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Deacons | August 2005

On 27 April 2005, the People’s Bank of China ("PBOC") promulgated the Measures Governing the Issuance of Financial Bonds on the National Inter-bank Bond Market ("the Measures"). The Measures entered into force as of 1 June 2005 and represent an attempt by China’s central bank to standardise the activities of issuing financial bonds on the national inter-bank bond market ...

Deacons | August 2005

In 2005, China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") released the Circular on Verification of Quotas for 2005 on Short-term Foreign Loans of Overseas-funded Banks ("Circular") and its Supplementary Circular on Questions Related to Renminbi Loans with Guarantees in Foreign Exchange ("Supplementary Circular", and together the "Circulars"). The Circulars are intended to facilitate the enforcement of loan registration requirements on renminbi loans with guarantees in foreign exchange ...

News that London had won the race to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012 was greeted with delight not only in sporting circles, but also in many commercial ones. Businesses up and down the country rubbed their hands with glee at the thought of a raft of new and exciting commercial opportunities. Importantly, these opportunities are not just the preserve of businesses south of the border, but are also available to Scottish businesses ...

One of the functions of Companies House is to make information filed with it available to the public. Staff at Companies House do not question the validity or accuracy of the documents filed and this combined with the ability to freely obtain company details from Companies House can lead to potential fraudsters "stealing" or hijacking a company's identity. Such a fraud took place in 2004 when Companies House forms were, without the company in question's knowledge, lodged by X, a fraudster ...

In the Official Gazette of the Federation dated June 16, a Decree was published through which several provisions of the Industrial Property Law are amended and added. The object of these modifications is the issuance of a declaration of protection of well-known and famous trademarks in our country. 1 ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2005

GoodCorporation, the standards organisation for responsible business practice, today officially announced the launch of its service in Ireland. The first organisation of its kind to operate in Ireland, GoodCorporation audits companies for corporate social responsibility practices and provides benchmarking against which member companies can measure their performance ...

Deacons | July 2005

On 20 April 2005, the People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) and China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”) promulgated the Administration of Pilot Projects for Securitisation of Credit Assets Procedures (“the Procedures”). The enactment of the Procedures has received widespread support since they reflect one of the first attempts at regulating securitisation in China ...

Deacons | July 2005

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) proposes to amend Chapter 8.7 of the Code of Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (Code). To date, a total of 13 hedge funds have been authorised by the SFC pursuant to the existing hedge fund guidelines. The SFC has indicated that some applications for authorisation have failed because of the failure of the applicant hedge fund manager to comply with the experience requirements. The revised Chapter 8 ...

Deacons | July 2005

Following the SFC’s consultation paper in February 2005 proposing to allow SFC authorised collective investment schemes to invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), the Code was amended in late April. Chapter 7.14 of the Code has been revised to allow SFC authorised collective investment schemes to invest in listed REITs, subject to compliance with the investment limits as set out in Chapters 7.1 and 7.2. (i.e. 7 ...

Deacons | July 2005

Offshore investment advisers with more than 14 US resident investors (on a look through basis) have until 1 February 2006 to register with the U.S. SEC and become fully compliant with applicable SEC rules ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2005

On the 6th July 2005 Regulations implementing the EU Market Abuse Directive 2003/6/EC (“MAD”) came into force (some aspects of the Regulations came into force on Oct 1). MAD aims to introduce a Euro standard for insider dealing and market manipulation so as to promote market integrity and investor confidence in the financial markets ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2005

David Hughes v Seamus Duffy and Eugene Hanratty, 19 April 2005, High Court Facts: This case was taken under Section 150 of the Companies Act 1990, by the Official Liquidator of the Supreme Oil Company Limited. Section 150 provides for a prohibition or restriction of persons acting as company directors for a period of five years. The respondents sought to have the application dismissed or refused by reason of the delay in bringing the application ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2005

The English Commercial Court has held that an investment fund was a financial institution under a loan agreement which limited transfer of the loan to “a bank or other financial institution”. The ARGO Fund Ltd v Essar Steel Ltd [2005] EWHC 600 (Comm). Facts; Essar defaulted under its syndicated loan agreement . The loan agreement allowed the participating banks to transfer their rights and obligations to another “bank or other financial institution” ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2005

The Competition Bureau (the “Bureau”) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Competition Act (the “Act”), including criminal provisions relating to conspiracies to lessen competition, price fixing, market allocation, bid rigging and resale price maintenance, and civil provisions relating to abuse of dominant position, as well as other practices that may lessen competition, such as tied selling, refusal to deal and exclusivity ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | June 2005

Overview A recent B.C. court decision provides welcome news for trustees of multi-employer, defined benefit, negotiated cost pension plans. Under s. 59(3) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act (“PBSA”), trustees of these plans can reduce accrued benefits to meet solvency requirements, and have used this power at various times in the last 12 years. But this power had never been judicially tested. In Neville v ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | June 2005

Judgment of the European Court of Justice in Tetra Laval BV v. European Commission (Case C-12/03 P) of 15 February 2005 In its judgment of 15 February 2005 in case Tetra Laval BV v. European Commission, the European Court of Justice (hereinafter the “ECJ”) upheld and confirmed conclusions reached by the Court of First Instance (hereinafter the “CFI”) in its judgment of 25 October 2002 ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | June 2005

The judgment of the European Court of Justice in European Commission v. max.mobil Telekommunikation Service (C-141/02 P) of 22 February 2005 The plaintiff was an Austrian mobile operator contesting the level of regulatory fees it was required to pay. Specifically, as the claimant indicated, it was subject to fees similar to those applicable to a competing mobile operator owned by the Austrian state ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | June 2005

The judgment of the Court of First Instance in Chiquita Brands and Others v ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | June 2005

Unlimited Liability Corporations Lawson Lundell LLP is committed to excellence in business law. In fulfilling this commitment, we ensure that we are aware of changes in the legal environment and are proactive in identifying opportunities for our clients to benefit from such changes. The recent introduction of legislation in Alberta to allow the creation of unlimited liability corporations (¡§ULCs¡¨) presents such an opportunity. Enclosed is a brief summary of ULCs and their uses ...

As a director you have a duty to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the company. This means you must take proper care of the company's assets and ensure that you don't profit from your position. To this end, when purchasing property from the company, the purchase price should reflect the current market value ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2005

What is Licensing?Globalization and the opening of international markets generate an increase in trade on a world-wide basis and greater competition between businesses. It has become increasingly difficult for companies to follow the traditional process of developing, manufacturing and distributing products themselves.Licensing is a simple and different way of selling one’s products ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | May 2005

The Director of Corporate Enforcement is targeting company directors who abandon insolvent companies and leave them to be involuntarily struck off the Register as an alternative to a formal liquidation. The Director has indicated that he will take proceedings under Section 160 of the Companies Act, 1990 to secure disqualification orders against such directors in appropriate cases. He is getting support for this in the High Court ...

Ellex Valiunas | May 2005

This article, published in International Corporate Governance Review (published by Euromoney Yearbooks), aims to provide an overview of what the Baltic States are offering to owners of capital in regard of effective control over invested capital, its use, disposal and return. Accession of three Baltic States to the EU and NATO in 2004 proves the reliable status of these countries for foreign partners and makes no doubt regarding the guaranteed protection of investments made in this region ...

In the majority of countries, the rights obtained over a trademark are created by its use and/or its registration. Mexican law follows a mixed or exception system. In effect, the right to the exclusive use of a trademark is obtained by means of its registration, which protects certain products or services (the principle of specificity of products or services); however, its use also produces legal effects before and after the registration ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2005

In this edition - Corporate Manslaughter Bill Moves Closer to Reality - Are You Relying on Existing Rights of Drainage to Service Your Development? - Does Your Architect Know He is Working for Free? - SDLT on Development Agreements - Equity Share Mortgages - Tree Huggers - Use Classes Order
