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Han Kun Law Offices | February 2022

Crowded release of new AML rules With the continuous development of onshore financial markets and the ever-intensifying requirements globally for anti-money laundering (“AML”), it has become increasingly imperative for China to improve its AML legal and regulatory frameworks to give further play to the role of AML in building up the modern financial system and deepening the two-way opening-up of the financial industry ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2022

In connection with the changes to the migration law that came into force on 29 December 2021, ALRUD presents below the new checklist. This checklist will be useful for foreign nationals, company managers, HR directors, Compliance officers, as well as heads of legal departments and other persons interested in or responsible for hiring foreign workers in Russia ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | February 2022

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends,We are pleased to bring you the latest legal updates for January 2022.Corporate/M&AAmendments to the Main and ACE Market Listing Requirements in relation to Directors’ Appointment, Independence and Miscellaneous ChangeTax & RevenueExplanation in relation to the Definition of Factory for the Purpose of Reinvestment Allowance Claim under Schedule 7A, Income Tax Act 1967 (Practice Note No ...

2021 was a doozy for business litigators — and their clients — in Florida state court. In the span of about a year, the Florida Supreme Court introduced three sweeping changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure: a fresh summary judgment standard, a new apex deponent rule and immediate review of early punitive damages decisions. While these changes touch all civil litigation, they've reverberated particularly powerfully throughout the Florida business litigation world ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2022

With all the changes to the world of work that we have recently experienced and are continuing to experience, our webinar programme this year is focused on the future of work and in particular the hot topics HR teams are having to handle now in order to future proof their organisations. Our latest seminar focused on recruitment and retention ...

The past year has seen substantial activity by the federal courts in guarding against government overreach in False Claims Act cases. One of the principal areas courts have focused on is the FCA's knowledge requirement — i.e., FCA liability can only be imposed where a person violates the act knowingly. Two recent decisions, from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and the U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | February 2022

Key Points SB 343 regulates use of “chasing arrows” recycling symbol; AB 1201 extends composting regulations to all products including home compostable claims. Food manufacturers face public and private enforcement risks. SB 343 – Truth in Labeling for Recyclable Materials SB 343 amends existing law that makes it unlawful to use any misleading environmental marketing claims on product packaging. Specifically, SB 343 amends Public Resources Code Section 42355 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | February 2022

A recent IRS concession bodes well for how the tax treatment of proof of stake validators may develop through case law. On December 20, 2021, the IRS offered a full refund to the plaintiffs in Jarrett et al v. United States for taxes paid on tokens created through proof of stake on the Tezos blockchain in 2019. In a statement released February 3, 2022, Joshua Jarrett confirmed the decision to seek an IRS ruling in the cryptocurrency case, rather than accept the tax refund ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | February 2022

As the Czech government signed off on the EU “Green Deal”, which aims to cut carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2050, the Czech Republic needs to find ways to achieve this goal, or at least to get close to it ...

Carey | February 2022

On January 31, 2022, the Financial Market Commission (“FMC”) opened a public consultation process (the “Regulatory Proposal”), in order to simplify the registration process in the following registries, and the ongoing reporting obligations of entities registered in those registries: Registry of Foreign Reinsurance Brokers. Registry of Foreign Securities. Special Registry of Reporting Entities ...

DFDL | February 2022

January 2022 has seen the issuance of Instruction No. 002 AAR.N (“Instruction 002”) on the Compulsory Submission of Annual Financial Statements to the Accounting and Auditing Regulator (“ACAR”) and Instruction 001 AAR.I regarding the Submission to the ACAR on the use of English for computerized or other accounting systems (“Instruction 001”). We set out the salient points with respect to Instruction 002 and Instruction 001 below for your reference ...

DFDL | February 2022

The General Department of Taxation (“GDT”) issued Instruction no. 1972 GDT on 31 January 2022 (“Instruction 1972”) which sets out obligations for taxpayers in Cambodia that carry out projects for public interest in connection with a grant or loan agreement (“Agreement”) or memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) between the Royal Government of Cambodia and another government or national development agency or partner international organisations ...

Investing in India can be challenging in view of the myriad of laws at both the Central and State level, as well as cumbersome sector specific requirements. Many-a-times, foreign investors tie up with Indian promoters to overcome these hurdles. However, difficulties get amplified when they get embroiled in litigation / arbitration with Indian promoters over issues related to mismanagement, control, earn-out payments etc ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | February 2022

The Norwegian Data Protection Authority has notified Stortinget of an infringement fine of two million kroner and imposed an infringement fine of four million kroner on Østre Toten municipality. In both cases, the Authority emphasizes that it is a clear management responsibility to secure the business against such attacks, and that two-factor authentication, awareness-raising and an appropriate risk and vulnerability analysis are key measures ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | February 2022

Key Points As of January 1, 2022, skilled nursing facilities are not limited to hiring licensed nurses to fill the role of infection preventionist. California still requires the total time dedicated to the infection preventionist role be full-time. In January 2021, Assembly Bill (AB) 2644, codified as Health & Safety Code Section 1255 ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2022

 The Scottish courts recently refused assistance under the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency when a request for a stay on actions in Scotland was made by a Foreign Representative appointed under a Singapore moratorium procedure. Dr Hamish Patrick, Partner in Shepherd and Wedderburn's banking and finance team, has recently published an article on this case in International Corporate Rescue ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2022

 I’ve had a number of queries recently about agricultural tenancies where a partnership is the tenant rather than an individual. This can often give rise to problems and I thought that it would be worthwhile spending some time looking at some of the issues that can arise and how they might be resolved. First of all, in Scots law, a partnership is a separate legal person in its own right quite distinct from the individual partners in the partnership ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2022

 The UK Government has put forward for approval by Parliament a new safeguard mechanism for international transfers, known as the International Data Transfer Agreement (IDTA), that will impact organisations transferring personal data out of the UK. If approved, the IDTA will apply from 21 March 2022, and we would encourage affected organisations to review their data transfer processes now ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2022

On 13 January 2022 UK and India launched negotiations for a free trade agreement. Intended to provide net benefits to businesses, not all will benefit from the agreement. This article identifies some topics that business may wish to raise with government ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2022

The much-anticipated levelling up white paper has finally been published, including 12 legally binding ‘missions’ to improve health, living standards, transport, crime and wellbeing by the end of the decade. When it comes to the devolution of powers to help to realise these outcomes, rather than marking a radical departure from earlier policy, the white paper advocates a continuation of the devolution process in England ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2022

The phrase ‘national security’ is at the heart of but not defined in the National Security and Investment (NSI) Act 2021. There are some insights from related legislation and other sources, but the absence of definition means there is legal and consequently business uncertainty. From 4 January 2022 when the NSI Act 2021 came into full effect, the meaning of national security became crucial to M&A activity concerning the UK ...
