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Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) are increasing their scrutiny and enforcement of ‘green claims’ to protect consumers from 'greenwashing'. What are green claims? Green claims (also known as ‘environmental claims’ or ‘eco-friendly claims’) are claims that a product, service, or business provides a benefit or is less harmful to the environment ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Following a wave of recent prosecutions in relation to cash fraudulently obtained through the various Covid-19 support schemes, we consider the criminal and civil ramifications on a legitimate business which has received cash from someone who has been prosecuted and offer some helpful tips to reduce the risk of your business inadvertently laundering the proceeds of crime ...

ENSafrica | March 2023

Grey-listing by the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) has major implications for countries and companies alike. These implications include reputational damage, economic consequences, and increased compliance costs, which can lead to restricted foreign investment and reduced capital inflows ...

ENSafrica | March 2023

Reliance on performance guarantees in infrastructure projects has gained traction in Uganda in recent years. A performance guarantee is a legal promise made by one party to another, and typically backed by a third-party financial institution, to ensure fulfilment of contractual obligations ...

DFDL | March 2023

The Royal Government of Cambodia has issued the Sub-Decree on Requirements and Procedures for Business Combinations dated 6 March 2023 (“Merger Sub-Decree”). The Merger Sub-Decree elaborates on the prohibition on anti-competitive business combinations set out in Article 11 of the Law on Competition. The Merger Sub-Decree was officially implemented on its signature date (of 6 March 2023) and will be enforced within 6 months of that date ...

Figures from Homes for Scotland indicate that there is currently a shortage of almost 100,000 homes in Scotland. According to their most recent figures, 25,000 new homes are needed each year to keep pace with need and demand – and that figure was last met in 2007. Let those figures sink in ...

Han Kun Law Offices | March 2023

On February 1, 2023, the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") solicited public opinions on the Measures for Administration of the Registration-based Initial Public Offerings of Stocks (Draft for Comment) (《首次公开发行股票注册管理办法(征求意见稿)》) ...

In the waning days of 2022, FDA issued an updated Food Code with several important updates. FDA is responsible for more than a quarter of the U.S. economy, and the Food Code impacts virtually every American ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | March 2023

  Malta, as a European Union (‘EU’) Member State, is bound to apply the 2019 Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters, also known as the Hague Judgments Convention, from the 1st of September 2023 ...

Buchalter | March 2023

March 13, 2023 By: Manuel Fishman While unexpected, the closure by California regulators of, and the appointment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) as receiver for, Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”) is an event that is contemplated by most leases. If you are holding a letter of credit issued by SVB, you are an unsecured creditor of the bank ...

Han Kun Law Offices | March 2023

For a long time, overseas listing of domestic enterprises has been one of the major ways for investment institutions to exit. The filing-based system for overseas offering and listing adopts a unified regulation pattern over direct overseas listing and indirect overseas listing, optimizes the original examination and approval procedures for direct overseas listing and full circulation, and meanwhile increases the filing requirements for indirect overseas listing ...

DFDL | March 2023

Enforcement date and the upcoming rules On 10 March 2023, the State Administration Council (“SAC”) made effective the Trademark Law (“TL”). The Notification No. 82/2023 provides 1st April 2023 as the effective date for the TL to come into effect ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2023

Trademark owners have already faced a number of changes since the Trademark Modernization Act (“TMA”) first began to take effect in 2021.  However, it’s a small change to the provisions regarding attorney representation at the US Trademark Office that may have the most costly impact to trademark owners and lead to an unintended loss of rights. The provision is 37 CFR § 2 ...

On January 19, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published its proposed rule barring most non-compete agreements that would apply to employees. We previously summarized the proposed rule here and here. The original deadline for comments on the proposed rule was March 20. On March 6, the FTC announced it is extending the deadline to submit comments to April 19. As of March 9, a total of 16,965 comments (8,848 electronically) have been received on the proposed rule ...

On January 19, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published its proposed rule barring most non-compete agreements that would apply to employees. We previously summarized the proposed rule here and here. The original deadline for comments on the proposed rule was March 20. On March 6, the FTC announced it is extending the deadline to submit comments to April 19. As of March 9, a total of 16,965 comments (8,848 electronically) have been received on the proposed rule ...

Han Kun Law Offices | March 2023

  China Business Law Journal Published March 9, 2023 With the growing importance of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and the high level of globalisation in capital and supply chains, the scope of ESG regulation is no longer confined to listed companies, the traditional targets ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Shoosmiths’ CR&A team were instructed by Teneo, the special administrators of Sova Capital Limited, on their directions application relating to a proposed sale of “trapped” securities which had traded on the Russian Stock Exchange ...

Carey | March 2023

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Decree Nº318/2022 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was published in the Official Gazette, enacting the "Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership" (CPTPP), which has entered into force as of that date. The treaty seeks to promote the economic integration of the parties, generating a common framework for trade policy, government procurement, intellectual property, electronic commerce, investment, among others ...

Carey | March 2023

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, Decree Nº318/2022 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was published in the Official Gazette, enacting the "Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership" (CPTPP), which has entered into force as of that date. The treaty seeks to promote the economic integration of the parties, generating a common framework for trade policy, government procurement, intellectual property, electronic commerce, investment, among others ...

Carey | March 2023

18.71 Duty to establish procedures for the enforcement of IP rights The treaty establishes a duty to improve, streamline and simplify procedures aimed at preventing and prosecuting intellectual property infringements. 18.72 Presumptions regarding IP rights A duty is incorporated in order to extend to related rights the presumption of ownership already contemplated in our legislation for intellectual works ...

Carey | March 2023

Chapter 18 of the CPTPP devotes an entire section to copyright and related rights. In this regard, the Treaty regulates the following matters: Recognition of rights of reproduction, communication to the public, distribution and related rights ...

Carey | March 2023

Among the main aspects regulated by the CPTPP in terms of trademarks, domain names and patents, the following should be considered: Recognition of non-traditional trademarks and collective and certification trademarks The Treaty states that the fact that a sign is visually perceptible shall not be a condition for the registration of a trademark, and the possibility of registering sound and olfactory marks is contemplated ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

In this article we follow up on some current issues in the defined contribution (DC) sphere. In its corporate plan for 2022 to 2024, the Pensions Regulator (TPR) reasserted its commitment to defined contribution savers getting the pensions that they are entitled ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8 March each year. The aim is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and strive for the acceleration of gender parity. The theme this year is #EmbraceEquity. In light of the celebration of IWD, this article considers potential barriers to women securing leadership roles, in particular how timing can be a crucial factor in securing leadership roles, and what can be done to alleviate some of those barriers ...
