect the information that pertains to individuals. As information processes have become more complex, privacy notices have become very long, mirroring the complexity. The effect has been to obscure the content that individuals need to know when making judgments about with whom they will do business. This has been an impediment to on-line commerce ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2005

The last thing any tenant wants to face is a costly bill for repairs to their rented commercial property. That is why many potential occupiers seek to include some exclusion on the repairing clause, protecting them from what is an otherwise onerous obligation. While this is the primary means of limiting liability, other options also exist ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2005

The simplest way of achieving your objective might be to consider the introduction of a share option scheme – this would enable your company to grant its employees rights to acquire shares at a pre-determined point in the future (i.e. on the occurrence of a flotation), but at a price which is fixed when the options are awarded ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2005

Businesses in the UK are often willing to spend substantial sums of money on acquiring robust protection for their patents, trade marks and other intellectual property. Assets such as these help to set apart one business from its competitors. However, businesses have traditionally been less inclined to spend money on taking court action against competitors that infringe their intellectual property ...

Deacons | September 2005

The National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China issued a draft Property Rights Law in July 2005 for public consultation. The Law is expected to be enacted in March 2006. The Law will be a pillar of the Chinese legal system. It is said that legal property ownership and rights are a novel concept in China ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2005

A new regime for prospectus and registration exemptions for private placements is now in effect in Quebec. It was developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) and affects both private and public companies. In Quebec, the new regime has been implemented in the form of a regulation (“Regulation 45-106”), which has brought about significant changes to both prospectus and registration exemptions under the Securities Act (Quebec) (the “Act”) ...

Deacons | August 2005

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") issued the Notice on Relevant Issues in Perfecting Foreign Exchange Control in Mergers and Acquisitions by Foreign Investors ("Notice 1") on 24 January 2005 and the Notice on Relevant Issues in the Registration of the Offshore Investments of Individual Domestic Residents and Foreign Exchange Registration of Mergers and Acquisitions by Foreign Investors ("Notice 2") on 21 April 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The Ministry of Commerce ("MOFCOM") promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Leasing Industry on 21 January 2005. The Measures superseded the 2001 Provisional Measures for the Administration of the Examination and Approval of Leasing Companies with Foreign Investment when they entered into effect on 5 March 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly promulgated the Implementing Measures for the Administration of Branded Automobile Sales on 21 February 2005. The Measures, which entered into effect on 1 April 2005, are aimed at bringing more order in the Chinese automobile market ...

Deacons | August 2005

The General Office of the Ministry of Commerce issued the Notice on Transmitting and Issuing the Letter of Reply of the General Office of the State Council on the Issue of the Detailed Applicability of the Capital Contributions of Investors in, and the Liquidation of, Foreign Investment Enterprises ("the Reply") on 18 March 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") has recently updated the Arbitration Rules of CIETAC 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则 ("Rules"). The revised Rules came into effect on 1 May 2005. Specialist arbitration rules The revised Rules provide for the possibility of using rules, which have been tailor-made for specific industries ...

Deacons | August 2005

The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") also updated its financial arbitration rules, the Arbitration Rules for Financial Disputes of CIETAC. The revised Financial Arbitration Rules replace the 2003 rules (as discussed in the July 2003 Issue of China Legal Update - and took effect on 1 May 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission ("FSC") on 2 August 2005 promulgated new rules governing the offering of overseas funds in Taiwan ("the New Rules"). The New Rules take immediate effect and significantly change the existing rules and landscape for overseas funds being offered in Taiwan ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | August 2005

Infiniteland Limited v Artisan Contracting [2005] EWCA Civ 758 This English case highlights some vital principles to be considered when drafting share purchase agreements, carrying out and reviewing due diligence and disclosing against warranties ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | August 2005

Hidden Ireland Heritage Holidays Ltd. (t/a The Hidden Ireland Association) v Indigo Services Ltd. and Colclough and Gardner, Supreme Court, 7th June 2005 Facts: The plaintiff’s business consisted of booking country homes for its members. The second defendant, Colcough, acted as secretary to the plaintiff from 1986 to 1996. The plaintiff’s principal claim was that the second defendant diverted business to his own competing business with the assistance of the first defendant, Indigo Services ...
