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According to a group of women who filed a lawsuit last week, Maybelline should pay up for making false claims about its “Super Stay” lipstick products. Filed in federal court in Manhattan, the complaint seeks declaratory relief and damages under several states’ consumer protection laws. From the defense perspective, this is the latest attempt at a “no injury” class action where no actual injuries or damages exist ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2021

The Norwegian government, as owners of the frigate, has held the owners of the tanker liable for the collision and presented a claim of some NOK 13 billion for the loss of the frigate and an additional NOK 770 million for costs related to removing the wreck. Liability is disputed and is due to be adjudged next year. Simonsen Vogt Wiig acts for the owners of the Sola TS ...

Dykema | May 2020

While the coronavirus has sent shockwaves through every service sector, the impact on the transportation industry has been especially severe. Automotive plants have shut down, new car sales have plummeted, and Uber and Lyft have reduced their workforce as social distancing has drastically reduced the demand for ride-hailing. In a world where stay-at-home orders are the norm, all forms of mobility have seen an abrupt decline and the entire transportation economy has suffered ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2012

In an increasingly online world, international businesses can no longer rely on discrete legal advice relevant to only one jurisdiction. It is crucial to know where best to bring (or threaten) legal proceedings to achieve maximum impact globally. Two recent, high profile cases have thrown the spotlight on what can be achieved by courts of different jurisdictions to defend online reputations ...

Delphi | December 2013

The Swedish court of appeal (hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge) decided in May this year that the party ordering a transport service also is liable for payment of such service; regardless of if the parties have agreed that the receiver of the goods or any other party shall be the receiver of the invoice.  In this case a seller of goods has agreed with a carrier that the freight should be invoiced the receiver of the goods ...

Are there any notable recent developments or trends in the aviation sector in your jurisdiction? Air passenger traffic in the Philippines increased by approximately 10% during 2016. This passenger growth was caused mainly by the expansion of low-cost carriers and flights offered at minimal or affordable prices. However, growth could have been faster had it not been for infrastructure constraints at the country’s main airport, Ninoy Aquino International Airport, in Metro Manila ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | June 2020

On 19 May 2020, an Act On certain measures to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus epidemic known as SARS CoV-2 on cultural events (Act No 247/2020 Coll, the “Act” ), entered into force. Not only for the field of tourism, but also for the field of culture, the possibility of the organizer to issue a voucher for a cultural event instead of refunding the entrance ticket fee was introduced ...

ENSafrica | May 2021

In Markit Systems (Pty) Limited v Fulcrum Group (Pty) Limited, the Gauteng Local Division of the High Court held that the customer was within its rights to cancel an agreement it had with a service provider because the parties had not been able to agree on the scope and details to be included in the schedule to the agreement ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2023

Amendments to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 will add to the existing responsibilities of Responsible Persons under the Order which were expanded earlier this year by The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022[1]. Who is the Responsible Person? Under the Fire Safety Order, the Responsible Person is the person who has control of the premises ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | September 2019

The High Court of Justice held that travel agents are not permitted to sell insurance products for outside of Israel. This is in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Finance’s Commissioner of Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings. In July 2019, the High Court of Justice rendered its decision in the matter 2969/19 The Israel Association of Travel Agencies and Consultants v. The Commissioner of the Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings Authority ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | February 2017

The Ministry of Transport National Infrastructures and Road Safety published a notice regarding a revision to the penalty amounts set out in the Aviation Services Law. Revisions were under the (Compensation and Assistance for Flight Cancellation or Change of Conditions), 5772 - 2012 (the "Law") and the Aviation Services Regulations (Compensation and Assistance for Flight Cancellation or Change of Conditions) (Domestic Flights) 5773-2013 (the "Regulations") ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | December 2019

Small Claims Appeal Application (District Court, Tel Aviv) 56432-07-17 Iberia Airlines v. Fleisher Peled et al. The District Court in Tel Aviv-Yafo with an expanded three judge panel, rejected Iberia Airlines' appeal in the matter 56432-07-17 Iberia Airlines v. Fleisher Peled et al ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2021

Dinsmore's Tarah Rémy wrote an article for Beverage Master titled "Legal Implications of Playing Music at Your Brewery," where she discusses the intellectual property considerations breweries should take when choosing music, whether played through speakers or live. You can read the full article by clicking the link at the bottom. Below is an excerpt ...

DORDA | February 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus and the measures taken by the Chinese government to contain it have brought production in China as the world's workbench to a complete standstill. Companies that operate in China or purchase such goods are currently facing delivery shortfalls. A similar situation could soon threaten Italy, where the first factory closures have already taken place ...

Wardynski & Partners | October 2019

We now provide you a report devoted to legal issues related to the functioning of the media—both traditional and tech-based. We discuss below some of the most important practical issues in the media business today. The media industry is continually evolving along with the development of new technologies. The appearance of social media redefined how people communicate and impacted how journalists practise their profession ...

In an effort to counteract the economic damage wrought by the COVID-19 Pandemic, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in November of 2021. Part of that bill set aside $370 billion to improve and expand transportation, and further earmarked 10% of those funds for socially and economically disadvantaged government contractors ...

Carey | April 2023

On April 19th 2023, Law No. 21.553 which regulates paid passenger transportation applications and the services provided through them was published in the Official Gazette. The Law includes important provisions regarding the protection of consumers of passenger transportation services, making the sphere of protection of Law No. 19.496 - Consumer Protection Act ("CPA”), applicable to the contracts entered by passengers with the platforms of transportation application companies ("TAC") ...

Arendt & Medernach | March 2021

LAW OF 26 FEBRUARY 2021 AMENDING THE LAW OF 27 JULY 1991 ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND IMPLEMENTING DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/1808 (THE "AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA SERVICES DIRECTIVE") The law of 26 February 2021 amending the law of 27 July 1991 on electronic media (the “Electronic Media Law”) and implementing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive was adopted on 26 February 2021 to implement (faithfully) the so-called Audiovisual Media Services Directive ...

Carey | August 2021

On August 6th of 2021, Law No. 21,363 (hereinafter the “Law”) was published in the Official Gazette. The Law introduces modifications to Law No. 19,925 about expenditure, commercialization and production of alcoholic beverages, and other associated Laws, establishing different limitations to the advertising of alcoholic beverages, as well as the obligation of including warnings about harmful consumption in the container of these kind of products ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Recent months have seen sustained industrial action in the rail sector. On 20 February 2023, the government launched a 12-week consultation on setting minimum service levels for passenger rail. Unlike in many European countries, there are currently no limits in the UK on the number of employees who are able to take part in strike action together ...

The phrase ‘Je suis Charlie’ became one of the most popular twitter hashtags in history following the attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine. Nearly 6,500 tweets were sent per minute containing the phrase first coined by artist Joachim Roncin and which has come to symbolise freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, there have also been several attempts to register the phrase as a trademark ...

Kudun and Partners | November 2022

Kudun and Partners recently authored the Thailand Chapter of the International Hotel Law Review by The Law Reviews, an essential information tool for practitioners, in-house counsels, governments, and corporate officers. The chapter was written by Peerasanti Somritutai, partner of Kudun and Partners and co-head of real estate, hotels, resorts and tourism, together with Chavisa Jinanarong, Thamonwan Koosuwan and Pimklao Kanchanakom, associates who also contributed to the writing ...

Kudun and Partners | March 2021

In August 2020, Kudun & Partners was appointed to represent the largest group of creditors, consisting of 87 savings cooperatives, in the wake of the recent Thai Airways’ petition for rehabilitation. Taken together, these investment entities hold 65% of the airline’s total debenture debt, making them the largest group of creditors ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | January 2021

In an admiralty action, can an intervener, not being the proper defendant, apply to set aside a warrant of arrest of a vessel on non-traditional grounds. The traditional grounds of setting aside warrant of arrest are, inter alia: in excess or lack of jurisdiction ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2024

The reception, hosted by Lord Borwick, focussed on how to operationalise the Automated Vehicles Bill (AV Bill), and realise its full potential, now that it is expected to receive Royal Assent and become law later this year. Despite the swift movement through Parliament of this landmark legislation - aimed at establishing a legal framework for the safe deployment of autonomous vehicles - the UK remains at the beginning of its regulatory journey ...
